University of Nebraska at Kearney
College of Business and Technology
1994-96 UNK Undergraduate Catalog
Department of Family and Consumer Sciences
Courses (FCSC)
- 100. Apparel Analysis: Theory and Practice - 3 hours
- Analysis and evaluation of ready-to- wear apparel with emphasis on standards of quality
for design, fabrication, production, and fit. Emphasis on creative problem solving with
limited apparel construction using commercial patterns.
- 104. Family and Consumer Sciences Orientation - 1 hour
- Scope, trends and in-depth study of the Home Economic profession.
- 108GS. Space for Family Living - 3 hours
- The social, physical aesthetic and economic aspects of housing including its equipment
and furnishings, as it concerns the family during stages of the family life cycle.
- 110GS. Introduction to Nutrition - 3 hours
- Prerequisite: CHEM 145GS or CHEM
150GS. Scientific basis of nutrition, nutrients and their functions, sources of
deficiency diseases requirements and basic interrelationships of nutrients. Nutrition
throughout the life cycle.
- 150. Lifespan Development and the Family - 3 hours
- A survey course of the major developmental periods of physical growth and development
throughout the life cycle and their influence on and relationship to marriage, the family
system includes life cycle and the family's influence on developmental periods.
- 151GS. Human Sexual Behavior - 3 hours
- A course designed to help the individual to understand himself as a whole person so that
he relates to others in a healthy, constructive and meaningful manner. Evaluation of one's
own values in relation to life-style and the value structure of society.
- 200. Textiles - 3 hours
- Prerequisite: CHEM 145GS or CHEM
245GS. Weaves, yarns, fibers and finishes with reference to selection and care of
fabrics for clothing and home.
- 202. Fashion Theory and Marketing - 3 hours
- Fashion theories and concepts and their relationships with the design, production, and
distribution of fashion goods domestically and internationally.
- 207. Heritage of Interiors - 3 hours
- The evolution and heritage of interiors and furnishings from antiquity to the present.
- 220. Food Preparation - 3 hours
- (2 Credit Hours lecture and 2 Credit Hours lab/week) Prerequisites: CHEM 145, or 160, FCSC 110GS. Fundamental and scientific principles of food
preparation with emphasis on composition, quality control, and nutritive contributions.
Includes cultural, social, and economic issues relating to food selection. (Lab fee
- 235. Food Service Sanitation and Safety - 3 hours
- Prerequisites: FCSC 110GS, BIOL
211GS. Theory of sanitation in the processing of food and the food service industry.
Emphasis on safety in food service facilities.
- 250. Infant Development - 3 hours
- A study of growth and development, principles of guidance, and care of children from
conception through two years of age including changing concepts affecting parenthood. Also
a lab.
- 253. Child Development - 3 hours
- Prerequisite: FCSC 250. A study of growth and
developmental characteristics of young children, adaptation of environment to meet their
needs, and principles involved in the guidance of children at the preschool age stressing
the physical, emotional, mental and social growth of children. Two-hour lab experience per
week to be arranged.
- 301. Apparel and Textile Promotion - 3 hours
- Promotion of fashion merchandising and textiles including demonstration techniques,
advertising, special events and public relations. Emphasis will be placed on the methods
and procedures needed to promote effectively merchandise throughout the soft goods chain.
- 305. Equipment: Selection, Use and Care - 3 hours
- Selection, use and care of equipment involving the applicable principles of heat,
mechanics, electricity, light, kitchen and storage planning.
- 306. Theory and Application of Lighting - 1 hour
- The study of the theory and application of natural and artificial light sources in the
near built environment. Includes a study of the relationship of light and color.
Residential and contract lighting is selected to meet specific needs and create a variety
of planned effects.
- 307. Home Furnishings - 3 hours
- Prerequisite: ART 108
- Art principles applied to the selection of home furnishings of various types. Emphasis
is given to the importance of considering the needs and resources of the family for
intelligent choices, arrangement and care of
furnishings.</dd></dl><dl><dt><a name="
fcsc308">308. Housing and Family - 3 hours
- Housing requirements of today's families, housing laws, the housing industry and home
- 309. Home Furnishings Merchandising - 3 hours
- The merchandising of residential and contract furnishings. A detailed study of the
residential and contract furnishings industry and the distribution of products specifics.
