University of Nebraska at Kearney
College of Education

1994-96 UNK Undergraduate Catalog

Department of Elementary/Early Childhood Education

Elementary Education Major

Three major options are available:
I. Elementary Education Option-Bachelor of Arts in Education degree
II. Middle Grades Teaching Option-Bachelor of Arts in Education degree
Middle Grades Teaching Option-Bachelor of Science in Education degree
III. Early Childhood Education Option- Bachelor of Arts in Education degree

A minor in Early Childhood Education is available for students not pursuing certification in this area.

I. Elementary Education Option-Bachelor of Arts in Education Degree

A. General Studies Program - 50 hours
B. Professional Sequence in Education - *20-26 hours
C. Minor or Additional Endorsement - 24-33 hours
D. Elementary Option - 44-45 hours

Elementary Methods - 18 hours
ELED 370 Teaching Elem School Math - 3
ELED 371 Teaching Elem School Lang Arts - 3
ELED 372 Teaching Elem School Science - 3
ELED 373 Teaching Elem School Soc Sciences - 3
ELED 374 Teaching Elem School Reading - 3
ELED 405 Analysis & Correction of Reading Difficulties - 3

Supporting Courses26-27 hours
ART 360 Elementary Art Methods - 2
BIOL 103GS General Biology or
BIOL 109GS Plants and Animals - 4
ENG 425 Children's Literature - 3
MATH 230**Mathematics Elementary Teachers I - 3
MATH 330 Mathematics Elementary Teachers II - 3
MUS 115**Public School Music I - 2
MUS 215**Public School Music II - 2
**Students may test out of MUS 115 and MATH 230. Students completing a minor in Music are not required to take MUS 115 and 215.
PE 226 Elementary School Health Teaching - 1
PE 240 Non-Rhythmic Activities forElementary Schools or
PE 241 Rhythmic Activities for Elementary Schools or
PE 441 Elementary School Physical Education - 2-3
PHYS 100GS Physical Science or
PHYS 201GS Earth Science - 4

Supporting Minor
The following are minors and/or second endorsement programs of study for Elementary Education majors:

Art Education Minor
Technology Education
Early Childhood-Second Endorsement and/or Minor
English Minor
Mathematics Minor
Music Minor
Physical Education minor -Second Endorsement
Science Minor
Social Science Minor
Special Education Endorsement and/or Minor
Speech Theatre Minor

Note to all Elementary Majors: Any methods courses taken at the Lower Division Level (Jr. College), or more than ten years prior to the establishment of the program must be repeated. A program will be honored for five years, at which time it is subject to revision.

External Degree in Elementary Education
Working under the N-PAC agreement with Mid-Plains Area Community College in North Platte, and Central Community College Campus in Columbus, the Department of Elementary/Early Childhood Education has developed an external degree program in elementary education. This program has been developed to permit the completion of the first two years of the Baccalaureate Degree Program at either of the community colleges with the balance of the requirements for the elementary education program delivered to the respective sites from UNK. Students desiring admission to this program should contact the local campus advisor (Mr. Roger Babcock, North Platte), ( Mr. Norrie Augustine, Columbus), or Mrs. Tami Hellman at UNK. Students in this program are advised by Mr. Babcock or Mr. Augustine. Students will satisfy the same admission requirements and course requirements as students in the campus-based program. Students in the external degree program will complete a special academic minor rather than the choice of minors available to campus-based students.

External Degree in Elementary Education-Academic Minor 24-25 hours
C&SP 410 Psychology of Classroom Discipline - 3
ENG 422 Language for the Elementary Teacher - 3
HIST 405 Plains Indians - 3
PHYS 201GS Earth Science - 4
SPED 333 Mainstreaming the Exceptional Child - 3
SPED 308 Nature and Effect of Mild/Moderate Handicapping Conditions - 3
MATH 430 Middle School Mathematics - 3
Academic elective - 2-3

II. Middle Grades Teaching Option-Bachelor of Arts in Education Degree
Middle Grades Teaching Option-Bachelor of Science in Education Degree

A. General Studies Program - 45 hours
B. Professional Sequence in Education - *21 hours
*ELED 402 is not required.
C. Middle Grades Core - **40 hours
**Includes 32 General Studies hours.
D. Middle Grades Academic Concentration
Students must choose a minimum of two areas of concentration from
English - ***30 hours
Mathematics - ***30 hours
Science - ***30 hours
Social Science - ***36 hours
***Includes some Middle Grades Core hours, the number determined by the two selected content areas. Middle Grades are elementary grades 4-6 and two selected academic fields, grades - 4-9.

