Attachment 6: GS Assessment Components with Deadlines
Type | Level | Method | Deadlines | Responsibility |
Individual Course Analysis (indirect) |
Course | Online surveys for student and faculty in GS courses | Students 4/05 Faculty 4/05 (need to determine sample size) |
GS dir/counsel |
Standardized General Studies Test |
Program | Sample of freshman and juniors complete test |
Pilot with students and get input from departments by 4/05 Implement 9/05 with Freshman |
GS dir/counsel |
Departments' assessment of GS courses (direct) |
Course | Departments provide assessment data for their general studies courses | GS Plan 5/05 GS Report 10/06 Begin collecting data 9/05-12/05 |
Departments |
Writing Assessment | Program | Writing samples collected and evaluated | Completed by 12/05 | English Dept and Writing Center |
Oral presentation Assessment |
Program | Presentations collected and assessed | Completed by 12/05 | Communications Dept. |
Exit Survey | Program | Recommend items and collect and analyze data from student exit surveys that pertain to General Studies. | New items 4/1 Collect first data 4/05 |
Registrar's Office and GS dir/counsel |
GRE & other Institutional Data |
Program | Analyze GRE and other institutional data to identify areas of strengths and weaknesses. | Identify sources 4/05 Collect data by 5/05 |
GS director/counsel |
Diversity Attitude surveys | Program | Administer diversity attitude surveys to students and faculty | Develop Spring 2005 Administer Fall 2005 |
CD committee |
WI Attitude Survey | Program | Administer WI attitude survey to students and faculty. | Develop Spring 2005 Administer Fall 2005 |
WI committee |
Survey of current GS program | Program | Online survey of faculty and student perceptions of current GS program | Faculty 2/22-3/5 Students 3/1-3/15 |
GS director/counsel |
Focus Groups | Program | Focus questions based on online survey results will include Faculty and student groups | 4/1/05-4/15/05 | GS director/counsel |
Other: | Program | NSSE and other data being collected is analyzed to identify relevant GS items. | Spring 2005 | GS director/counsel |
General Studies Assessment Plan | Program | Plan of all assessment activities for GS with discussions of each type, responsible parties, and timelines for completion | 5/1/05 | GS Director |
Go to:
- Introduction
- Governance
- Budget
- Departmental Assessment
- General Studies Assessment
- Institutional Assessment
- Web Site
- Climate
- Summary
- Attachments
- Assessment Program at UNK
- Agenda of Activities for Assessment Program
- Assessment Training Fall 2004
- Assessment Communications-Fall 2004
- Analyses of Assessment Topics Addressed in the North Central Accreditation Team Final Report
- Revised Plan for General Studies Assessment (current page)