North Central Self Study
Chapter 3: Criterion One
The institution has clear and publicly stated purposes consistent with its
mission and appropriate to an institution of higher education.
Efforts to keep the public informed of institutional and educational goals
UNK's mission and goals are shared with everyone on campus and among external constituencies through information placed on the World Wide Web, through regular e-mail communications and publication of traditional documents including the strategic plan, the undergraduate and graduate catalogs, and a variety of materials distributed to promote campus and college programs and to recruit students.
Also important are the systematic communications processes discussed earlier -- advisory councils, news releases and other publication programs, and community links including visits by campus leaders and membership on civic, service, and business groups. Both Chancellor Johnston and Chancellor Kristensen have regularly conducted presentations at Town Hall meetings, service club and business leader gatherings, school visits, and other special informational sessions in many communities throughout the state. These have been especially important to build support for campus initiatives and to increase understanding of the university's goals, achievements, and needs. Chancellor Kristensen, who is particularly well-positioned in this regard as a long-time state legislative leader, has been especially active in this role since taking office in July 2002. Vice Chancellors and deans conduct similar activities.
Next: Chapter 3> Sections> Support for Freedom
of Inquiry for Faculty and Students
Previous: Chapter 3> Sections> Understanding of the
stated purposes by institutional constituencies