Middle Grades Core - 40 hours
BIOL 103GS General Biology or
BIOL 109GS Plants and Animals - 4
ELED 370 *Teaching Elementary School Math - 3
ELED 371 *Teaching Elementary School LanguageArts 3
ELED 372 *Teaching Elementary School Science - 3
ELED 373 *Teaching Elementary School Soc Sci - 3
*One corresponding secondary methods course will be selected in lieu of one of the noted elementary courses.
MIDG 410 History and Philosophy of the Middle School - 3
ELED 474 Teaching Reading in the Content Areas - 3
ENG 425 Children's Literature or
ENG 426 Literature for Adolescents - 3
MATH 140 Math Elementary Teachers I 3
MATH 240 Math Elementary Teachers II 3
PTE 390 Pre-Student Teaching Field Experience1 (must be middle grades 4-9)
PHYS 100GS Physical Science - 4
PHYS 201GS Earth Science - 4

Select Two Areas:
English: 30 hours
ENG 304 Grammar I or
ENG 303 Introduction to Linguistics - 3
ENG 404 History of the English Language - 3
ENG English Literature - 3
ENG American Literature - 3
ENG 212 Writing in the Disciplines or
ENG 234 Reading and Writing about Literature or
ENG 311 Advanced Writing I or
ENG 312 Writing in the Professions or
ENG 411 Advanced Writing II - 3
ENG 425 Children's Literature or
ENG 426 Literature for Adolescents - 3
General Studies English and Upper Division English courses in any combination - 12

Social Science - 36 hours
GEOG 106GS Cultural Geography 3
3 hours from GEOG 105GS, 343, 206GS, 305GS, 405 - 3
HIST 210GS Western Civilization - 3
HIST 211GS Western Civilization - 3
HIST 250GS American History - 3
HIST 251GS American History - 3
PSCI 110GS American Political Heritage - 3
PSCI Elective - 3
SOC 200GS Introduction to Sociology - 3
6 hours from HIST 240, 340, 445, 480 - 6
3 hours from ECON 100GS, HIST 339, 350, GEOG 341 Geography of Latin America - 3

Mathematics: - 30 hours
Required - 18 hours
MATH 102 College Algebra - 3
MATH 103 Plane Trigonometry - 3
MATH 230 Modern Elementary School Math I - 3
MATH 330 Modern Elementary School Math II - 3
CSCI 108GS Computers in Society or
CSCI 111GS Applied BASIC Programming - 3
MATH 430 Middle School Mathematics - 3

Electives: - 12 hours
MATH 115 Calculus I with Analytic Geometry or
MATH 123 Applied Calculus I - 3-5
MATH 120 Finite Mathematics - 3
MATH 250 Foundations of Math - 3
MATH 310 College Geometry - 3
STAT 241 Elementary Statistics - 3
ELED 420 Math for the Talented/Gifted - 3

Science: - 30 hours
Required - 19-20 hours
BIOL 103GS General Biology or Biology 109GS - 4
BIOL 104GS or 107 or 315GS - 3-4
PHYS 100GS Physical Science - 4
PHYS 201GS Earth Science - 4
PHYS 301 Advanced Physical Science - 4

Select one of the following:
GEOG 107 or GEOG 209 or PHYS 209 or 210 - 3
Science Electives: - 7-8 hours
Middle Grades Options will complete 15 hours of student teaching, divided between Upper Elementary and Junior High.

III. Early Childhood Education Option-Bachelor of Arts in Education Degree

A. General Studies Program - 45 hours
B. Professional Sequence in Education - *36 hours
*Includes 27 hours for ELED (K-6) program and 9 hours for ECE (PreK-3) program.
C. Teaching Field Endorsement in Early Childhood Education (PreK - Grade 3) (courses listed below). - 30 hours
D. Available with elementary education major only.

Field Endorsement - 30 hours
ECE 262 Introduction to Early Childhood Education - 3
ECE 362 Early Childhood Curriculum Foundations - 3
ECE 363 Early Childhood Education: Materials & Methods - 3
ELED 371 Teaching Elementary School Language Arts - 3
ELED 375 Emergent Literacy - 3
ECE 463/843 Home, School & Community Relations - 3
ECE 465Administering Early Childhood Education and Care Programs - 3
FCSC 250 Human Development: Infants & Toddlers - 3
FCSC 253Human Development: Early Childhood - 3
SPED406 Introduction to Early Childhood Special Education - 3

Early Childhood Education Minor - 25 hours

ECE 262 Introduction to Early Childhood Education - 3
PTE 390 PreK or K-3 Pre-student Teaching Field Experience - 1
ECE 362 Early Childhood Curriculum Foundations - 3
FCSC 250 Human Development: Infants & Toddlers - 3
FCSC 253 Human Development: Early Childhood - 3
ELED 375 Emergent Literacy - 3
ECE 465 Administering Early Childhood Education and Care Programs - 3

Electives: Complete three credit hours from each of the following two groups of courses.

Group A. Select one of the following courses.
ECE 363 Early Childhood Education: Materials & Methods - 3
ECE 463/843 Home, School & Community Relations in Early Childhood Education - 3
SPED 406 Introduction to Early Childhood Special Education - 3

Group B. Select one of the following courses.
FCSC 371 Parent Education - 3
SOWK 170 Introduction to Social Welfare - 3
SOC 224 Social Problems - 3

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