A long-term priority for the continued development of the use of assessment at UNK is the improvement of the campus climate in regard to assessment. This was noted by the accreditation site team in their final report. The administration and faculty on campus now recognize that assessment is a required process for accreditation that is not going to disappear. That represents a change because many felt that completing an assessment plan and conducting an assessment cycle would be enough. The focus review visit from North Central in four years ended that speculation. However, if assessment is to be viewed as more than a hoop to hop through there needs to be continued development for faculty and administration. Jeanne Butler in her dual positions of Coordinator of Assessment and Director for the Center of Teaching Excellence is taking the primary leadership role in this endeavor. A number of initiatives were started (as mentioned previously) between August and December. Highlights of these initiatives include the newsletter, monthly staff development activities sponsored by the Center of Teaching Excellence (see Assessment Training Fall 2004), a faculty development needs survey, stipends, and travel support. A major effort was expended in trying to communicate with faculty and administrators by the Coordinator and the Director. Attached (see Assessment Communications-Fall 2004) is a listing of the communications record of the Coordinator of Assessment. Jeanne Butler's record exemplifies a major effort to improve climate through communication.
Another track for enhancing climate has been to work with faculty and administrators to enhance the alignment of assessment efforts with the Academic program review process and with accreditation efforts for specific programs. Both the Director and Coordinator of Assessment have worked on this area since last May. The Director met with each Dean and their respective college department chairs to explore the concept of alignment during the time period between May-August. The Coordinator has followed up the initial meetings on the topic with those most interested in working on alignment and accreditation. Her most extensive work has been with the College of Business and Technology. The Director revised the guidelines on assessment within the Academic Program Review manual at the request of Dr. Ken Nikels who supervises the APR process. The revision of the guidelines for APR reports and work on realignment of assessment to meet specific accreditation requirements should simplify some of the assessment work and promote its meaningfulness for departments.
Future challenges include maintaining faculty development initiatives that were begun. Expansion of participation in the newsletter is another challenge. The promotion of the concept that assessment data should be reviewed and interpreted objectively is a challenge that needs to be addressed over time. Promoting the spirit of teamwork and overcoming "turf" protection is an issue that needs to be addressed as well. A priority issue is the incorporation of assessment as a process to assist management and the meeting of the goals of the University needs to be addressed. Now, assessment is an "add-on" and not viewed as an integral part of effective management. When this is addressed, much of the rest will more easily be addressed.
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