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UNK Welcomes NCA

The Higher Learning Commission of the
North Central Association of Colleges and Schools
30 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2400, Chicago, IL 60602-2504
13) 621-7400; (312) 263-0456; Fax: (312) 263-7462

Basic Institutional Data Form D


Name of institution/campus reported: University of Nebraska at Kearney

Two Years Prior One Year Prior Current Year
2000-01 2001-02 2002-03
|B. COLLECTIONS (Continued)
Non-print materials (e.g. films, tapes, CDs) 76,556 75,066 75,430
Government documents not reported elsewhere 219,681 222,081 224,019
Computer software 112 117 120
Number of subscribed/purchased electronic on-line databases 55 67 69
Number of CD-ROM databases available for searches by students 5 3 3
Number of subscriptions to scholarly journals (print) 1,570 1,558 1,552
C. STAFF (1 FTE Staff = 35-40 hours per week)
Number of FTE professional staff 10.0 10.0 10.0
Number of FTE non-professional staff 17.0 17.0 17.0
Number of FTE student staff 2.92 2.92 2.92
Number of other FTE staff (please explain on attached sheet) 0 0 0
Seating ratio (number of seats divided by student headcount
Not available Not available .18
Number of publicly accessible computers 52 52 75
Estimated linear shelving space remaining for expansion 4,742 4,099 3,457
Estimated linear feet of materials stored off-site 0 0 0
For staff (exclude fringe benefits):
Total professional staff salaries $446,738 $480,770 $507,095
Total non-professional staff salaries $352,959 $371,621 $387,266
Total student staff salaries $32,503 $34,128 $43,636
For collection
Books/other printed materials $130,992 $250,188 $151,791
Print serials/periodicals $403,888 $434,487 $449,867
Microfilms $27,005 $26,985 $29,325
Non-print materials (e.g., films, tapes, CDs) $35,461 $36,607 $27,810
Government documents not reported elsewhere 0 0 0
Computer software Not available Not available Not available

Prepare separate reports for each campus. Please add attachments and additional sheets wherever necessary.
*Actual amount spent, includes regular allocation plus student library enhancement fee money, netlending, and other revolving funds.