Resources: Criterion 2.
The institution has effectively organized the human, financial, and physical resources necessary to accomplish its purposes.
In determining appropriate patterns of evidence for this criterion, the Commission considers evidence such as:
- governance by a board consisting of informed people who understand their responsibilities, function in accordance with stated board policies, and have the resolve necessary to preserve the institution's integrity;
University of
Nebraska Board of Regents
Bylaws of the Board of
Regents of the University of Nebraska
Board of Regents Meeting Agendas
and Minutes
- effective administration through well-defined and understood organizational structures, policies, and procedures;
Organizational Chart
UN Organizational
- qualified and experienced administrative personnel who oversee institutional activities and exercise appropriate responsibility for them;
- systems of governance that provide dependable information to the institution's constituencies and, as appropriate, involve them in the decision-making processes;
- faculty with educational credentials that testify to appropriate preparation for the courses they teach;
- a sufficient number of students enrolled to meet the institution's stated educational purposes;
- provision of services that afford all admitted students the opportunity to succeed; a physical plant that supports effective teaching and learning. conscientious efforts to provide students with a safe and healthy environment;
Multicultural and International Student Services
Student Health Services
Student Support Services
Emergency Operations Plan and Procedures
Factbook: Facilities
- academic resources and equipment (e.g., libraries, electronic services and products, learning resource centers, laboratories and studios, computers) adequate to support the institution's purposes;
T Ryan Library
Computer Services
UNK Connections
(electronic products)
Factbook: Facilities
- a pattern of financial expenditures that shows the commitment to provide both the environment and the human resources necessary for effective teaching and learning;
- management of financial resources to maximize the institution's capability to meet its purposes.