January 29, 2004
Those present: Ken Nikels, Kathy Livingston, Bill Wozniak, Mike Bohnhoff, Glen Powell, Lois Flagstad, David Palmer, Randy Haack, Ron Crocker, and Jan Mitchell
Not present: Marilyn Hadley, Phyllis Harris
Dr. Nikels called the meeting to order at 3:20. Dr. Nikels updated the committee on the status of the review team. Dr. Joel Anderson has been appointed the new chair of the team and Dr. David Curtis, the Business representative. They continue to look for a College of Education representative. Bob Appleson indicated we may not hear from the team until four or five weeks before the April 19-21 visit. At that point we will need to gather information from the team and begin finalizing the details for their visit.
Ken reported that he, Kathy Livingston, Jeanne Cutler, and Jan Mitchell met recently on the Resource Room. As an outcome of that meeting, we need each group to provide any documents that are referenced in the chapter to this office. Bob Appleson suggested that both electronic and hard copy be available to the team. We need these materials by February 9. Also check web links.
Dr. Nikels informed the committee that there is a possibility that the Review team will be in the Warner Conference Room rather than the Jennings room. It was suggested that the Warner Conference Room would be a more comfortable and inviting space. Dr. Nikels has also reserved Founders 2122 and the Lincoln Conference Rooms for those three days if the team needs additional space. Deans Smith and Hadley have also offered their conference rooms if space is needed on west campus.
There was a general discussion on the Self Study Draft #2 that was recently distributed to the committee. This Draft has been reviewed by Ken Nikels, Dick Jussel, Rodney Miller, Martha Kruse, Darryl Kelley, Roger Davis and the Faculty Senate. Dr. Nikels asked the committee to review the document and get suggested changes to him by February 9. It was suggested that changes be made in red so they are evident and easily corrected. More extensive revisions (paragraphs, pages) should be submitted electronically. Dr. Nikels would like to write an Executive Summary that can be provided to the campus community. He also suggested that we include listsof acronyms and tables in the self study.
Kathy Livingston asked if we still plan to have an open forum for campus input. It was suggested that someone meet with the Student Senate and invite students to the forum also. February 20 was suggested as a possible date for the forum. Randy Haack suggested that Dr. Nikels meet with the Vice Chancellors and the Administrative Council for their input and suggestions on finalizing the self study document.
Remember - February 9
- Resource Room materials provided to Founders 2116 All suggested changes to the self study to Dr. Nikels
Our goal is to have the final document ready for publication March 1.
Meeting adjourned at 4:20