Resources: Criterion 3.
The institution is accomplishing its educational and other purposes.
In determining appropriate patterns of evidence for this criterion, the Commission considers evidence such as:
- educational programs appropriate to an institution of higher
- courses of study in the academic programs that are clearly defined, coherent, and intellectually rigorous;
- programs that include courses and/or activities whose
purpose is to stimulate the examination and understanding of personal, social, and civic
General Studies Social Science Classes
General Studies Personal Development Classes
General Studies Cultural Diversity Classes - programs that require of the faculty and students (as
appropriate to the level of the educational program) the use of scholarship and/or the
participation in research as part of the programs;
programs that require intellectual interaction between student and faculty and encourage it between student and student.
- assessment of appropriate student academic achievement in
all its programs, documenting:
- proficiency in skills and competencies essential for all college-educated adults;
- completion of an identifiable and coherent undergraduate level general education component;
- mastery of the level of knowledge appropriate to the degree
Assessment Report
Degree Programs
Institutional Requirements
Graduation Procedures
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Bachelor of General Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Education
Bachelor of Science in Education
- control by the institution's faculty of evaluation of
student learning and granting of academic credit.
- graduate programs that:
- distinguish clearly graduate from undergraduate offerings;
- expect students and faculty to value and engage in research,
scholarship, and creative activity;
Counseling and School Psychology
Thesis, Field Study, and Scholarly Study Requirements - restrict graduate academic credit for prior learning to credit validated by examination, credit based on documented faculty evaluation of a portfolio of original work products, or credit awarded by an institution of higher education either affiliated with a recognized U.S. accrediting association or approved by an appropriate national ministry of education;
- are approved, taught, and evaluated by a graduate faculty that
possesses appropriate credentials and experience; and
Organization of Graduate
- use results of regular internal and external peer review
processes to ensure quality.
- transcripts that accurately reflect student learning and
follow commonly accepted practices;
- effective teaching that characterizes its courses and academic programs;
- ongoing support for professional development for faculty,
staff, and administrators;
Center for Teaching Excellence
- student services that effectively support the institution's purposes;
- staff and faculty service that contributes to the institution's effectiveness;
- if appropriate:
- evidence of support for the stated commitment to basic and applied research through provision of sufficient human, financial, and physical resources to produce effective research;
- evidence of support for the stated commitment to the fine and creative arts through provision of sufficient human, financial, and physical resources to produce creative endeavors and activities;
UNK Theatre
Walker Art Gallery
Museum of Nebraska Art
- evidence of effective delivery of educational and other services to its community;
- evidence of development and offering of effective courses and programs to meet the needs of its sponsoring organization and other special constituencies.