University of Nebraska Assessment
2004 Annual Assessment Report

Attachment 5: Analyses of Assessment Topics Addressed in the North Central Accreditation Team Final Report

Continuing Education Assessment


The NCA Final Report indicated that assessment within the continuing education, or distance learning programs (page 18 of the Assurance Section), would be one of the components of the focus visit in 2008. There was no further statement of specific problems that might clarify the situation. There was no additional comment and no real frame of historical reference provided by the team.


  1. Conduct an "assessment audit" to identify what types of assessment are currently being conducted. Topics that might be explored include: academic program assessment of those being delivered via distance education, faculty assessment, and effectiveness of the Center for Continuing Education in meeting student needs, effectiveness of the various mediums of instructional delivery. Certain assessments such as academic assessment and faculty assessment should be conducted already. However, if those types of assessment are not occurring, then it needs to be identified. More specific points of focus from the 1997 criteria for Distance education (page 171) include:
    1. "The institution assesses student capability to succeed in distance education programs and applies this information to admission and recruiting policies and decisions."
    2. "The institution evaluates the educational effectiveness of its distance education programs (including assessments of student learning outcomes, student retention, and student satisfaction) to ensure comparability to campus-based programs."
    3. "The institution ensures the integrity of student work and the credibility of the degrees and credits it awards."
    4. Additional guidelines for effective assessment are provided in the Addendum (2002) on pages 52-59in the section Chapter Reference C: Best Practices for Electronically Offered Degree and Certificate Programs.
  2. Develop a list of tasks to be completed that meet the above guidelines as well as timelines.

Go to Attachment:

  1. Assessment Program at UNK
  2. Agenda of Activities for Assessment Program
  3. Assessment Training Fall 2004
  4. Assessment Communications-Fall 2004
  5. Analyses of Assessment Topics Addressed in the North Central Accreditation Team Final Report
  6. Revised Plan for General Studies Assessment