University of Nebraska Assessment
2004 Annual Assessment Report

Web Site:

Jeanne Cutler, the Web Site Manager, has engaged in an extensive revision of the Assessment Web Site ( She began this work in May and completed it in December. The web page listing the academic programs with assessment plans was revised to clarify the distinction between undergraduate and graduate programs. A separate page for listing graduate programs was also created. Web pages for the NSSE data that has been collected since 2002 have been created. The existing web pages for other institutional data have been updated. Jeanne Cutler contacted a number of the Student Life offices and obtained data previously not posted and developed web pages for those programs. The information and guidelines for the Academic Program Review process provided on web pages linked to this site. A number of assessment resources are now available through links that she has created. The Assessment newsletter now has a web link here as well. The web site has been a central campus assessment information and data source. The changes at the web site will further enhance its function and role on campus. The primary challenge ahead is promoting awareness of its new features.

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