April 23, 2003
Those present: Ken Nikels, John Oseth, Kathy Livingston, Bill Wozniak, Marilyn Hadley, Glen Powell, Lois Flagstad, David Palmer, Ron Crocker, Mike Bohnhoff, Trudy de Goede and Jan Mitchell
Not present: Erica Wendland, Randy Haack, Liz Peck, Glen Powell, and Phyllis Harris
Guest: Chancellor Kristensen
Dr. Nikels called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Chancellor Kristensen reported on the NCA meeting that he and Ken Nikels attended in April. He stated that we will probably have items to address after the review. Most Universities are low in assessment. As an institution, we are in fine shape. In this discussion the Strategic Planning Committee was discussed. This committee feels that the Strategic Planning Committee needs to be meeting on a regular basis and acting on items. Some of the Sub Committees are doing things that could go to the Strategic planning committee. The Chancellor plans to go ahead with a strategic planning committee even though he has not hired a new VCAA.
The Chancellor's was asked if there would be any money available for this committee to use. His response was "yes", that this is probably the most important committee on campus for the next year. Mike Bohnhoff mentioned that there is an account set aside [NCA/Assessment} that has $15,000. This account is to pay the $10,000 fee also.
Ken Nikels said that he has copies of the information that he picked up at the NCA Conference. It was suggested that these be put in the resource room at the Library or list all the titles in an email.
There was a lengthy discussion on how we want to proceed. Marilyn Hadley stated that we need to decide on the format first. Do we want to use the Southern Arkansas format (which is what Dr. Appleson recommended) or the other more narrative format?
Kathy Livingston suggested that an outline be sent to departments to complete for their Program Reviews.
John Oseth suggested a mini retreat around the 1st of June to work on everyone's "hack" drafts. Our goal should be to have the first draft for the campus by the fall.
Marilyn Hadley handed out a report for her Criteria IV Committee.
Kathy Livingston mentioned that to be fair, if Faculty is to be paid a stipend, Staff should also.
Everyone agreed that we should come together again before June 1.