University of Nebraska Assessment
2004 Annual Assessment Report

Attachment 5: Analyses of Assessment Topics Addressed in the North Central Accreditation Team Final Report

Administrative Infrastructure


A major focus of the focused visit will be on the development of the administrative infrastructure. The statement "The administrative leadership for a viable assessment program has not fully developed" (page 15) highlights the need for the continued development of the administrative aspects of the assessment program at UNK. Additionally, two other statements on page 15 reference the need for nurturing the assessment process, embedding it in the institutional culture, and developing coherence and sustainability. The exact statements are:

  1. "Faculty see this emerging administrative oversight as an important factor for nurturing assessment and imbedding it into the institutional culture."
  2. "While many pieces of assessment already exist at the university, coherence and sustainability have yet to be developed."

On page 19, the team makes the following statements related to the administrative infrastructure.

  1. "A stable infrastructure to support assessment is not in place although the institution has been engaged in assessment for more than 10 years. At the time of the team visit a recommendation regarding basic infrastructure to support assessment was circulating through channels for discussion and input-evidence of belated attention."
  2. "There appear to be no methods or mechanism for providing recognition for exemplary assessment practices."
  3. At the time of the focused visit, the campus should be able to demonstrate that it has developed stable administrative oversight for assessment with clearly defined responsibilities, authority, accountability, and an appropriate operating budget. . . .and that assessment results are being used to improve programs and increase student learning."

It is very clear that the administrative support and oversight of the assessment process at UNK will be closely monitored during the follow-up focused visit. A number of changes have occurred since the team's visit in April(2004). These include:

  1. The appointment of a Director of Assessment in May (2004).
  2. The review of the proposed assessment governance document by the Faculty Senate at its May (2004) meeting.
  3. A review of the governance document with revisions made reflecting the input of the Faculty Senate in May (2004).
  4. Provisional acceptance of the governance document pending any further suggestions that would be included in the NCA final exit report.
  5. Identification of initial goals and activities for the Director, Coordinator, and Web Site Manager that focus on enhancing sustainability, relevance, culture, and management.
  6. Sharing of the goals and activities (mentioned in 5) with the College Deans and Chairs during the summer to identify their priorities.
  7. The development of a draft of assigned job responsibilities in September for the Director, Coordinator, and Web Site Manager.
  8. The development and submission of a budget proposal for supporting assessment at UNK.
  9. An office move consolidating the offices of the Director, Coordinator, and Web Site Manager in one location.
  10. Employment of a Graduate Assistant to assist the Web Site Manager.
  11. The ad hoc Assessment Committee transferred from the Faculty Senate to the SVCAASL's Office at the beginning of October, 2004. New members were appointed in accordance with the governance document guidelines for appointment.
  12. The Director has begun an analysis of the NCA final exit report to identify areas of assessment that were specifically addressed by the NCA team. The analysis includes proposed plans for addressing concerns expressed by the NCA team.
  13. A Data Analysis Committee proposal has been developed and submitted to the Faculty Senate for review and input.
  14. Accountability has been strengthened by revising the APR Guidelines (in June) to make the use of assessment data as part of the APR process more explicit.


  1. Have governance document "formally" approved by the SVCAASL.
  2. Develop plan for coordinating assessment efforts:
    1. Alignment of departmental plans with APR process
    2. Alignment of accreditation processes and UNK assessment guidelines
    3. Alignment of General Studies assessment with department and university assessment cycles
    4. Post the assessment cycle on-line
    5. Coordinate Academic and Student Life assessment efforts
    6. Address the interpretation of Use of Policies of Other Agencies (policy III.C.3) on page 16 of the Addendum to the Handbook of Accreditation Second Edition (March 2002) and its potential impact.
  3. Review 1997 assessment criteria in relation to the criteria taking effect in 2005 to determine changes that need to be made in regard to assessment and the next accreditation visit in 10 years.
  4. Review and revise assessment strategic plan.
  5. Review analyses of the assessment areas of concern that are stated in the NCA Final Exit Report and determine plan of action for addressing each.
  6. Further develop the annual "state of assessment" report for UNK.
  7. Develop methods for sharing assessment data with:
    1. Faculty Senate
    2. Data Analysis Committee
    3. Colleges and Departments
    4. Other groups
  8. Recommend that the UNK Academic Affairs Committee develop and require that any program changes that are recommended by departments utilize assessment data from student outcomes assessment as part of the rationale for the program change. The program change must also address which student outcomes would be impacted.
  9. Recommend that the UNK Academic Affairs Committee amend the new program approval process to include the requirement that an assessment plan must be approved by the Coordinator and Director of Assessment prior to the Committee's approval of the program
  10. Recommend that a top-down strategy of assessment be implemented that reflects monitoring of UNK mission statement generated goals and indicators at the most general level to aligned college and departmental goals and indicators.

Go to Attachment:

  1. Assessment Program at UNK
  2. Agenda of Activities for Assessment Program
  3. Assessment Training Fall 2004
  4. Assessment Communications-Fall 2004
  5. Analyses of Assessment Topics Addressed in the North Central Accreditation Team Final Report
  6. Revised Plan for General Studies Assessment