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UNK Welcomes NCA

The Higher Learning Commission of the
North Central Association of Colleges and Schools
30 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2400, Chicago, IL 60602-2504
19) 621-7400; (312) 263-0456; Fax: (312) 263-7462

Basic Institutional Data Form F
Previous Three Years

Name of institution/site reported:   University of Nebraska at Kearney

Certificates, diplomas and degrees offered by the institution; curricula or areas of concentration leading to each certificate, diploma and/or degree; number of students graduates in the past three years. Include all fields or subjects in which a curriculum is offered. If degree programs were not in effect during one or more of the years, please so indicate. The report form may be duplicated if additional space is needed.

OR DEGREE OR MAJOR         2000-01         2001-02 2002-03
BAE Early Childhood Ed 29 28 34
BAE Elementary Ed K-6 97 82 111
BAE/BSE Middle Grades 4-9 14 10 11
MAE Early Childhood 1 1
MAE Elementary Ed Specializa 29 4 3
MSE Middle School 1 1 1
MAE Elementary Ed Read K-12 1
MAE Elementary Ed Read K-6 6 7
MAE Elementary Ed Read 7-12 3
BAE Health Ed 7-12 3 3
BAE Health & Physical Ed K-12 20 9 13
BAE Physical Ed K-6 3 4 14
BAE Physical Ed 7-12 8 8 9
MAE Physical Ed Master Teach 4 2 5
MAE Physical Ed Exercise Sci 6 5
MAE Adapted Physical Ed 2  No longer available   No longer available 
MAE Supervisor Physical Ed 1
MAE Physical Education 4 5 3
BS Physical Ed Comp 5 2 2
BS Sports Admin Comp 7 5 9
BS Sports Admin 5 8 6
BS Physical Education
BS Recreation Leadership 1 No longer available No longer available
BS Fitness & Leisure Mgmt 5 1 3
BS Travel/Tourism Comp 9 8 10
BS Recreation & Park Mgmt 2 2 2
BS Rec & Park Mgmt Comp 10 4 5
BS Exercise Science 9 14 12
BS Recreation Mgmt New program New program New program
MAE Curriculum & Instruction 36 5 33
MSE Instructional Technology 16 18 21
BAE Mild/Mod Handicap K-12 1 No longer available
BAE Mild/Mod Handicap K-6 26 19 32
BAE Mild/Mod Handicap 7-12 2 7
BAE Early Child/Special Ed 2 4 6
MAE Sp Ed-Behaviorally Imp 1 No longer available No longer available
MAE Sp Ed-Early Childhood 2 No longer available
MAE Sp Ed-Gifted & Talented 2 2
MAE Sp Ed-Learning Disabil 3 1 No longer available
MAE Sp Ed-Mild/Mod 2 1 2
BAE Mild/Mod Handicap K-12 1 No longer available No longer available
BSE Comm Disorders Comp 17 14 12

Prepare separate reports for each campus. Please add attachments and additional sheets wherever necessary.