Offered by Department of Management
College of Business and Technology
MGT Courses
- MGT 188GS - General Studies Portal - 3 hours
- Prereq: freshman or sophomore standing
Students analyze critical issues confronting individuals and society in a global context as they pertain to the discipline in
which the Portal course is taught. The Portal is intended to help students succeed in their university education by being
mentored in process of thinking critically about important ideas and articulating their own conclusions. Students may take the
Portal in any discipline, irrespective of their major or minor. Satisfies the General Studies Portal course requirement. Students
may take their Portal course in any discipline. Students who transfer 24 or more hours of General Studies credit to UNK are
exempt from taking a portal course.
- MGT 230 - Managing Diversity in Organizations - 3 hours
- Prereq: none
This course covers the personal and managerial implications of cultural diversity within work groups. Underlying this course is
the philosophy that the ability to work and manage effectively in a diverse workplace begins with developing a deeper
understanding of other cultures. Sp.
- MGT 233GS - Business Statistics - 3 hours
- Prereq: MATH 102GS* (if necessary) or MATH 120GS* or MATH 123GS*
MATH 120GS or MATH 123GS are recommended. A study of basic
statistical analysis of business and economic data demonstrating its use in making sound business decisions. F, Sp.
- MGT 301 - Principles of Management - 3 hours
- Prereq: none
An integrated study of the functions of a manager: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. An in-depth look at various
management theories. F, Sp.
- MGT 314 - Operations and Supply Management - 3 hours
- Prereq: MGT 233GS* or equivalent
Operations management is concerned with the execution of strategy. It involves the systematic design, operation, control, and
improvement of business processes to achieve organizational goals and create economic value. Successfully managing operations is
vital to the long-term viability of every type of organization. This course provides a broad overview of issues in operations
and supply chain management emphasizing a strategic orientation toward design and improvement issues. Specific topics include
competitiveness; operations strategy; quality management; statistical process control; design of products, services, processes,
and facilities; project management; forecasting; supply chain management; inventory management; lean production; and scheduling.
- MGT 330 - International Management - 3 hours
- Prereq: none
This course provides an introduction to and overview of the theories, concepts, and practice of international business and
management. Additionally, this course will expose students to the basic theories and concepts relating to international trade
and globalization - issues of global economic, social, political, and cultural convergence and divergence.
- MGT 334 - Intermediate Statistics - 3 hours
- Prereq: MGT 233GS* or equivalent
A continuation of the study of the application of statistical techniques to business situations that involves advanced topics
such as multiple correlation and regression. A statistical computer package will be used. S.
- MGT 355 - Organizational Behavior - 3 hours
- Prereq: junior standing
This course is designed to develop an understanding of and appreciation for the complex interrelationships of people in formal
organizations. The course focuses on both individual and group behavior, with emphases on motivation, leadership, conflict, and
other aspects of organizational dynamics. Some sections use basic statistics and computer applications. F, Sp.
- MGT 380 - Human Resource Management - 3 hours
- Prereq: none
This course introduces the student to the theory and practice of human resource management. Topics include recruitment,
selection, and placement; training, development and performance management; compensation; equal opportunity and the legal
environment; and strategic implication of HRM and its relationship with other organizational functional areas. F, Sp.
- MGT 385 - Healthcare Management I - Managing People Effectively - 3 hours
- Prereq: none
Healthcare managers are responsible for getting things done through other people. This course focuses on giving students the
tools (theory and practice) to become an effective manager in healthcare settings. Topics include leadership, ethics, staffing,
teamwork, communication, and performance management.
- MGT 386 - Healthcare Management II - Managing Processes Effectively - 3 hours
- Prereq: none
Healthcare managers are responsible for effectively coordinating, planning, and managing business processes. These processes include
scheduling, waiting line assessment, quality, budgeting, financial planning and forecasting.
- MGT 388GS - General Studies Capstone - 3 hours
- Prereq: open to juniors and seniors or to students within 6 hours of completion of their General Studies program
An interdisciplinary experience where students apply the knowledge, cognitive abilities, and communication skills they have
gained from General Studies in designing and completing an original project or paper. Students employ methods and interpretive
means of two or more disciplines to integrate knowledge and synthesize their results. Satisfies the General Studies capstone
course requirement. Students may take their Capstone course in any discipline.
- MGT 400 - Entrepreneurship - 3 hours
- Prereq: none
This course explores the phenomena of entrepreneurship, including the myths, realities, and impact of entrepreneurial activity.
Students assess their own entrepreneurial aptitude and interests, meet a variety of entrepreneurs, and investigate the processes
of generating promising ideas, evaluating the viability of those ideas, finding capital, considering franchise opportunities,
and developing a new venture management team. The class is project oriented with each student participating in the development
of a feasibility plan for a new venture.
