May 20, 2003
Those present: Ken Nikels, John Oseth, Kathy Livingston, Marilyn Hadley, Lois Flagstad, David Palmer, Ron Crocker, Mike Bohnhoff, Randy Haack, Liz Peck, and Jan Mitchell
Not present: Erica Wendland, Glen Powell, Phyllis Harris, and Bill Wozniak
Dr. Nikels called the meeting to order and indicated that we should try to accomplish the following items at this meeting:
- Reports from the working groups
- Format to use for consistency
- Resource needs for the summer (so we are ready for this fall)
- Meeting Schedule
Chapter Reviews:
Criterion One: Ken Nikels reported that the "Hack" draft for Chapter 3 is well under way.
Criterion Two: Randy Haack distributed these documents: 1) Chapter 4 - Committee Chairs Report/Agenda, 2) Updated Chapter 4, and 3) Appendix C "List of Documents" from SAU. John Oseth asked about the organization of the information which lead to a lengthy discussion on the format that we want or should use.
Criterion Three: Liz Peck reported that her group has words on paper, but it is currently very rough. She commented that everyone is trying to do what's appropriate, but we have gotten so much information that it's getting confusing. Her observation of the SAU report is that they divide Criterion Three into 4 chapters. They like the bulleted format because you can pack a lot of information in to the report and that is what we will have to do. This lead to more discussion on format. During this discussion it was suggested that we use a bulleted format with a flowing narrative and a conclusion (strengths & concerns) after each chapter. Kathy suggested a number of graphs, tables, pictures, etc. to dress it up.
Criterion Four: Marilyn Hadley stated that their chapter is to review the information in the previous chapters, so before they can start writing they will need to have the chapter drafts. She also mentioned that her committee looked at the SAU model and liked that model.
Criterion Five: Lois Flagstad informed the committee that they have stacks of information and books and are trying to define integrity. They are on their 3rd outline.
John Oseth mentioned that he has some information/knowledge that he could use to assist other working groups, ex. Student Affairs, Budget Cut Scenarios, etc.
What resources do we need? The Chancellor has asked Ken to meet with Vice Chancellor's on needed resources. John Oseth thought this may be to discuss what is needed to get faculty here or staff released from other duties that are keeping them from this committee. Marilyn stated that she has paid a stipend in her college to bring individuals together for a specific timeframe to get a project done.
Ken asked what a reasonable timeframe for the drafts would be. Marilyn would like chapter drafts by July 1 so her committee can start writing. It was decided to come together again on the afternoon of June 10th.