Attachment 5: Analyses of Assessment Topics Addressed in the North Central Accreditation Team Final Report
General Studies Assessment
The NCA Final Exit report indicated that the focus of the 2007-08 Focus visit will be to monitor assessment of student academic achievement (page 15 of the Assurance Section). The General Studies program was cited as a specific area of interest and concern by the team in other sections of the report. Specific comments are as follows:
Page 15: "There is a lack of faculty ownership for the assessment of General Studies, and the themes of cultural diversity and intensive writing which are graduation requirements at the university."
Page 19: "Assessment in the General Studies program had not been clearly defined at the time of the visit. The assessment responsibilities of faculty teaching General Studies course were still being negotiated and clarified."
Page 19: "Assessment for the cultural diversity and writing intensive themes of the undergraduate experience have not been established at this point."
Page 19: "At the time of the focused visit,". . . "the campus should be able to demonstrate that student learning outcomes are being assessed" . . . "including General Studies, and that assessment results are being used to improve programs and increase student learning."
It is apparent that issues related to responsibilities for assessment of the General Studies Program, participation in assessment, and an assessment plan need to be addressed in order to satisfactorily address the concerns expressed by the NCA visitation team. More importantly, these issues need to be addressed in order to have a process that we can be satisfied with for ourselves. The following suggestions are specific ideas for facilitating the process that needs to be undertaken. The specific ideas do not have to be adopted. However, the five goals identified must be met if assessment of the General Studies Program is to be successfully completed.
Historical note: There has been a great deal of concern expressed by a number of individuals about the slow progress being made in assessment of the General Studies Program during the past 18-24 months. This concern is noted, however, it is more reasonable and realistic to state that assessment of the General Studies Program should have started in 1997 or 1998 at the latest and not within the last two years. With that point expressed, the following goals and ideas are intended to accelerate the process that is several years behind when compared to other institutions.
- Goal 1: Develop an assessment plan that includes a timeline and responsibilities
- Goal 2: Complete assessment of all General Studies categories within two years with the next APR report as the target for completion
- Goal 3: Address issues of Responsibility
- Goal 4: Promote a collaborative faculty environment
- Goal 5: Use the results to enhance the program and student learning
Goal 1:
- Identify assessment strategies that include direct and indirect measures for objectives.
- Develop a timeline for implementation
- Identify responsibilities
- Select standardized tests that align with the objectives and contain items that reflect content
Goal 2:
- Develop a schedule that provides for collection of data and its analysis for the next APR report.
- Develop a 4-6 year cycle of assessment and make it public
- Work with the Director and Coordinator of Assessment and departments in order to blend General Studies Program assessment into their individual assessment plans and cycles.
Goal 3:
- The Director of the General Studies Council and the Council members are responsible for initiating and implementing an assessment plan.
- The Council should consider restructuring to place greater emphasis on assessment and curriculum development. This should be more easily done when WI and CD are transferred.
- It is the responsibility of the entire campus to assist with assessment of this campus-wide program. It is an obligation of departments offering courses to accept ownership of assessment pieces directly related to them.
- The GS Director and Council should utilize the resources of the Assessment Office to assist.
- It is the responsibility of the Director and Council to disseminate the assessment plan in as open a manner as possible.
- Utilize the Director of Assessment and the Coordinator of Assessment to assist with dissemination of the plan.
- Conduct planning on WI and CD assessment since the transfer date is not known.
- Involve Jeremy Schnieder in the writing assessment process.
Goal 4:
- Utilize the Faculty Senate and other groups to promote involvement.
- The Director of Assessment has submitted a budget requesting faculty stipends for working on assessment and supporting travel to conferences on assessment of general education programs. Work with the Director and Coordinator of Assessment to maximize this assistance if the budget is approved.
- Go to these conferences and encourage others to go.
- Be open and collaborative. Someone may have a better idea.
- Involve the broader campus in examining and interpreting the results.
Goal 5:
- Require program change proposals to utilize assessment data as part of the rationale in the approval process.
- Require program change proposals to address how student learning will be enhanced and how it can be assessed as part of the approval process.
The administration is very aware of the need to successfully undertake assessment of the General Studies Program. The Director of Assessment will support the process through the Assessment budget as much as possible during the next two years.
Go to Attachment:
- Assessment Program at UNK
- Agenda of Activities for Assessment Program
- Assessment Training Fall 2004
- Assessment Communications-Fall 2004
- Analyses of Assessment Topics Addressed in the North Central Accreditation Team Final Report
- General Studies Assessment (current page)
- Continuing Education Assessment
- Graduate Program Assessment
- Administrative Infrastructure
- Faculty Culture
- Revised Plan for General Studies Assessment