University of Nebraska Assessment
Governance Document


Assessment of student outcomes has become a major dimension in the "accountability movement" and the accreditation process. Whether an institution is accredited by a regional accrediting agency such as the North Central Association, a professional accrediting agency like the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education or a subject specific accreditation at the departmental level, the systematic measurement and analysis of student outcomes over a prolonged period of time is a common theme in the accreditation process. Implementation of effective assessment procedures is a dynamic process and not a product.

Assessment of student outcomes should be viewed as a formative process that enables faculty and staff to use results to focus on enhancement of teaching and improved student performance on identified outcomes. With the preceding statements in mind, the following description of the Assessment Program at UNK reflects the need for continuous development and utilization of assessment of student outcomes in a systematic and continuous manner. Faculty ownership of the assessment process is tantamount to successful implementation and utilization of assessment at UNK.


The primary goals of the assessment program are to:

Personnel Responsibilities

Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Student Life

The SVCAASL has the responsibility for oversight of assessment at UNK. This includes the development of a strategic assessment plan and the supervision of the work of the Director of Assessment and the Assessment Committee. The data collected from assessment will be used in strategic planning and resource allocation to improve instruction and programs. Annual reviews of assessment developed by the Assessment Committee will be used to provide direction for the strategic assessment plan.


The Deans of the colleges, or units, have responsibility for oversight of assessment within their respective area of responsibility. The data collected from assessment will be used in College strategic planning and resource allocation to improve instruction and programs. The Deans will use the annual reviews of assessment developed by the Assessment Committee to provide feedback to departments within the college regarding the status of their respective assessment plans.


The chairs, or directors, of programs have responsibility for oversight of assessment within their respective area as well as being responsible for its utilization in planning initiatives. Data collected and analyzed during the cycle between APRs will be included in the APR Self Study.

Assessment of interdisciplinary programs will be the shared responsibility of the program director and department chairs.


The faculty and staff members of each program have responsibility for interpreting the guidelines for assessment identified by the Assessment Committee. Faculty will develop and implement an assessment plan for evaluating student outcomes at the program level. The faculty and staff members have the responsibility for analyzing and interpreting the assessment data in order to make decisions regarding instructional or program change.

Assessment Committee

The Assessment Committee is responsible for providing guidance and oversight in meeting the goals of the assessment program at UNK.  In order to accomplish those goals, the Committee will be responsible for

  • establishing the parameters of academic assessment which incorporate principles of "best practice."
  • identifying and defining criteria from external sources, such as the North Central Association* and/or other accrediting agencies, for the consistent
    • evaluation of assessment plans,
    • implementation of assessment plans,
    • revision of assessment plans,
    • interpretation and utilization of assessment data to facilitate instructional decision making at all levels.
  • developing a cycle for auditing the assessment process
  • producing an annual report on the status of program assessment for dissemination to:
    • Senior Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs and Student Life
    • Deans
    • Faculty Senate
    • Departments
    • UNK Assessment Web Site
  • submitting minutes of meetings to the Senior Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs and Student Life, Deans, and the Faculty Senate
  • identifying major trends in student performance from local and national assessments
  • identifying methods for the consistent dissemination of data to appropriate groups
  • serving on APR teams to analyze effectiveness of use of assessment and data within the APR Self Study
  • identifying topics for faculty development (workshops, newsletters, panel discussions) in assessment and data utilization
  • developing a plan for systematic faculty development in assessment and data utilization
  • articulating processes for aligning assessment plans across different accreditation requirements and the APR process
  • serving as a liaisons to respective constituencies

Director of Assessment

The Director of Assessment will be responsible for

  • chairing the Assessment Committee and implementing the assessment guidelines and directives of the committee
  • working with the SVCAASL to develop and implement a strategic assessment plan
  • presenting the annual reports of assessment to the SVCAASL, Deans, Faculty Senate, and Departments
  • assisting the SVCAASL and Deans with assessment planning and implementation
  • including Deans in the communication loop when working with departments
  • assisting departments with assessment
  • serving on the Strategic Planning Council to ensure assessment data is disseminated to the group
  • disseminating assessment data to appropriate groups

Coordinator of Assessment

The Coordinator of Assessment will be responsible for

  • assisting departments with assessment plans
  • assisting with the development of the department annual reports
  • interpreting data
  • assisting with the development of annual reports on assessment
  • faculty development activities as defined by the Committee

Web Site Manager

The Web Site Manager will be responsible for developing and maintaining the web site for assessment.

Committee Membership

Faculty and Student

The current membership consists of

  • two faculty representatives from each College
  • one faculty representative of the Graduate College
  • one faculty representative of the C. T. Ryan Library
  • one representative of the Student Government
  • one representative from Student Life
  • one representative of the Faculty Senate (who may also be one of the other representatives)

Length of terms - Rotating 3 year terms (replace 1/3 of membership each year)

Meeting Date: 2nd Thursday of each month

Meeting Time: 3:30 p.m.

Attendance: Replacement of committee member after three absences per academic year

Required: Read Assessment Essentials (by Palomba and Banta) or other text selected by the Committee


  • Director of Assessment (committee chair)
  • Coordinator of Assessment
  • Web Site Manager
  • Director of General Studies (or representative from General Studies Council Assessment Subcommittee)

Membership Total:

  • Faculty 12-13
  • Student 1
  • Administrative 4

Faculty and student members will be selected the the Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Student Life after consultation with appropriate constituencies.


All members of the committee shall have voting privileges.

*30 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2400, Chicago, IL 60602-2504