Resources: Criterion 5.
The institution demonstrates integrity in its practices and relationships.
In determining appropriate patterns of evidence for this criterion, the Commission considers evidence such as:
- student, faculty, and staff handbooks that describe various institutional relationships with those constituencies, including appropriate grievance procedures;
- policies and practices for the resolution of internal
disputes within the institution's constituency;
Collective Bargaining Agreement:Article V Grievance and Arbitration Procedure
- policies and practices consistent with its mission related to equity of treatment, nondiscrimination, affirmative action, and other means of enhancing access to education and the building of a diverse educational community;
- institutional publications, statements, and advertising that describe accurately and fairly the institution, its operations, and its programs;
- relationships with other institutions of higher education
conducted ethically and responsibly;
- appropriate support for resources shared with other
- policies and procedures regarding institutional
relationships with and responsibility for intercollegiate athletics, student associations,
and subsidiary or related business enterprises;
- oversight processes for monitoring contractual arrangements with government, industry, and other organizations.