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UNK Welcomes NCA

NCA Steering Committee Meeting
August 14, 2003
Warner Conference Room

Those present: Ken Nikels, Kathy Livingston, Bill Wozniak, Mike Bohnhoff, Randy Haack, Glen Powell, Ron Crocker, David Palmer, and Jan Mitchell

Not present: Lois Flagstad, Liz Peck, Marilyn Hadley, Phyllis Harris, and John Oseth
(For those not present, all handouts referenced in the minutes were put in the mail on August 29th)

Dr. Nikels called the meeting to order. The first item of discussion was our timeline drafted by Mike Bohnhoff. Mike explained that this timeline is based on the fact that the report needs to be to the team 6-8 weeks prior to the site visit. Our timeline allows six weeks. After much discussion the consensus was to make the necessary adjustments to allow for the eight week timeframe. Mike wanted to stress the importance of meeting the September 8 deadline. If we don't make that, everything else will need to be adjusted accordingly. Kathy Livingston stated that someone needs to step up and get things done so we can get it to the campus by October 20. She also mentioned that at some point we will need someone to make sure all pictures, graphs and tables are complete and ready for the printer.

Ken told the group that Jeanne Cutler still has not received any materials for the resource room. Bill Wozniak said he would like to see APR information in the resource room. Randy Haack suggested that Jeanne put copies of the APR's and the last NCA review and let us know what else she has put there. Kathy Livingston suggested that the committee chairs get together and talk about what they need to get to Jeanne.

Ken said that Vita's will be collected from the Dean's in the fall. Kathy asked if the administrators need to provide Vita's. They had to for the last review.

Kathy Livingston discussed BID - Basic Institutional Data Form. She distributed three examples and asked the group's preference. It was decided that we should give all the detail.

Ken Nikels report on Criterion I - making progress. Rick Miller is writing their draft.

Randy Haacks report on Criterion II - Draft Version 5 is 75% done. The areas of Students and Physical Plant are still missing. If you have any comments, concerns or questions, please get them to Mike Bohnhoff or Randy Haack.

Bill Wozniaks report on Criterion III - they are meeting every morning this week and will start compiling the material. The bulk will be Glen Powell's data that he requested from the Deans. They will try to have something completed by September 8.

Mike Bohnhoff reported on Criterion IV - they are meeting next Wednesday and Thursday to look at the chapters they have. They will need current drafts of criterions I, III, & V

Bill Wozniak reported on Criterion V - John Oseth has looked at the "hack" draft and made his suggestions. Bill will get with Lois Flagstad and get started on their changes.

Ken mentioned that he is giving a report at the Administrative Retreat next Tuesday, August 19. He plans to inform them of the committee makeup, the NCA process, and the timeline we have to meet. It was also suggested that he emphasize how important Strategic Planning is right now.

Dr. Nikels informed the group that Liz Peck has resigned as Chair of Chapter III Working Group and the Steering Committee, but will continue serving on the Chapter III Committee. Bill Wozniak and Glen Powell will co-chair the Chapter III Committee.

Depending on schedules, we will possibly continue meeting on Thursdays at 1:30. Meeting was adjourned at 2:20 -

please get drafts in before September 8.