Chapter 4: Filing the Thesis: Academic Integrity Reminder,
Copyright, and On-campus Filing
Section 4.1 Academic dishonesty policy
As a graduate student about to embark upon the role of active scholar, your attention to academic honesty is imperative. This requires that your work:
- Provides a full and complete representation of any scholarly findings,
- Credits the contributions of colleagues and co-workers,
- Respects diversity of opinion,
- Defends you and your colleagues' academic freedom.
Misconduct in research and writing is defined in the university's Policy Statement on Integrity in Faculty/Student Authorship & Research as:
The fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, or other practices that seriously deviate from those commonly accepted within the scientific, artistic, and academic professional communities. Plagiarism involves the intentional appropriation of another's work, including ideas or phrasing of words, without crediting the source.
A student found guilty of dishonesty in academic work is subject to the disciplinary action and procedures as outlined in the Graduate Catalog, Academic Integrity section at