December 17, 2002
Lincoln Conference Room
Those present: Bill Wozniak, John Oseth, Kathy Livingston, Mike Herbison, Mike Bohnhoff, Lois Flagstad, Liz Peck, Glen Powell, Phyllis Harris, Ron Crocker, Ken Nikels and Jill Hays
Not present: David Palmer, Marilyn Hadley, Erica Wendland, and Randy Haack
- Self-Study Plan
The Self-Study Plan was moved for approval by Bill Wozniak (seconded by Kathy Livingston). Motion carried after the following discussions:
- It will be sent to Bob Appleson for review and possible revision.
- The steering committee will do Chapters 1 and 2 and Chapter 8, the summary and conclusion.
- A comprehensive draft of the Self-Study should be completed by Summer 03.
- Several chapter titles will be revised to match the NCA criteria.
- Indicate February 15, 2004, as the date for submission of Self-Study to NCA.
- Working Group Membership (Nikels asked each chair to review membership)
1. Mission/Purpose Ken Nikels, Rick Miller, Kathy Smith 2. Resources Randy Haack/Lois Flagstad, Erica Wendland, Jeanne Cutler, Frank Harrold, Roger David, John Lillis 3. Assessment/Accomp. Liz Peck, Bill Wozniak, David Palmer, Barbara Audley, Anita Kucera, Glen Powell, Linda Van Ingen 4. Plan Contin. Effect. Marilyn Hadley, Mike Bohnhoff, Ron Crocker, David Hof, Phyllis Harris, Ron Crocker 5. Institutional Integrity Lois Flagstad/Bill Wozniak, Daryl Kelley, Michelle Roggasch, Bill Jurma, Jon McBride, Cami Wacker, Kim Schipporeit, Mary Daake Reading/Editing John Oseth, Ken Nikels, Rodney Miller Data Committee Kathy Livingston, Mike Bohnhoff, Randy Haack Resource Room Ken Nikels, Kathy Livingston, Jeanne Cutler
Chairs are bolded
- Chapter Organization
- Mike Herbison reported on November 22 meeting regarding the chapter on Criterion 2. Randy Haack, Lois Flagstad and Mike Herbison agreed they would constitute the committee for drafting of Criterion 2 and would involve others in drafting subsections of the chapter as needed to develop an accurate narrative.
Membership worked from "NCA Criteria and Patterns of Evidence" outline to organize initial plan of attack for review by self-study coordination committee.
- John Oseth reviewed the outlines for Chapters 1 and 2 and asked the SC to review and bring ideas back to the next meeting.
- Mike Herbison reported on November 22 meeting regarding the chapter on Criterion 2. Randy Haack, Lois Flagstad and Mike Herbison agreed they would constitute the committee for drafting of Criterion 2 and would involve others in drafting subsections of the chapter as needed to develop an accurate narrative.
- Other Business
- Getting a link set up on the UNK home page was strongly urged. It was suggested that Jeanne Cutler would maintain this.
- The next meeting will be at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 4 in the Warner Conference Room. All chapter outlines should be provided to the Steering Committee by this time.
- Working Groups will meet and bring reports to the next meeting.
- John Oseth suggested that program reviews be on file in the resource room for review.