- A,
- B,
- C,
- D,
- E,
- F,
- G,
- H,
- I,
- J,
- K,
- L,
- M,
- N,
- O,
- P,
- R,
- S,
- T,
- U,
- V,
- W
- AAEO, see Nondiscrimination Policy Statement
- Abuse of academic materials and/or equipment, see Academic Integrity Policy
- Academic Advising, see Academic and Career Services
- Academic Amnesty
- Academic and Career Services
- Academic Calendar
- Academic Dishonesty, see Academic Integrity Policy
- Academic Information
- Academic Integrity Policy
- Academic/Professional Student Organizations
- Academic Probation, see Academic Requirements for Good Standing
- Academic Progress Policy, Standards of Satisfactory
- Academic Regulations
- Academic Requirements for Good Standing
- Academic Resources
- Academic Success Offices
- Academic Success Fee
- Academic Suspension Appeal
- Academic Suspension, see Academic Requirements for Good Standing
- Accounting Emphasis Business Administration Comprehensive Bachelor of Science
- Accounting/Finance Department
- Accounting Minor
- Accreditations
- ACCT Courses
- Activities, Student
- Activity Fee, Student
- Adapted Physical Education Supplemental Endorsement
- ADA, see Students with Disabilities/Special Needs
- Add/Drop, Change of Schedule
- Administration Endorsements
- Administration, UNK
- Admission
- Admissions Application Fee
- Admissions Information
- Advanced Placement and Credit by Examination
- Advertising and Public Relations Bachelor of Arts
- Advertising and Public Relations Bachelor of Science
- Advertising and Public Relations Minor
- Advising
Aesthetics General Studies Courses
Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity, see Nondiscrimination Policy Statement
Agribusiness Comprehensive Bachelor of Science
Agribusiness Program
Alumni Association
Amnesty, Academic
Analytical and Quantitative Thought General Studies Courses
Antelope Newspaper
AP Credit
Application Fee, Admissions
Application Form for Admission, see Application Procedures for All Entering Freshmen
Applied Computer Science Bachelor of Science
Applied Mathematics Emphasis Mathematics Comprehensive Bachelor of Science
Architecture Preparation Pre-Professional Program
Armed Services
Art and Art History Department
ART Courses
Art Gallery, Walker
Art History Bachelor of Arts
Art History Minor
Art K-12 Teaching Field Endorsement Bachelor of Arts in Education
Art Minor
Art Minor-Elementary Education
Assault, see Sexual Harassment/Sexual Assault Policy (Title IX)
Athletic Grants
Athletics, Intercollegiate
Athletic Training Comprehensive Bachelor of Science
Athletic Training Education Program
Attendance Policy Statement
Audit Grading
Aviation Support Services Emphasis Aviation Systems Management Comprehensive Bachelor of Science
Aviation Systems Management Comprehensive Bachelor of Science
- Calendar, Academic
- Campus Ministries Student Organizations
- Campus Recreation
- Campus Recreation Student Organizations
- Campus Security, see Police and Parking Services
- Capstone Course General Studies Courses
- Cardiovascular Perfusion Pre-Professional Program
- Career Services, Academic and
- CARE Team, see Crisis Management Immediate Resources
- Carillon
- Catalog Year Requirements
- CDIS Courses
- Center for Economic Education
- Center for Teaching Excellence
- Centers
- Central Administration, University of Nebraska
- Ceramics Emphasis Studio Art Comprehensive Bachelor of Fine Arts
- Certificates, Teaching and Administration
- Certification, see Post-Baccalaureate Transitional Certification Program in the Graduate Catalog
- Change of Residency Status
- Change of Schedule (Drop/Add)
- Changes to Student's Catalog
- Cheating, see Academic Integrity Policy
- CHEM Courses
- Chemistry 7-12 Teaching Subject Endorsement Bachelor of Science in Education
- Chemistry Bachelor of Arts
- Chemistry Comprehensive Bachelor of Science
- Chemistry Department
- Chemistry Minor
- CHIN Courses
- Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Podiatry Pre-Professional Program
- Choral Groups Student Organizations
- CJUS Courses
- Classification for Tuition Purposes, Residence
- Classification, Student
- Class Schedules, see Registration
- Clean Air Policy
- CLEP Credit
- CLEP Test-University of Nebraska at Kearney
- Clinical Faculty, Health Science Programs
