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UNK Welcomes NCA

Chapter 4: Criterion Two

The institution has effectively organized the human, financial, and
physical resources necessary to accomplish its purposes.

Administration and Governance

External Governance

Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska. The University's Board of Regents, whose powers are defined in the Statutes of Nebraska, oversees the general operations of the central administration and the four campuses of the University. It maintains control and direction of all expenditures. The Board includes eight voting members elected by district for six-year terms, as well as four non-voting student Regents, who are the student government body presidents at their respective campuses. The board also includes a corporation secretary who manages all records, including agendas, minutes, notices, policies, and bylaws. These documents are available on the Web (at

Central Administration. The President of the University of Nebraska, a Board appointed Chief Executive Officer, provides leadership for the University. The President's Office oversees academic affairs, budget development and control, business and finance, physical planning, policy development, external affairs, diversity and equity, and legal affairs. The Chancellors of the four campuses, appointed by the President, serve as vice presidents of the University and as chief operating officers on their own campuses. (See Figure 4.1, Appendix C)

The Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education (CCPE). The CCPE is responsible for statewide planning for postsecondary education in Nebraska; it consists of eleven Commissioners appointed by the Governor. The Commission has produced a Comprehensive Statewide Plan for Postsecondary Education, which defines institutional roles and missions and establishes geographic service areas. The CCPE reviews, monitors, and approves/disapproves new and existing instructional programs. It is required to review and approve/disapprove all higher education appropriation requests, tuition levels, admission requirements, and capital construction projects. Such approvals become recommendations to the legislature.

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