Includes a study of trade and research journals and professional associations specific to
the home furnishings industry.
- 312. Housing Interiors for Special Needs Pop. - 2 hours
- Principles and elements of interior design as it applies to special needs populations
with emphasis on the elderly and handicapped.
- 313. Renovation and Restoration of Interiors - 2 hours
- Principles and elements of design for renovation of existing residential structures for
better utilization of existing space and/or planned for additional space based on
requirements of restoration and preservation of furnishings of historically significant
- 314. History of Costumes - 3 hours
- Chronological study of Western costumes as related to culture and customs in historical
and contemporary contexts. Emphasis on 19th and 20th century costumes with limited
hands-on experience with the FCS Historical Textile and Costume Collection.
- 330. - Organization of Family and Consumer Sciences Programs - 3 hours
- Prerequisite: PTE. 200, 300. Methods
and techniques in teaching homemaking. Interpretation of homemaking education to school
and community. Examinations of total program of Home Economics Education, including
history and philosophy of Vocational Homemaking Education.
- 332. Visual Merchandising - 3 hours
- Principle and practice in current methods of the visual approach to selling. A study of
the contemporary philosophy of creating a desirable image and unified store appearance.
(This course is a prerequisite for FCSC 475, Internship.)
- 335. Nutrition Throughout the Life Cycle - 4 hours
- (3 hours lecture and 3 hours lab/week) Prerequisites BIOL 211,
BIOL 215, or BIOL 225, BIOL 226, FCSC 110GS, CHEM 160. Physiological changes and nutritional requirements
of humans throughout the life cycle.
- 340. Family Life Education - 3 hours
- Open to any student who would like to be better prepared to teach comprehensive health
and family life course. This course encompasses the concepts of the counselor-teacher
role; specific techniques and materials available in the teaching-learning process.
- 345. Catering
- Prerequisite: FCSC 220. Planning and serving banquets
including: sales; staffing; menu; decoration; and service. Includes planning and catering
a social function.
- 350. Dynamics of Dietetics - 3 hours
- Prerequisites: FCSC 104, FCSC 110GS, FCSC 220; BIOL 211, BIOL 215, or BIOL 225, BIOL 226, CHEM 160 or CHEM 161GS, and CHEM 250.
Completion of pre-dietetics program. Dynamics of nutritional care and food service
management. Outlines expected competencies, educational requirements, professionalism and
the relationship between the dietitian and other numbers of the health care team.
- 351GS. Marriage and Family Relationships - 3 hours
- A course designed to help the individual develop some very personal insight and a
sensitive awareness about the feelings and meanings of relationships in love, marriage and
family relationships.
- 354. Practicum in Child Development - 3 hours
- Prerequisite: FCSC 253. Practicum in planning, operating
and evaluating group experiences for young children in various preschool situations;
become aware of philosophies and theories of various educators and in-depth study of the
developing child. Two-hour lab experience per week arranged.
- 360. Quantity Food Purchasing - 3 hours
- Prerequisites: FCSC 110GS, FCSC
220. Purchasing process, specifications, receiving, storage, and inventory control.
- 361. Families During Adulthood and Middle Age - 3 hours
- Prerequisite: FCSC 351GS. A Study of family relationships
during the adult and middle aged portions of the family developmental life cycle.
- 364. Consumer in the Market - 3 hours
- The interrelationship of the family as a decision-making unit and the market. Consumer
information and legislation affecting choices.
- 371. Parent Education - 3 hours
- Prerequisites: Six hours in Human Development and Relationships or permission of
instructor. Analysis of the major problems relative to parent education. Synthesis of
child-rearing practices, parent-child relationships and perceptions of attitudes and
- 373. Food Service Layout and Design - 3 hours
- Prerequisites: FCSC 110GS, FCSC
220. Design of kitchen and design facilities for quantity food service operations.
Includes floor plans and equipment arrangement.
- 375. Diet in Health/Disease - 3 hours
- Prerequisites: FCSC 110GS, FCSC
335, CHEM 250, BIOL 215,
or BIOL 225, BIOL 226.
Dietary principles applied to abnormal condition of the human body.
