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UNK Welcomes NCA

North Central Self Study
Appendix B: College and Department Outcomes as a Result of Strategic Planning

College of Fine Arts and Humanities

Strategic Plan: 1995-2005

The College has 12 short-term objectives (which have either been completed or are ongoing) and 10 long-term objectives.

Short-Term Objectives
Long-Range Objectives

Outcomes in the College of Fine Arts and Humanities since 1994:

The following list presents, in priority order (established 1995), outcomes for specific long-range goals and near term initiatives that required state aided budget allocations, as well as status.

     ProgramProgram CostObjective Status
1     Music String Teacher1 FTE  E  Filled 1995, Lost 2001
2     Graphic Design1 FTE plus $65,000
in equipment
  A  Done
3     Increase Staff @ MONA     1.5 FTE  K  Done
4     Replace Modern
Language Lab
$130,000  C & H  Done
5     Forensic Funding$10,000 per year  B  $6,000
6     Update JMC
Computer Lab
$25,000  H  Done
7     Enhance Theatre
Production Budget
$10,000 per year  D & E  $2,000
8     Enhance funding for
$15,000 per year  C  ----
9     English Faculty2 FTE  E  Done
10     Philosophy, Modern
Language Translation
depends upon need       F  ----
Future Plans:

Future plans, at this point in our timetable, are dictated formally by those initiatives from the 1995-2005 Strategic Plan remaining unfulfilled. Strategic plans, however, should be dynamic and not stand still. Such planning cannot occur without the input of the faculty and staff of the college, and until that has occurred, additional initiatives, while obvious to college leadership, cannot be counted as "approved." The following list of outcomes must, therefore, be considered a qualified list.


A review of the strategic planning efforts and outcomes since 1994 indicates that the College of Fine Arts and Humanities has made a concentrated effort to implement a strategic planning process that utilized information from the previous NCA (1994) report as well as specific program needs based on demographic information, APRs, and accreditation reviews. Examples of outcomes resulting from strategic planning in each department since 1994 are listed below.

Departmental Outcomes
Department of Art and Art History
Department of Communication
Department of English
Department of Modern Languages
Department of Music and Performing Arts
Philosophy Program

In most of the programs, there has been a coordinated effort to utilize a variety of sources of evaluative information to enhance program development. In all cases, the academic program changes served to enhance the Mission of the respective department in its goals of better facilitating student learning. At this point in time, it appears that the basis or rationale for change at the Department level is reliant on the APR and accreditation self study process. This strategy is congruent with the assessment, evaluation, and planning strategy that has been used since the previous NCA (1994) report. There has been some use of student assessment data as evidenced by the Modern Languages Department's comments. Use of student assessment data to facilitate the change process should increase as departments more fully develop and use that resource base.

Other sections in this appendix: