North Central Self Study
Chapter 2: UNK and the North Central Association
1994 NCA Team Report
2. Institutional Concerns
- The institution needs to define diversity and
multiculturalism from a programmatic perspective. Specific faculty development efforts are
needed if this objective is to be fulfilled. (p. 17).
- While some funds have been allocated, there is
a lacking in the overall level of institutional support for research and scholarly activity.
(p. 18)
- The institution needs to build a strong retention
database and establish ongoing programs that facilitate campus-wide ownership in retention
- The level of support for the library, academic
operations, instructional equipment, and support staff is extraordinarily weak. (p. 29)
- There is little evidence of aggressive efforts
to affect the institution's commitment to diversity. Institutional practices are undeveloped
and plans for action are lacking. A stronger coherence is needed to implement the mission
and goal statements. (p. 31)
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