Chapter 4: Criterion 2
Randy Haack/Lois Flagstad-Working-Group Co-Chairs, Erica Wendland, Frank Harrold, Roger David, John Lillis
The institution has effectively organized the human, financial,
and physical resources necessary to accomplish its purposes.
(* indicates item placed in Appendix to be referred to by anyone writing chapters.)
Draft Outline of Chapter 4 (Version 3)
Criterion Two: The Institution has effectively organized the human, financial, and physical resources necessary to accomplish its purposes.
- Overview
- Administration and Governance
- External Governance
- Internal Governance
- BOR established Peer Group
- Relationship to Patterns of Evidence
- Strengths
- Concerns
- Human Resources
- Students [Pattern f]
- Headcount Enrollment Patterns
- Student Credit Hour Production
- Degree Production
- Demographic Characteristics
- Geographic Origins
- Quality of Incoming Students
- Persistence Rates
- Graduation Rates
- Relationship to Patterns of Evidence
- Strengths
- Concerns
- Student Services [Pattern g]
- Academic
- Orientation
- Health & Well Being
- Relationship to Patterns of Evidence
- Strengths
- Concerns
- Faculty [Pattern e]
- Full-time Versus Part-time Faculty
- Age
- Gender
- Ethnicity
- Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty
- Terminal and Doctoral Degrees
- Selection of Part-time Faculty
- Graduate Assistants as Faculty
- Faculty Compensation
- Relationship to Patterns of Evidence
- Strengths
- Concerns
- Staff [Pattern c]
- Age
- Gender
- Ethnicity
- Qualifications and Experience
- Administrators
- Managerial Professional
- Office Service
- Programs for Staff
- SAP/SIS training
- Orientation and Professional Development
- Mentoring
- Other
- Relationship to Patterns of Evidence
- Strengths
- Concerns
- Students [Pattern f]
- Financial Resources [Patterns k and l]
- Overview of UNK Financial Resources
- General Unrestricted Funds
- Revenue Trends and Analysis
- Expenditure Trends and Analysis
- Base Budget Reductions
- Restricted Funds
- Revenue Trends and Analysis
- Expenditure Trends and Analysis
- Auxiliary Funds
- Revenue Trends and Analysis
- Expenditure Trends and Analysis
- University of Nebraska Foundation
- Sponsored Programs
- Total Educational Costs and Financial Aid
- Peer Comparisons
- Enrollment
- Revenues
- Expenditures
- Tuition and Fees
- Relationship to Patterns of Evidence
- Strengths
- Concerns
- Physical Resources
- Overview
- General Information
- Peer Comparisons
- UNK Master Plan [Pattern h]
- Facilities Management [Pattern h]
- State-Aided
- Revenue Bond
- Learning Environment [Pattern j]
- 1.Classrooms and Labs
- 2.Library
- 3.Distance Learning
- a) State infrastructure
- b) Campus infrastructure
- Information Technology [Pattern j]
- IT Master Plan
- Use of Technology Fees
- Recent Major Capital Projects [Pattern h]
- Maintenance & Repair [Patterns i and h]
- Asset Management
- Intercollegiate Athletics and Recreation [Pattern g]
- Safety and Security [Pattern i]
- Campus Safety
- Impact of Homeland Security Issues
- Risk Management
- Hazardous Materials
- Parking [Pattern i]
- Relationship to Patterns of Evidence
- Strengths
- Concerns
- Overview
- Conclusion
- A. Patterns of Evidence
- Strengths
- Concerns
- Summary
Patterns of Evidence
- Governance by a board consisting of informed people who understand their responsibilities, function in accordance with stated board policies, and have the resolve necessary to preserve the institution’s integrity.
- Effective administration through a well-defined and understood organizational structures, policies, and procedures.
- Qualified and experienced administrative personnel who oversee institutional activities and exercise appropriate responsibility for them.
- Systems of governance that provide dependable information to the institution’s constituencies and, as appropriate, involve them in the decision-making processes.
- Faculty with educational credentials that testify to appropriate preparation for the courses that they teach.
- A sufficient number of students enrolled to meet the institution’s stated educational purposes.
- Provision of services that afford all admitted students the opportunity to succeed.
- A physical plant that supports effective teaching and learning.
- Conscientious efforts to provide students with a safe and healthy environment.
- Academic resources and equipment (e.g., libraries, electronic services and products, learning resource centers, laboratories and studios, computers) adequate to support the institution’s purposes.
- A pattern of financial expenditures that shows the commitment to provide both the environment and the human resources necessary for effective teaching and learning.
- Management of financial resources to maximize the institution’s capability to meet its purposes.