University of Nebraska at Kearney

1994-96 UNK Undergraduate Catalog

Course Prefixes

ART, Art and Art History

B&T, Business Administration/Education

BACC, Accounting/Finance

BASM, Management/Marketing

BFIN, Accounting/Finance

BIOL, Biology

BMGT, Management/Marketing

BMIS, Management/Marketing

BMKT, Management/Marketing

BSAD, Business Administration/Education

BSED, Business Administration/Education

C&SP, Counseling and School Psychology

CDIS, Special Education and Communication Disorders

CHEM, Chemistry

CJUS, Criminal Justice

CSIS, Computer Science and Information Systems

DANC, Music and Dance

ECE, Elementary/Early Childhood Education

ECON, Economics

EDAD, Educational Administration

EDME, Educational Media

ELED, Elementary/Early Childhood Education

ENG, English

FCSC, Family and Consumer Sciences

FORL, Foreign Languages

FREN, Foreign Languages

GEOG, Geography and Earth Science

GERM, Foreign Languages

HIST, History

HSCI, Health Science Programs

HUM, Humanities

ITEC, Industrial Technology

JAPN, Foreign Languages

JMC, Journalism and Mass Communications

LNSK, Learning Center

MATH, Mathematics and Statistics

MIDG, Elementary/Early Childhood Education

MUS, Music and Dance

PE, Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Leisure Studies

PHIL, Philosophy

PHYS, Physics and Physical Science

PSCI, Political Science

PSY, Psychology

PTE, Professional Teacher Education

REC, Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Leisure Studies

SFED, Safety Center

SOC, Sociology

SOSC, Social Science

SOWK, Social Work

SPAN, Foreign Languages

SPCH, Speech Communication and Theatre Arts

SPED, Special Education and Communication Disorders

STAT, Mathematics and Statistics

THEA, Speech Communication and Theatre Arts

VOED, Business Administration/Education

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