November 2007
Chapter 3: Quantitative Master's Thesis
Section 3.1: Suggested timeline for quantitative master's degree in two years
- First Year
- First Semester
- Form advisory committee: major professor, two faculty from department, and one faculty member from outside the department
- Note: some departments may require that specific documentation be filed with the department (for example, a program of study)
- Second Semester
- Hold committee meeting (suggested timeframe: prior to spring break)
- Describe research plan
- Proposed research objectives
- Prepare Program of Study form to be signed by major professor, full committee , chair of department graduate committee, and on file with the department
- If research involves human subjects, obtain IRB approval.
- Summer of First Year
- If this summer is used for research purposes the committee should be presented with a detailed work plan in a committee meeting before the end
of the second semester
- Apply for candidacy with the Office of Graduate Studies and Research after successful completion of half of the required hours and before
enrollment for the next semester form here: www.unk.edu/academics/gradstudies/admissions/resources
- Second Year
- First Semester
- Hold second committee meeting during first month of classes
- May occur during second semester of first year in program, or first summer
- Formal research proposal filed in student's folder after signature by all committee members containing the following elements (note: departments may have additional requirements such as a formal presentation) The proposal should contain the following elements:
- Literature review and/or theoretical framework
- Statement of research questions or hypotheses
- Research objectives
- Procedures for each objective
- Presentation of any data already collected
- Second Semester
- Committee Meeting: as early as possible in the semester
- Inform committee of progress and modifications to program
- If the Program of Study needs to be changed, this should be approved by approved by the committee, and a Change in Program form (same link as above) filed with the Office of Graduate Studies and Research
- Thesis Defense
- Copies of the completed thesis should be given to the Committee at least two weeks before the oral exam (defense) date
- Public presentation of the thesis (if required) and thesis defense should be done one month before graduation day of any semester
- The public presentation is followed by closed thesis defense during which time questions concerning the thesis, or any other program-related questions, will be asked by the committee
- The student may pass without reservations, pass with reservations, or fail. If revisions are necessary they must be completed and approved by all members of the Committee at least two week before graduation day. Students are urged to keep this scheduling issue in mind if there is the possibility of a "pass with reservations" decision by the Committee.
- You should submit the first 10 pages of the thesis including the preliminary pages three weeks prior to graduation for a format check.
- All forms must be completed and all copies of the thesis given to the Office of Graduate Studies and Research two weeks before graduation day. A check to cover the costs of binding made out to the binding company, Houchen Bindery, must be supplied at this time.
- Submit the PDF file of your thesis to ProQuest CSA's UMI Dissertation Publishing (see Section 4.3 titled Library/Electronic Submission of this document).
27 Aug 2009