UNK Self Study, 2004
- Complete Table of Contents
Chapter 1: UNK and the University of Nebraska: The First Years- Chapter 2: UNK and the North Central Association
- Chapter 3: Criterion One
- Chapter 4: Criterion Two
- Chapter 5: Criterion Three
- Chapter 6: Criterion Four
- Chapter 7: Criterion Five
- Chapter 8: Summary and Conclusions
Appendix A - The General Institutional Requirements- Appendix B - College and Department Strategic Plans and Outcomes
- Appendix C - University Organizational Charts:
University of Nebraska
University of Nebraska at Kearney - Appendix D - Resources Data
- Appendix E - Basic Institutional Data Forms
List of Acronyms
Steering Committee:
*30 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2400, Chicago, IL 60602-2504