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UNK Welcomes NCA

The Higher Learning Commission of the
North Central Association of Colleges and Schools
30 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2400, Chicago, IL 60602-2504
4) 621-7400; (312) 263-0456; Fax: (312) 263-7462

Basic Institutional Data Form B


Opening Fall Enrollment for Current Academic Year and Previous Two Years

Name of institution/campus reported: University of Nebraska at Kearney

Provide as much of the following information as is available about applicants for admission in the current and previous two academic years. If exact figures cannot be supplied, careful estimates may be given. Students enrolled in a previous year should not be included as applicants in a subsequent year.

Open Admissions Institution ?   Yes     No

     Two Years Prior     One Year Prior     Current Year  
FRESHMAN   Fall 2001   Fall 2002   Fall 2003
Number of applicants with complete credentials
for admission to the freshman class
  2,549   2,354   2,415
Number of applicants accepted   2,452   2,268   2,248
Number of freshman applicants actually enrolled   1,197   1,138   1,123
Number of applicants with complete credentials for
admission with advanced standing (transfer)
  514   527   530
Number of advanced-standing undergraduate applicants
  508   506   470
Number of advanced-standing undergraduate applicants
actually enrolled
  350   352   350
Number of applicants with complete credentials for
admission to master's programs
  205   185   213
Number of applicants accepted for master's programs   152   132   Not available
Number of applicants actually enrolled in master's programs   120   119   Not available
Number of applicants with complete credentials for
admission to specialist programs
  30   28   11
Number of applicants accepted for specialist programs   26   19   Not available  
Number of applicants actually enrolled in specialist
  25   19   Not available  

Prepare separate reports for each campus. Please add attachments and additional sheets whenever necessary.