Offered by Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Mathematics Major

Mathematics Comprehensive
Bachelor of Science
Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, General Emphases

Must be completed with no grade below a "C".

  1. Math Comprehensive Core Requirements (34 hours required)
    • Take all of the following:
      • MATH 202, Calculus II with Analytic Geometry - 5 hours
      • MATH 250, Foundations of Math - 3 hours
      • MATH 260, Calculus III - 5 hours
      • MATH 305, Differential Equations - 3 hours
      • MATH 350, Abstract Algebra - 3 hours
      • MATH 365, Complex Analysis - 3 hours
      • MATH 420, Numerical Analysis - 3 hours
      • MATH 440, Linear Algebra - 3 hours
      • MATH 460, Advanced Calculus I - 3 hours
    • Take 1 course from:
      • CSIS 111GS, Applied Computer Programming - 3 hours
      • CSIS 112GS, Programming in C - 3 hours
      • CSIS 130GS*, Introduction to Computer Science - 4 hours
      • *Students who plan a Computer Science Emphasis are advised to take CSIS 130GS.
  2. Emphasis area (15-18 hours required)
    • Choose one emphasis from the following:
      1. Applied Mathematics Emphasis (15 hours required)
      2. Computer Science Emphasis (18 hours required)
      3. General Emphasis (15-18 hours required)

8 May 2013