University of Nebraska Assessment
2004 Annual Assessment Report

Attachment 6: GS Assessment Components with Deadlines

Type Level Method Deadlines Responsibility
Individual Course
Course Online surveys for student and faculty in GS courses Students 4/05
Faculty 4/05
(need to determine sample size)
GS dir/counsel
Standardized General
Studies Test
Program Sample of freshman
and juniors complete test
Pilot with students and get input from departments by 4/05
Implement 9/05 with Freshman
GS dir/counsel
Departments' assessment
of GS courses
Course Departments provide assessment data for their general studies courses GS Plan 5/05
GS Report 10/06
Begin collecting data 9/05-12/05
Writing Assessment Program Writing samples collected and evaluated Completed by 12/05 English Dept and Writing Center
Oral presentation
Program Presentations collected and assessed Completed by 12/05 Communications Dept.
Exit Survey Program Recommend items and collect and analyze data from student exit surveys that pertain to General Studies. New items 4/1
Collect first data 4/05
Registrar's Office and GS dir/counsel
GRE & other Institutional
Program Analyze GRE and other institutional data to identify areas of strengths and weaknesses. Identify sources 4/05
Collect data by 5/05
GS director/counsel
Diversity Attitude surveys Program Administer diversity attitude surveys to students and faculty Develop Spring 2005
Administer Fall 2005
CD committee
WI Attitude Survey Program Administer WI attitude survey to students and faculty. Develop Spring 2005
Administer Fall 2005
WI committee
Survey of current GS program Program Online survey of faculty and student perceptions of current GS program Faculty 2/22-3/5
Students 3/1-3/15
GS director/counsel
Focus Groups Program Focus questions based on online survey results will include Faculty and student groups 4/1/05-4/15/05 GS director/counsel
Other: Program NSSE and other data being collected is analyzed to identify relevant GS items. Spring 2005 GS director/counsel
General Studies Assessment Plan Program Plan of all assessment activities for GS with discussions of each type, responsible parties, and timelines for completion 5/1/05 GS Director

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