- 380. Nature and Design of Residential Interiors - 3 hours
- Prerequisites: ITEC 120, FCSC 108, FCSC 307, FCSC 305 or special
permission. The elements of interior space design as it applies to residential living.
Includes characteristics, design, and illustrations of walls, floors, and ceilings as
elements of enclosure in interiors to create habitable-functionally fit, aesthetically
pleasing, and psychologically satisfying residential interior environments. Incorporates
special spatial needs analysis of furniture and kitchen cabinetry. Emphasis on creative
problems related to residential interiors with special emphasis.
- 395. Individual Studies in Family & Consumer Sciences - 1-3 hours
- Prerequisite: Approval of department. Independent study of Family and Consumer Sciences
to meet the needs of the student. For majors only.
- 399. Family and Consumer Sciences - 1-4 hours
- Apprenticeship Program The Family and Consumer Sciences Apprenticeship Program is
designed to provide students with a variety of experiences which will facilitate
competency in their chosen field of study. Students who plan to teach will assist faculty
members in preparing bibliographies, in research, in aiding classroom discussions, in
preparing special lectures or programs, in grading, and preparing examinations.
- 402/802. Selected Readings in Human Relationships - 3 hours
- Analysis of major studies and current literature.
- 404. Psychology of Clothing - 3 hours
- A multidisciplinary approach to the study of clothing for the individual and society .
Emphasis on various theoretical perspectives and current research findings.
- 405. Critical Issues in the Textile and Apparel Industries - 3 hours
- Contemporary issues-oriented approach to the integration of trends, problems, and
forecasting within the textile and apparel industries. Emphasis on theoretical
perspectives grounded in current library readings.
- 406. Contemporary Management: Theory and Practicum - 3 hours
- Theory and experiences in management dealing with the problems of individual and family
- 407. Interior Design - 3 hours
- A study of business procedures, including professional duties and responsibilities
related to the field of interior design. Emphasis is on creative problems related to
commercial and residential interiors, planning, correlation and presentation.
- 410/810. Current Trends in Household Equipment - 3 hours
- Selected readings and research projects dealing with technological advances in household
equipment; a view of the industry and the impact on housing needs.
- 411. Quantity Foods and Equipment - 3 hours
- (2 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week) Prerequisites: FCSC
110GS, FCSC 220, and FCSC
360. Preparation and service of large quantities of food. Selection, use of equipment
and menu planning.
- 412/812. Scientific Advancements in Foods and Nutrition - 3 hours
- A critical survey of recent developments in new foods and nutrition. Fundamental
problems of nutrition encountered throughout the life cycle and practical methods of
dealing with them, with consideration of recent research findings.
- 420. Community Nutrition - 3 hours
- Prerequisites: FCSC 110GS, FCSC
335. Study of agencies and programs concerned with nutrition-health interrelationships
of urban and rural population. Design and teach a nutrition class in a community.
- 425. Food Management Systems - 3 hours
- (3 hours lecture) Prerequisites: Business 391. Theory and observation of the functions
of management in a food service system. Organization, policy making, financial control,
menu planning, forecasting, food purchasing, production, and service.
- 430. Teaching of Consumer and Homemaking Education - 4 hours
- Prerequisite: FCSC 300 before admission to student
teaching. Includes a study of methods and techniques for classroom teaching and the
organization, management experience.
- 433. Human Nutrition, Intermediary Metabolism - 4 hours
- Prerequisites: CHEM 160, CHEM
161, CHEM 351, FCSC 110GS,
FCSC 335. An advanced nutrition course. Biochemical role of
nutrients and the process of intermediary metabolism. Integration of biochemical pathways
of major and minor nutrients.
- 435. Clinical Dietetics - 4 hours
- (3 hours lecture and 4 hours lab per week) Prerequisites: FCSC
335; FCSC 375, FCSC 433, FCSC
110GS, CHEM 160, CHEM 161,
CHEM 351. Theory, observation and supervised application of
clinical dietetics principles as related to abnormal conditions of the human body.
Observations and supervised experience in nutritional care of patients.
- 440. Advanced Food Sci with Lab - 4 hours
- (3 hours lecture and 4 hours lab per week) Prerequisites: CHEM
250, FCSC 220. An advanced experimental cookery course.
