North Central Self Study
Appendix B: College and Department Outcomes as a Result of Strategic Planning
General Studies Program
The strategic plan for the General Studies program includes:
- Maintenance of a faculty governance system for the program that reaffirms faculty ownership. This system provides a means to review, publicly discuss, and possibly change it.
- Maintenance and development of the academic integrity of the program so that it is a valuable experience for all UNK students.
- Maintenance of the stability and viability of the program so that all UNK students can complete it in a reasonable amount of time.
- Development and execution of a workable program of student outcomes assessment that connects to the review of programmatic changes.
Analysis of Successes and Concerns:
The most recent academic program review of the General Studies program described the successes and concerns for the General Studies Program. Generally speaking, the program is academically sound and uniform for all UNK students, regardless of their major. The governance issues have been addressed since the 2001 academic program review and form the process by which other structural concerns can be addressed.
- Provides students with a broad introduction to liberal studies in support of the UNK mission statement "an extensive general studies curriculum that emphasizes the liberal arts."
- The structure of the program is well balanced with regard to traditional liberal arts areas.
- The WI and CD requirements, though not a part of the General Studies program per se, show a commitment to these aspects of a student's education.
- Have thus far maintained a common General Education program for all UNK students, regardless of their major. This has proven to be a distinctive feature of UNK within the University system.
- Within the broad General Studies requirements, Colleges can specify specific courses to support their majors and minors.
- Restructure the General Studies Council in order to provide a larger faculty voice in the development of the program.
- Clarify the approval processes for structural changes.
- The University should develop and publicize a more comprehensive rationale for the General Studies Program structure, purpose, and student learning outcomes.
- The University should make several immediate modifications to the General Studies Program that will enhance student learning. The University should engage in a dialogue to consider several elements of the General Studies Program.
- The University should emphasize the importance of advising in the General Studies Program.
Summary and Future Plans:
The current agendas for the General Studies Council include a point-by-point review of the recommendations from the 2001 academic program review, the implementation of clearer policies and procedures for proposing General Studies, WI, and CD classes and consideration of the philosophy of General Education and how well the current program is meeting its stated goals through assessment of stude
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