- Coaching Minor
- Code of Conduct, Student
- Colleges
- Collegiate Readership Program Fee
- Communication Department
- Communication Disorders Comprehensive Bachelor of Science in Education
- Communication Disorders Department
- Communication Disorders Minor
- Complicity in academic dishonesty, see Academic Integrity Policy
- Comprehensive Major
- Composition Emphasis Music Performance Bachelor of Music
- Computer Science and Information Systems Department
- Computer Science Comprehensive Bachelor of Science
- Computer Science Emphasis Mathematics Comprehensive Bachelor of Science
- Computer Science Minor
- Computing Policies
- Conduct Statement, Ethical/Professional
- Conduct, Student Code of
- Construction Management Comprehensive Bachelor of Science
- Content Development Minor
- Continuing Student Scholarships
- Cooperative Education - Diversified Occupations Supplemental Endorsement
- Correspondence Courses Credit
- Costs Per Semester Summary
- Counseling and School Psychology Department
- Counseling Fee, Health and
- Counseling & Health Care
- Course Numbering
- Courses
- Credit by Examination, Advanced Placement and
- Credit/No Credit
- Credit, Non-Traditional
- Credit Transfer
- Criminal Justice and Social Work Department
- Criminal Justice Bachelor of Science
- Criminal Justice Comprehensive Bachelor of Science
- Criminal Justice Minor
- Crisis Management Immediate Resources
- CSIS Courses
- CSP Courses
- DANC Courses
- Dance Minor
- Dance, see Music and Performing Arts Department
- Deans' List
- Deans, UNK
- Degree Application, see Graduation Procedures
- Degree Audit
- Degrees
- Democracy in Perspective General Studies Courses
- Dental Hygiene Pre-Professional Program
- Dental Pre-Professional Program
- Departmental Test-out Credit
- Departments
- Departments and Programs
- Dining, Housing and
- Disabilities/Special Needs, Students with
- Disability Services
- Distance Course Fees, see Summary of Costs Per Semester
- Distance Education Fee, see Special Fees
- Distance Education, see eCampus
- Distance Education Tuition, see Summary of Costs Per Semester
- Distribution General Studies Courses
- Diversified Occupations, Supplemental Endorsement in Cooperative Education -
- Drawing Emphasis Studio Art Comprehensive Bachelor of Fine Arts
- Driver Education Supplemental Endorsement
- Drop/Add, Change of Schedule
7 Oct 2013
- Painting Emphasis Studio Art Comprehensive Bachelor of Fine Arts
- Parking Permit Fee, Student
- Parking Regulations Summary
- PE Courses
- Peer Health Education
- Peer Tutoring
- Pharmacy Pre-Professional Program
- PHIL Courses
- Philosophy Bachelor of Arts
- Philosophy Minor
- Philosophy Program
- Photography Emphasis Studio Art Comprehensive Bachelor of Fine Arts
- Photography Minor
- PHYS Courses
- Physical Education 7-12 Teaching Subject Endorsement Bachelor of Arts in Education
- Physical Education Comprehensive Bachelor of Science
- Physical Education K-6 Teaching Subject Endorsement Bachelor of Arts in Education
- Physical Education Minor
- Physical Exam/Vaccinations for Admission, see Application Procedures for All Entering Freshmen
- Physical Science Bachelor of Arts
- Physical Science Bachelor of Science
- Physical Therapy Pre-Professional Program
- Physician Assistant Pre-Professional Program
- Physics 7-12 Teaching Subject Endorsement Bachelor of Science in Education
- Physics and Physical Science Department
- Physics Bachelor of Arts
- Physics Bachelor of Science
- Physics Comprehensive Bachelor of Science
- Physics Minor
- Piano Performance Emphasis Music Performance Bachelor of Music
- Piano Performance with Pedagogy Emphasis Music Performance Bachelor of Music
- Placement Services Fee, see Special Fees
- Plagiarism, see Academic Integrity Policy
- Planetarium and Observatory
- Podiatry, see Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Podiatry Pre-Professional Program
- Police and Parking Services
- Policies
- Political Science 7-12 Teaching Subject Endorsement Bachelor of Arts in Education
- Political Science Bachelor of Arts
- Political Science Bachelor of Science
- Political Science Department
- Political Science Minor
- Political Student Organizations
- Popular Culture English Minor
- Portal Course General Studies Courses
