Chapter 4: Criterion Two
The institution has effectively organized the human,
financial, and
physical resources necessary to accomplish its purposes.
Administration and Governance
Internal Governance
Administrative Structure. The current administrative structure of UNK as of July 1, 2003, is also presented in Appendix C (see Figure 4.2). All changes in administrative structure are reported to and approved by the Regents.
The persons, who have served as Chancellors and Vice Chancellors since the 1994 accreditation visit, and their dates of service, are listed below:
Chancellor: | ||
1992-2002: | Gladys Styles Johnston | |
2002-present: | Douglas Kristensen | |
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs: | ||
1989-1995: | Gene Koepke | |
Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs | ||
1995-1997: | GeneWubbels | |
1997-1999: | James Roark (interim) | |
1999-2002: | James Roark | |
2002-present: | Galen Hadley (interim) | |
Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance: | ||
1974-1996: | Earl Rademacher | |
1997-present: | Randy Haack | |
Vice Chancellor for University Relations: | ||
1992-present: | William R. Lewis | |
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs: | ||
1988-1999: | Barbara Snyder | |
1999-2001: | John Oseth (interim) | |
2001-2003: | Denise Schlake |
The position of Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs became Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs in 1995, and the position of Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs was abolished in July, 2003. The responsibilities of that position were transferred to the Senior Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs and, secondarily, the Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance.
Systems of Governance. At UNK, the faculty, staff, and students provide strong voices in the governance of the institution. Each group plays a vital role in offering recommendations on a wide variety of issues through the Faculty and Staff Senates and Student Government, as well as through numerous standing and ad hoc committees.
a. Faculty Governance
The faculty exercises an extensive role in governance through the College, Faculty Senate, and numerous academic committees.
The Colleges
The Statutes of Nebraska and the Bylaws of the Board of Regents prescribe that "the immediate government of each college shall be by its own faculty." Each of the four colleges has a constitution and bylaws which detail the processes and committees of college governance. All of these documents conform to the Bylaws of the Board of Regents, and appear in the Faculty Handbook for members of each college faculty.
The Faculty Senate
The Faculty Senate acts as the official voice of the faculty of the University of Nebraska at Kearney. It speaks to academic matters that affect more than one college; it advises and consults with the university community on matters of general concern; it reviews existing academic programs and all new departments and academic programs with University-wide impact, including majors and minors. The Faculty Senate recommends candidates for honorary degrees and acts on other business specifically delegated to it by the Administration. It also provides a means of appeal to the Board of Regents when normal administrative channels are exhausted. Its 35 members, elected for three-year terms, represent all four colleges, the library, and the faculty membership at large. Faculty Senate meetings are held monthly during the academic year and are open to all members of the UNK academic community. The President of the Faculty Senate issues an annual report to the faculty and the campus community on the Senate's activities (available at The Senate operates under a Constitution (revised in 1994) and Bylaws (revised in 1997). (See The Senate ratified revisions to the Constitution and Bylaws in September 2003, and sent them to the Board of Regents for final approval, which is pending. The Senate's Executive Committee (composed of the President, President Elect, Past President, Secretary, Parliamentarian, and a Senate Representative) meets in a consultative role from time to time with the Chancellor and other campus administrators. The Senate's standing committees include those on:
- Academic Affairs
- Academic Information Technology
- Academic Freedom and Tenure
- Artists and Lecturers
- Athletics
- Continuing Education
- Faculty Welfare
- Grievance
- Library
- Oversight
- Professional Conduct
- Student Affairs
Additionally, the Faculty Senate from time to time establishes ad hoc committees to deal with specific issues. Two such committees are operating in 2003-04, the Assessment and First-Year Experience Committees. Finally, the Faculty Senate has representatives on a broad range of campus committees, such as the Gender Equity and Safety Committees.
Collective bargaining. The University of Nebraska at Kearney Education Association, an affiliate of the National Education Association (NEA) and the Nebraska State Education Association (NSEA), is the collective bargaining unit that represents the UNK faculty. This unit bargains for all full-time faculty, including professional librarians (who have faculty status at UNK) and department chairs. Since collective bargaining began at UNK in 1972, its primary goal has been to reach comparability in salaries with an agreed-upon reference group, the list of peer institutions established by the Board of Regents (see below). Collective bargaining agreements are negotiated every two years for periods coinciding with the state's budget biennium. The current agreement covers the period July 1, 2003 to June 30, 2005. During 2001-2003, UNK faculty salaries reached the midpoint of those at designated peer institutions. (See
The General Studies Council
The General Studies Council administers the General Studies Program, which provides a liberal education for all UNK students. Composed of three representatives from each college, one librarian, two students and five nonvoting ex officio members, this council approves the structure and functioning of the program. In addition, the Council is responsible for development of procedures for assessment of student learning in the program.
The Graduate Council
The Graduate Council acts on graduate course and program changes, and new program proposals, sending the latter on to the Executive Graduate Council (EGC), a University-wide body, for approval. The Council consists of 19 members, including 3 students and the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, who chairs the Council. Each of the four colleges elects three members, and the UNK representatives on the EGC also serve on the Council. The Faculty Senate receives the Graduate Council minutes for review and comment.
b. Student Governance
The Associated Students of the University of Nebraska at Kearney, a student-elected body, forms the student governance at UNK. Governed by a constitution revised in 1991 to conform to the Bylaws of the Board of Regents, and by its own Bylaws, last revised in 1997, this Student Government functions with executive, legislative, and judicial branches (see The President of the Associated Students is also the nonvoting Student Regent who represents UNK on the Board of Regents.
The Student Senate is the legislative branch of the Associated Students. Its work originates in the standing committees, which include:
- the Executive Committee
- the Student Programming Board
- the Selection Committee
- the Recommendations Committee
- the Student Affairs Committee
- the Publicity Committee
- the Rules Committee
The Student Court constitutes the judicial branch of the Associated Students. Its jurisdiction includes cases arising under the Associated Students Constitution and legislation enacted by Student Government.
c. Staff Governance
The Staff Senate serves as the communication link between UNK staff and administration, faculty, and students (see It was organized in 1995 as a representative group for all categories of staff employees: Office/Service, Managerial/Professional, and Administrative Directors. An Office/Service Advisory Council had been formed in 1990 to represent those two groups of employees; however, with the organization of the Staff Senate, this Council was judged to be redundant, and it officially merged with the Staff Senate in 2000.
The Staff Senate comprises 12 members, three each elected for three-year terms from among administrative directors, managerial/professional employees, office staff, and service staff. The members elect a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Director of Human Resources is an ex-officio member.
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