University of Nebraska at Kearney
College of Fine Arts and Humanities

1994-96 UNK Undergraduate Catalog

Department of Foreign Languages

Courses (FORL)

100 English as a Second Language I - 3 hours
A basic skills course in English for foreign students, which prepares them for FORL 101 Offered in Fall.
101 English as a Second Language II - 3 hours
A continuation of the basic skills course in English for foreign students to prepare them for the regular course work of the University and ENG 101GS. Offered in Spring.
209. Seminar in Translation I - 3 hours
Prerequisite: FREN, GERM or SPAN 200GS or equivalent. A study of translation theory and practice in translation. Offered in Fall of even-numbered years.
300 A-B-C-D Foreign Language Practicum - 1-4 hours
Prerequisite: 200 course or equivalent. Foreign language internship teaching at the elementary school level. Students will be assigned to a specific school and teacher(s). Four hours of cumulative credits may be earned.
309. Seminar in Translation II - 3 hours
Prerequisite: A grade of "B" in Seminar in Translation I Intensive practicum in translation, including literary translation. Offered in Spring of odd-numbered years.
401 Multicultural Understanding - 1 hour
Designed to enable the future classroom teacher to promote multicultural understanding through varied learning experiences focusing on language and cultural diversity.
409 Interpretation - 3 hours
Prerequisite: Advanced conversation course, a study of interpretation theory, and intensive practice of interpretation skills. Offered in Spring of odd-numbered years.
470/870P TESL I - 3 hours
Prerequisite: PTE 200. This course is designed to give TESL majors a theoretical foundation to ESL teaching. This course is required of all TESL majors seeking 7-12 certification. Offered Spring of even-numbered years.
472 Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages - 3 hour
This course acquaints future foreign language teachers with the methods and techniques of foreign language teaching. Offered in Fall.
491/891P Expanded Campus Workshop - 1-3 hours
Refer to page Academic Information section for description.
499/899P Independent Studies in Foreign Languages - 1-3 hours
Prerequisite: Approval by the department. Directed research in foreign language education and methodology. Students are not to take this course when a class course is available.

Graduate Courses

800 Special Problems in Teaching Foreign Languages, 810 Foreign Language Learning, 3 hrs.;
875/876 Studies in Foreign Culture, 3-6 hrs.;
890 Bibliography and Research, 3 hrs.;
896 Thesis, 6 hrs.

See Graduate Catalog for descriptions.

Courses (FREN)

100GS Beginning French I - 5 hours
Elementary grammar, conversation, reading and composition in French. (5 hours class/1 hour lab.)
101GS Beginning French II - 5 hours
Prerequisite: FREN100GS or equivalent. A continuation of FREN 100GS. (5 hours class/1 hour lab.)
175-176 French Study Abroad I - 3-6 hours
A beginning level study of French language and culture taught in a French-speaking country. Offered in Summer.
200GS Intermediate French I - 3 hours
Prerequisite: FREN 101GS or equivalent. Grammar review, reading for understanding, composition, and conversation exercises.
201GS Intermediate French II - 3 hour
Prerequisite: FREN 101GS or equivalent. An introduction to French literature.
204GS Intermediate French Conversation - 2 hours
Prerequisite: FREN 101GS. Functional conversation. Recommended to be taken along with 200GS or 201GS. Offered in Fall.
275-276. French Study Abroad II - 3-6 hours
An intermediate level study of French language and culture taught in a French-speaking country. Offered in Summer.
303 French Phonetics - 2 hours
Prerequisite: FREN 200GS level courses. Practice in developing native pronunciation with emphasis on correcting difficulties encountered by Americans. Offered in Spring.
305 Study of French Civilization - 3 hours
Prerequisite: FREN 200GS and 201GS, French life, institutions and philosophies intended as a background for further studies in French literature. Offered in Fall of even-numbered years.
333 Commercial French - 3 hours
Prerequisites: FREN 200GS and 201GS. A course for students who wish to master the essential vocabulary and style specific to French business. Offered every third semester. (Formerly French 203)
354 Survey of French Literature I - 3 hours
Prerequisite: FREN 201GS. Chronological study of landmarks in literature from the Middle Ages to 1750. It is highly recommended that students take these survey courses before other courses in literature. Offered in Fall of odd-numbered years.
355 Survey of French Literature II - 3 hours
Prerequisite: FREN 201GS. Continuation of 354-a continuation of the study of important literary works, authors and movements in literature. Offered in Spring of even-numbered years.
375-376 French Study Abroad III - 3-6 hours
An advanced intermediate or advanced level study of French language and culture taught in a French-speaking country. Offered in Summer.
400/800P The French Drama - 3 hours
Prerequisite: FREN 201GS. The drama in France before the 20th century. Offered occasionally.
401 Advanced Composition and Grammar Review - 3 hours
Prerequisite: an upper level French course. A thorough review of various kinds of French writing. (A requirement for all French majors.) Offered Spring of odd-numbered years.
402/802P Twentieth Century Literature - 3 hours
Prerequisite: FREN 201GS. Writers of this century, their ideas and principal works. Offered occasionally.
403/803P Contemporary French Drama - 3 hour
Prerequisite: FREN 201GS. Modern plays and their writers along with ideas and trends in todayÆs French theatre. Offered occasionally.
414/814P Advanced French Conversation - 3 hours
An advanced course in French conversation designed to take the student beyond the functional ability gained in French in the lower level conversation course. Topics of discussion to be political, literary, religious and social. Offered as needed.
420/820P The French Novel I - 3 hours
Prerequisite: FREN 201GS. The novel and study of its development in France (1600-1850). Offered occasionally.
421/821P The French Novel II - 3 hours
Prerequisite: FREN 201GS. The study of the novel from 1850 to the present. (May be taken without 420.) Offered occasionally.
460/860P History of French Language - 3 hours
Prerequisites: FREN 303 and 401. A study of the development of the French language since its origins and as related to the phonetic and linguistic changes throughout the different literary periods. Offered occasionally.
470/870P Seminar in French Literature - 3 hours
Prerequisite: FREN 201GS or equivalent. The works of one author or groups of works centering in a period or topic are studied with respect to content, sources, style and influence. Topic to be selected and announced in schedule of courses. May be taken more than once. Offered occasionally.
475/476 French Study Abroad IV - 3-6 hours
An advanced level study of French language and culture taught in a French-speaking country. Offered in Summer.
499 Independent Studies in French - 1-3 hours
Prerequisite: Approval by the major department. Independent research under the direction of the department. Students are not to take this course when a class course is available.