- Post-Baccalaureate Transitional Certification Program, see Graduate Catalog
- Pre-Professional Programs
- Printmaking Emphasis Studio Art Comprehensive Bachelor of Fine Arts
- Private music lessons fee, see Special Fees
- Probation, see Academic Requirements for Good Standing
- Professional Chemist's Comprehensive Bachelor of Science
- Professional Communication Minor
- Professional Conduct Statement
- Professional Programs, see Pre-Professional Programs
- Professional Sequence for Education Degrees
- Professional Student Organizations
- Program of Study, see Degree Audit
- Programs
- Progress
- PSCI Courses
- Psychobiology Comprehensive Bachelor of Science
- Psychology 7-12 Teaching Subject Endorsement Bachelor of Arts in Education
- Psychology Bachelor of Arts
- Psychology Bachelor of Science
- Psychology Comprehensive Bachelor of Science
- Psychology Department
- Psychology Minor
- PSY Courses
- Public Administration Bachelor of Science
- Public Administration Minor
- Publications
- Publications Student Organizations
- Public Health Minor
- Public Safety, see Police and Parking Services
- Public Service
- SAE (Summer Advising and Enrollment), see New Student Enrollment
- Safety Center
- Safety Education Minor
- Scholarship Quality Points, Traditional Grading/
- Scholarships
- Science Minor-Elementary Education
- Science-Related Course Requirements, B.S.
- SCM Courses
- Sculpture Emphasis Studio Art Comprehensive Bachelor of Fine Arts
- Senior Check
- Service Student Organizations
- Sexual Harassment/Sexual Assault Policy (Title IX)
- SFED Courses
- Smoking Policy
- SOC Courses
- Social Science 7-12 Teaching Field Endorsement Bachelor of Arts in Education
- Social Science Minor-Elementary Education
- Social Sciences General Studies Courses
- Social Work Comprehensive Bachelor of Science
- Social Work Minor
- Social Work, see Criminal Justice and Social Work Department
- Sociology 7-12 Teaching Subject Endorsement Bachelor of Science in Education
- Sociology Bachelor of Arts
- Sociology Bachelor of Science
- Sociology, Geography and Earth Science Department
- Sociology Minor
- Sororities, see Greek Student Organizations
- SOSC Courses
- SOWK Courses
- SPAN Courses
- Spanish 7-12 Teaching Subject Endorsement Bachelor of Arts in Education
- Spanish Bachelor of Arts
- Spanish Minor
- Spanish Translation and Interpretation Bachelor of Arts
- Spanish Translation Minor
- SPCH Courses
- Special Education Minor
- Special Interest Student Organizations
- Special Needs, Students with
- SPED Courses
- Speech Communication 7-12 Teaching Subject Endorsement Bachelor of Arts in Education
- Speech, Language and Hearing Clinic
- Speech/Theatre Minor-Elementary Education
- Sports and Intramurals
- Sports Management Bachelor of Science
- Sports Management Comprehensive Bachelor of Science
- Sports Management Minor
- Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy
- STAT Courses
- Student Activities and Student Organizations
- Student Activity Fee
- Student Attendance Policy Statement
- Student Classification
- Student Code of Conduct, see Student Conduct
- Student Conduct
- Student Event Ticket Fee
- Student Government Student Organizations
- Student Life
- Student Life and Co-Curricular Activities
- Student Load
- Student Organizations, see Student Activities and Student Organizations
- Student Parking Permit Fee
- Student Records Fee
- Student Regents, University of Nebraska
- Student Services
- Student Support Services
- Students with Disabilities/Special Needs
- Student Teaching
- Student Union Fee
- Student Union, Nebraskan
- Student Weight Room Fee
- Studio Art Bachelor of Arts
- Studio Art Comprehensive Bachelor of Fine Arts
- Study Abroad, see International Study Abroad
- Study Skills Classes, see Learning Skills Classes
- Subject Endorsement (definition)
- Subject Endorsements
- Summary of Costs Per Semester
- Summer Advising and Enrollment (SAE), see New Student Enrollment
- Supplemental Endorsement (definition)
- Supplemental Endorsements
- Supplemental Instruction
- Supply Chain Management Emphasis Business Administration Comprehensive Bachelor of Science
- Supply Chain Management Minor
- Suspension, Appeal of Academic
- Suspension, see Academic Requirements for Good Standing