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UNK Welcomes NCA

The Higher Learning Commission of the
North Central Association of Colleges and Schools
30 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2400, Chicago, IL 60602-2504
12) 621-7400; (312) 263-0456; Fax: (312) 263-7462

Basic Institutional Data Form D


Report for current year and previous two years - Estimate if necessary (identify estimates)

Name of institution/campus reported: University of Nebraska at Kearney
Do you have specialized libraries not included in this data.    Yes     No     If you do, please identify these specialized libraries or collections on a separate page.

Two Years Prior One Year Prior Current Year
  2000-01   2001-02   2002-03
Total use of the collection (number of books or other materials
circulated annually)
61,324 59,429 57,173
Total circulation to students 51,284 47,247 46,217
Per capita student use (circulation to
students divided by the number of enrolled students) 10.7 10.9 10.5
Total circulation to faculty 7,117 9,069 8,452
Per capita faculty use (circulation to faculty divided by number of
FTE faculty)
22.4 28.6 27.0
Total circulation to Community Users 2,923 3,113 2,504
Number of items borrowed from other libraries via interlibrary loan 3,985 3,432 3,758
Number of items lent to other libraries via interlibrary loan 3,070 3,412 3,412
Hours open per week 92.5 92.5 92.5
On-line electronic database searches (usually mediated by library
Do not track Do not track Do not track
Total Library staff presentations to groups/classes 233 223 201
Tours and one-time presentations 74 72 65
Hands-on instruction for using electronic databases Do not track Do not track Do not track
Hands-on instruction for Internet searching Do not track Do not track Do not track
Semester-length bibliographical instruction   0   0   0
Total number of different titles in collection
Books and other printed materials 260,619 327,761 331,510
Print serials/periodicals 4,584 4,866 5,099
Electronic serials/periodicals 382 849 1,161
Other electronic materials (except serials/periodicals) 2,715 4,697 6,423
Microforms 1,055,293 1,076,989 1,079,434

Prepare separate reports for each campus. Please add attachments and additional sheets wherever necessary.