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UNK Welcomes NCA

The Higher Learning Commission of the
North Central Association of Colleges and Schools
30 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2400, Chicago, IL 60602-2504
14) 621-7400; (312) 263-0456; Fax: (312) 263-7462

Basic Institutional Data Form D


Name of institution/campus reported: University of Nebraska at Kearney

Two Years Prior   One Year Prior     Current Year  
2000-01 2001-02 2002-03
Access and other services * $29,884 $177,107 $155,235
Interlibrary loan $19,178 $13,666 $25,098
On-line database searches 0 0 0
Network membership $49,000 $34,000 $60,000
Binding, preservation, and restoration $27,481 $6,950 $23,478
Production of materials (on- or off-site) 0 0 0
Other equipment and furniture purchase/replacement 0 0 0
Other operating expenses (excluding capital outlay) ** $244,119 $116,686 $135,489
Total library expenses (staff and collections) $1,799,208 $1,983,245 $1,996,090
Output measures
Does the library attempt to measure/record patron visits to the library? X
Does the library attempt to measure/record reference questions answered? X
Does the library attempt to measure/record user satisfaction? X
Does the library attempt to measure/record in-library use of other resources? X
Agreements and policies:
Are there formal, written agreements to share library resources with other institutions? X
Are there formal, written consortorial agreements for statewide or regional use of
library materials?
Are there formal, written agreements allowing the institution's students to use other
institutions' libraries?

Prepare separate reports for each campus. Please add attachments and additional sheets wherever necessary.
*Includes databases subscribed to/purchased with student library enhancement fee money as well as copy machine money.
**Includes some databases