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shortthesisguide2.gif November 2007

Chapter 2: Qualitative Master's Thesis

Section 2.2: Guidelines for writing the qualitative/creative thesis proposal

Subsection 2.2.2: Other Considerations for the Qualitative Thesis Proposal
  1. Institutional Review Board (IRB) - approval is required prior to data collection for a study involving human subjects
  2. Writing Style Format - as determined by the department
  3. Basic Text Formatting - to make the proposal easily readable by the committee
    1. Use 12-point type
    2. Use a standard type face, such as Times New Roman, Courier New, or Arial
    3. Use double-spacing for all portions of the proposal as determined by the style manual
    4. Use a 1-inch margin on the right side, 1.5-inches on the left side, and 1.25-inches on the top and bottom.
    5. Center the page number 0.25-inches from the page bottom; begin numbering with the title page

24 Jan 2008
