October 15, 2003
Those present: Ken Nikels, Kathy Livingston, Bill Wozniak, Mike Bohnhoff, Glen Powell, Lois Flagstad, David Palmer, Marilyn Hadley, and Jan Mitchell
Not present: Ron Crocker, Phyllis Harris, Randy Haack, and John Oseth
Dr. Nikels called the meeting to order. Information still needs to be provided to Jeanne Cutler for the Resource Room. Ken asked if there was anything that the committee needs in the resource room to assist with their work. A discussion followed on what the committee feels should be available. Examples; all APR's, Senate minutes, catalogs, last NCA review, Regent Bylaws, Senate Bylaws, Faculty & Student handbook, viewbook, mission statements, etc. If we reference a URL in a chapter, we need hard copy of that information in the resource room. It was suggested that Jeanne Cutler gather information from the senate websites and print material from there for the resource room. Kathy Livingston informed the committee that she has provided the audits and the BID's. We need to confirm with Janet Wilke the agreements that were made with Mike Herbison.
There was a discussion concerning the editing committee. Currently we have Rodney Miller and Ken Nikels on this committee. It was suggested that we pursue an individual who has a background in English, or a retiree who would be willing to take this project on. We need someone who can organize, edit and format the chapters for consistency. Ken will take this issue to the Dean's and Vice Chancellors for suggestions.
Ken Nikels - Criterion I - They can get a draft out. Still need to work on the later part of the chapter.
Lois Flagstad - Criterion II - Still working on the Physical Plant area.
Bill Wozniak - Criterion III - Two critical pieces are still needed, B&T and FAH. Need some support from FAH to get the needed information.
Mike Bohnhoff - Criterion IV - Waiting for information from other chapters. They will meet again on October 16.
Bill Wozniak - Criterion V - Looking good and sent out to the Steering Committee.
Ken stated that we will need to draft a concluding chapter as soon as the above drafts are complete.
Marilyn Hadley pointed out that the guidelines say we should be evaluative and not descriptive, but she finds that the chapters are descriptive rather than evaluating. Is this correct? Should the editing process happen before the committee reviews? If we don't have some editing done first, will the committee members be more concerned with editing rather than the content? There was a general consensus that some editing should be done before the committee reviews.
The next question raised was "Who are we going to ask to read this document?" What groups or individuals? The Senate committees were suggested. It was mentioned that any comments or questions concerning a chapter should be directed to the committee chair for that particular chapter.
Marilyn Hadley asked if there was a specific format to use for the vitas. The College of Education is working on NCATE and would like to update their vitas only once. It was decided that if colleges have the need for a specific format, that should be the format they use for NCA. The vita should contain complete information for the last 10 years with only select information from earlier years.
As a wrap up to the meeting, it was decided that we need to do the following:
- 1) Get the information from those we are waiting on as soon as possible so that the draft stage can come to a conclusion.
- 2) Get draft information to Jan Mitchell so she can put the information into one document to provide to committee members.
- 3) Get draft self-study distributed to the UNK community by the week of November 10.
Next meeting will be November 10 at 3:00 in the Academic Affairs Conference Room - Founders 2122. Meeting was adjourned.