This report is the first of an annual series of reports that will be developed. It in essence is a continuation of the narrative originally developed for the North Central Association self-study that was completed at this time last year. During the ensuing period these highlights have been accomplished:
- Creation of an administrative infrastructure to support assessment
- Transition of the Assessment Committee from an ad hoc to a permanent committee
- Employment of staff to support the administrative infrastructure and promote enhancement of assessment at UNK
- Initiatives to promote alignment with the APR and accreditation processes
- Initiatives to enhance climate including: newsletter, faculty development
- A budget that supports faculty development in assessment
- The revision of the web site to expand its utility
- Assisting the General Studies Council with the acceleration of assessment of the program
There are a number of challenges that need to be addressed. These include:
- Maintaining the present assessment process for departments and programs
- Completing the development of the assessment process of the General Studies Program
- Instituting a continuous cycle for assessment of the General Studies Program
- Building a linkage between the Academic Affairs division and the Student Life division to share assessment and data utilization
- Involving students in a more meaningful manner
- Developing a data base for more effective data management
- Promoting the utilization of the assessment process within the strategic planning efforts of UNK
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