Chapter 4: Criterion
Draft (November 18, 2003)
The institution has effectively organized the human,
financial, and
physical resources necessary to accomplish its purposes.
Financial Resources
The Nebraska Constitution, legislative enactments, and Board of Regents' actions place limitations and restrictions on the use of resources available to UNK. To ensure observance of these limitations and restrictions, the institution operates under the principles of "fund accounting." Under these principles, UNK classifies assets, liabilities, and revenues and expenditures into separate funds according to the specific activities or targeted objectives. In broad terms, fund accounting categorizes funds into five different fund groups: current funds, loan funds, endowment and similar funds, plant funds, and agency funds. Current funds represent the bulk of financial activity at UNK and fall into one of three different sub-types: general unrestricted funds, auxiliary operations, and restricted funds.
The budget request process can be described as a "base plus" model, influenced by strategic management of resources. The request includes the base budget plus inflationary increases and limited program enhancements.
Next: Chapter 4> Sections> Financial Resources> General Unrestricted Funds
Previous: Chapter 4> Sections> Administrators, Managerial/Professional, and Office/Service Staff