The physical and chemical properties of foods are important in food preparations. (Lab fee
- 441/841. Teaching Occupational Home Economics - 3 hours
- Prerequisite: FCSC 330. This course is designed to help
the secondary Home Economics instructor organize, implement, administer and conduct an
occupational home economics program for adolescents and adults.
- 446. Presentation Techniques and Client Relationships - 3 hours
- Prerequisite or co-requisite: FCSC 407. Meeting clients
needs through projects emphasizing specifications, financial, and interior design business
procedures and professional practices. Advanced programming and presentation techniques of
student projects are employed.
- 450/850. Gerontology - 3 hours
- Prerequisite: FCSC 150, 351GS,
361 or 6 hours of sociology or psychology or permission of
the instructor. A study of the interrelationships of the common factors concerning aging,
the major objective being to understanding of the individual during the later stages of
the family life cycle.
- 451. Seminar in Nutrition and Dietetics - 1 hour
- Identification and implementation of professional tools, techniques and format used in
seeking employment. Selected topics in food, nutrition, food service management, and
- 452/852. Nutrition of the Aged - 3 hours
- Changes in aging as related to food, nutrition and related problems. Ex: Dietary Needs
and Diet Planning.
- 463/863. Progs. and Service for Young Children: Facilities - 1 hour
- A study of facilities and current regulations of Child Service Programs. Emphasizes the
need for adequate safety programs, measuring tools and program evaluations.
- 464/864. Progs. and Services for Young Children: - Nutrition - 1 hour
- A study of health and nutritional needs of children. Emphasizes effective food programs,
procedures and evaluation instruments necessary in child service programs.
- 471. Marital Dynamics - 3 hours
- A course for couples who anticipate marriage in the near future or who have been married
a year or less. The purpose of this course is to experience the dynamics of the
interpersonal relationship leading toward marriage. To confront marital issues and develop
coping skills necessary to create a satisfactory marriage.
- 475. Internship - 1-15 hours
- Internship is defined as a set of variable experiences-inter-or intra-institutions to
include clinical or work-related experiences. The purpose of this course is to provide
experiences in the various areas of family and consumer sciences. It provides students
with opportunities for broader experience and enables them to develop competencies which
meet requirements of professional accrediting agencies.
480A. - (Didactic course component, FCSC 354-Pract
C. Dev.) - 1 hour
480B. - (Didactic course component, - FCSC
371-Parent Ed) - 1 hour
480C. - (Family and Consumer Sciences, - Human Services
Experience) - 2 hours
- 481. Cross-Cultural Family Patterns - 3 hours
- Comparative research of familial behavior and structural patterns of various cultures.
Analysis and evaluation of the impact of differing cultures on societal and family
- 486/886. Families in Crisis - 3 hours
- This course enables Family and Consumer Sciences and other service and social
support-oriented students to understand the trauma and recovery process associated with
normative and catastrophic family crisis. Note: This course alone does not prepare
students to be crisis interventionists.
- 490/890. Special Problems in Family and Consumer Sci. - 3 hours
- For home economists who wish to update their understanding of accepted educational
procedures and practices.
- 491/891. Expanded Campus Workshop - 1-3 hours
- Refer to Academic Information for description
Graduate Courses
802P Selected Readings in Human Relationships, 3 hours;
803P Social Psychological Aspects of Clothing, 3 hours;
810P New Developments in Household Equipment, 3 hours;
812P Scientific Advancements in Food and Nutrition, 3 hours;
814P Scientific Readings in Nutrition, 3 hours;
832P Technology in Family and Consumer Sciences, 3 hours;
841P Teaching Home Economics Related Occupations, 3 hours;
850P Gerontology, 3 hours;
852P Nutrition of the Aged, 3 hours;
863P Programs and Services for Young Children: Equipment and Facilities for Childhood
Education Center, 1 hour;
864P Programs and Services for Young Children: Food, Nutrition and Health of Young
Children, 1 hour;
886P Families in Crisis, 3 hours;
890P Special Problems in Family and Consumer Sciences, 3 hours;
891P Expanded Campus Workshop, 1 hour;
820 Program Planning in Home Economics Education, 3 hours;
830 Secondary Home Economics Curriculum;
835 Supervisory Techniques in Home Economics Education, 3 hours;
840 Advanced Home Economics Teaching Models, 3 hours. See Graduate Catalog for course