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UNK Welcomes NCA

North Central Self Study
Appendix B: College and Department Outcomes as a Result of Strategic Planning

General Studies Program

The strategic plan for the General Studies program includes:

Analysis of Successes and Concerns:

The most recent academic program review of the General Studies program described the successes and concerns for the General Studies Program. Generally speaking, the program is academically sound and uniform for all UNK students, regardless of their major. The governance issues have been addressed since the 2001 academic program review and form the process by which other structural concerns can be addressed.


Summary and Future Plans:

The current agendas for the General Studies Council include a point-by-point review of the recommendations from the 2001 academic program review, the implementation of clearer policies and procedures for proposing General Studies, WI, and CD classes and consideration of the philosophy of General Education and how well the current program is meeting its stated goals through assessment of stude

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