Attachment 5: Analyses of Assessment Topics Addressed in the North Central Accreditation Team Final Report
Glen Powell
Director of Assessment
Date: 11/12/04
The final report developed by the North Central Association visiting accreditation team was received in early October. I have been engaged in identifying and analyzing the topic areas and the concerns expressed regarding assessment at UNK. The review and analysis that is presented reflects my analysis of their findings and recommendations regarding the Assessment Program at UNK. This analysis was conducted by comparing their findings with our records in comparison to the performance indicators in the 1997 edition of the Handbook of Accreditation and the 2002 Addendum to the Handbook of Accreditation (2nd ed) in order to determine the situational context against which the evaluation and recommendations were made. This analysis and the subsequent recommendations are meant to facilitate planning that addresses their concerns. The accreditation team recommended that a follow-up visit be conducted in 2007-08 with the specific purpose of monitoring our progress with implementing student assessment of academic achievement. This is a working document that is being shared with the intent of facilitating discussion and planning and is not a "finished" product.
Topic Areas and Concerns:
- General Studies Assessment
- Continuing Education Assessment
- Graduate Program Assessment
- Administrative Infrastructure
- Faculty Culture
Go to:
- Introduction
- Governance
- Budget
- Departmental Assessment
- General Studies Assessment
- Institutional Assessment
- Web Site
- Climate
- Summary
- Attachments
- Assessment Program at UNK
- Agenda of Activities for Assessment Program
- Assessment Training Fall 2004
- Assessment Communications-Fall 2004
- Analyses of Assessment Topics Addressed in the North Central Accreditation Team Final Report (current page)
- Revised Plan for General Studies Assessment