- MGT 401 - Small Business Management - 3 hours
- Prereq: MKT 300
This course focuses on the operation of small business and the small business environment. This course deals with the topics
related to personnel, government regulations of small business, advertising, sales promotion, accounting, forecasting, family
ownership and other management related problems. F, Sp. Three contact hours per week. Lectures, discussion, writing, and
- MGT 409 - Leadership: Skills, Applications, Research - 3 hours
- Prereq: none
This course is designed to give students preparing for careers in business, government, and the nonprofit sector a working
knowledge of leadership styles, principles, models, and practical applications. Students will learn to engage critically in
analytical and intellectual examination and reflection of certain core issues in the practice of leadership. Topics covered
include history of leadership, leadership traits and behaviors, motivation and communication patterns, teamwork, use of power,
development of trust, effective group facilitation, negotiation and persuasion, effective change, and ethics. Sp. Three contact
hours per week. Lectures, discussion, writing, and applications.
- MGT 410 - Compensation Management - 3 hours
- Prereq: none
A study of the basic forms of financial compensation, including benefits packages. Principles of internal, external, and
individual equity as determined by job evaluation, salary surveys, and performance evaluation comprise the core of this course.
Prior completion of MGT 380 is recommended. F.
- MGT 411 - Labor Relations - 3 hours
- Prereq: none
A study of labor-management relations as defined by negotiated labor contracts. Topics include history of the labor movement,
union structure and function, the negotiation process, and issues in labor relations. Prior completion of
MGT 380 is recommended. Sp.
- MGT 415 - Quality Management Concepts & Practice - 3 hours
- Prereq: MGT 314*
Overview of the concepts and techniques of quality management. Statistical tools; people element of quality management;
philosophies and practices of quality experts discussed. Students will be expected to be computer literate. Sp.
- MGT 425 - Operations Research - 3 hours
- Prereq: MGT 233GS* or equivalent
Recent developments relating to business application of linear programming, simplex method, transportation method, post
optimality analysis, game theory, utility theory, PERT-CPM, and queuing theory. Students will be expected to be computer
literate. F.
- MGT 474 - International Experiential Learning: Management - 1-3 hours
- Prereq: MGT 330 or MKT 430* or ECON 430* AND junior or senior standing AND permission of department chair
Independent investigations of international management issues through first-hand experiences. Topics to be investigated may be
tailored to meet the needs of the student.
- MGT 475 - Management Internship - 1-12 hours
- Prereq: either MGT 301 or MGT 355 AND overall GPA of 2.5 or better
A work experience program planned for students preparing for employment in business, industry, government, or nonprofit
organization. The learning situation is supervised by personnel within the selected entity. F, Sp, Su.
- MGT 485 - Seminar in Human Resource Management - 3 hours
- Prereq: MGT 380
Provides the student with an opportunity to study and research current issues in human resource management; course stresses an
informal setting and open communications approach. Sp.
- MGT 489 - Business Consultantship - 3 hours
- Prereq: senior standing and permission of the department chair
This course affords the student an opportunity to serve in a consultant capacity for an area business. In-depth business
analysis is conducted by the student, and specific recommendations are reported to the management of the firm. F, Sp.
- MGT 490 - Seminar in Organizational Behavior - 3 hours
- Prereq: MGT 355
Provides the student an opportunity to study and research current issues in organizational behavior and to develop a futuristic
philosophy of organizational management. F.
- MGT 493 - Social Responsibilities of Business: Issues and Ethics - 3 hours
- Prereq: junior standing
A study of the societal challenge of business and organizations; how business and society interface; micro and macro publics of
business and organization, environment, consumerism, employee rights, equality/diversity, international business and future
corporate ethos. This course covers legal, ethical and social responsibility issues of business and organizations. F, Sp.
- MGT 495 - Administrative Strategy and Policy - 3 hours
- Prereq: MGT 233GS* AND MKT 300 AND MIS 302* AND FIN 308* AND either MGT 301 or MGT 355
As the capstone course in business, the course is designed (1) to integrate the knowledge acquired in other courses in business
administration, and (2) to emphasize analysis and decision-making. F, Sp.
- MGT 498 - Management Topics - 3 hours
- Prereq: none
Selected topics and problems of current interest considered in depth. Class discussion and course projects. Topics vary each
semester depending upon instructor. On demand.
- MGT 499 - Special Problems in Business - 1-3 hours
- Prereq: permission of department chair
Independent investigations of business problems. Topics to be investigated may be tailored to meet the needs of the student. F,
* This course is the immediate prerequisite. Other preparation is required prior to this immediate prerequisite.