Attachment 5: Analyses of Assessment Topics Addressed in the North Central Accreditation Team Final Report
Faculty Culture
The Final Exit Report contained references to the topic of faculty acceptance and acknowledgement of assessment that indicate that a more positive culture supporting assessment needs to be developed. Comments presented on page 15 include:
- "The team noted a lack of enthusiasm among the faculty for the assessment of student learning."
- "In a few instances the use of the assessment of student outcomes was confused with program review and other types of evaluation."
- "Faculty see this emerging administrative oversight as an important factor for nurturing assessment and embedding it in the institutional culture."
- 4"Also, there is a lack of faculty ownership for the assessment of general studies, and the themes of cultural diversity and intensive writing which are graduation requirements at the university."
On page 18 the Report notes that during the follow-up visit that the team expects to see this comment addressed: Faculty ownership of assessment in academic programs has not developed across the campus to the level that constitutes a commitment to assessment." This comment, as well as the comments listed from page 15 clearly indicates that continued work needs to be undertaken to further develop knowledge of effective assessment practice and the promotion of a culture that utilizes assessment processes and results in a constructive manner to enhance student learning. A comment on page 19 further reinforces this interpretation. That comment is "There appears to be no methods or mechanism for providing recognition for exemplary assessment practice."
- Continue to develop knowledge of assessment practices.
- Promote sharing of assessment information and ideas.
- Recognize exemplary practice.
- Assist with making assessment more meaningful.
Go to Attachment:
- Assessment Program at UNK
- Agenda of Activities for Assessment Program
- Assessment Training Fall 2004
- Assessment Communications-Fall 2004
- Analyses of Assessment Topics Addressed in the North Central Accreditation Team Final Report
- General Studies Assessment
- Continuing Education Assessment
- Graduate Program Assessment
- Administrative Infrastructure
- Faculty Culture (current page)
- Revised Plan for General Studies Assessment