Graduate Courses

815 Seminar in Contemporary French Thought, 3 hrs.;
816 Seminar in Contemporary Francophone Literature, 3 hrs.;
817 Seminar in ChildrenÆs Literature in France, 3 hrs.;
875/876 Studies in French Culture IV, 3-6 hrs.;
899 Independent Studies in French, 1-3 hrs. See Graduate Catalog for course descriptions.

Courses (GERM)

100GS Beginning German I - 5 hours
Elementary course dealing with basic vocabulary, grammar and conversation. (5 hours class/1 hour lab.)
101GS Beginning German II - 5 hours
Prerequisite: GERM 100GS or equivalent. Continuation of 100GS on a more advanced level. (5 hours class/1 hour lab.)
175-176 German Study Abroad I - 3-6 hours
A beginning level study of German language and culture taught in a German-speaking country. Offered in Summer.
200GS Intermediate German I - 3 hours
Prerequisite: GERM 101GS or equivalent. Grammar review, reading for understanding, conversation and composition practice. Usually offered Fall Semester.
201GS Intermediate German II - 3 hours
Prerequisite: GERM 200GS or equivalent. First exposure to literature, further practice with conversation and composition. Usually offered Spring Semester.
203 Commercial German - 3 hours
Prerequisites: GERM 200GS and 201GS. This course is for students who wish to master the essential vocabulary and style specific to German business. Offered occasionally.
204GS Intermediate Conversation and Composition - 2 hours
Prerequisite: GERM 101GS. Practice through oral and written exercises in perfecting skills of speaking and writing the German language. Offered in Spring.
275-276 German Study Abroad II - 3-6 hours
An intermediate level study of German language and culture taught in a German-speaking country. Offered in Summer.
301 Novelle - 3 hours
Prerequisite: GERM 201GS or equivalent. The development of the Novelle, important writers and their works. Offered occasionally.
303 Grammar Review - 3 hours
Prerequisite: GERM 201GS or equivalent. A thorough grammar review especially helpful to future teachers of German. Offered in Fall of even-numbered years.
304 Advanced Composition and Conversation I - 3 hours
Prerequisite: GERM 201GS or equivalent. Advanced exercises in oral and written German. Offered in Fall of odd-numbered years.
305 German Civilization - 3 hours
Prerequisite: GERM 201GS or equivalent. German life, institutions, and ideas as a background for further study of literature. Offered in Spring of even-numbered years.
339 Modern German Literature - 3 hour
Prerequisite: GERM 201GS or equivalent. Representative 19th and 20th century writers and their important works. Offered occasionally.
354 Survey of German Literature - 3 hours
Prerequisite: GERM 201GS or equivalent. A rapid survey of representative writers and their works and of literary movements. Offered occasionally.
375-376 German Study Abroad III - 3-6 hours
An advanced intermediate or advanced level study of German language and culture taught in a German-speaking country. Offered in Summer.
400 German Drama - 3 hours
Prerequisite: GERM 201GS or equivalent. Plays and their writers to 1900. Offered occasionally.
401 Contemporary German Drama - 3 hour
Prerequisite: GERM 201GS or equivalent. Modern plays and their writers along with ideas and trends in today's German theatre. Offered occasionally.
403/803P German Novel - 3 hours
Prerequisite: GERM 201GS or equivalent. A brief survey of the development of the novel and a study of writers and their principal works. Offered occasionally.
414/814P Advanced Composition and Conversation II - 3 hours
Prerequisite: GERM 304 or equivalent. Oral and written German advanced level. Intensive use of idiomatic expressions and conversational patterns. Offered Spring of odd-numbered years.
425/825P Modern German Poetry - 3 hours
Prerequisite: GERM 201GS or equivalent. Twentieth century poetry and poets of German-speaking countries. Offered occasionally.
450/850P Goethe and His Times - 3 hours
Prerequisite: GERM 201GS or equivalent. Plays, prose, and poetry in GoetheÆs time. Offered occasionally.
470/870P Seminar in German Literature - 3 hours
The works of one author or groups of works centering in a period or topic are studied with respect to content, sources, style and influence. Topics are selected and announced with the schedule of courses. Maximum 6 hours. Offered occasionally.
476/476 German Study Abroad IV - 3-6 hours
An advanced level study of German language and culture taught in a German-speaking country. Offered in Summer.
499 Independent Studies in German - 1-3 hours
Prerequisite: Approval by the major department. Independent research under the direction of the department. Students are not to take this course when a class course is available.

Graduate Courses

800 Introduction to Middle High German, 3 hrs.;
801 History of the German Language, 3 hrs.;
815 Seminar in German Thought, 3 hrs.;
875/876 Studies in German Culture IV, 3-6 hrs.;
899 Independent Studies in German, 1-3 hrs.;

See Graduate Catalog for course descriptions.

Courses (JAPN)

100GS Beginning Japanese I - 5 hours
Introduction to Japanese language. Offered in Fall.
101GS Beginning Japanese II - 5 hours
Prerequisite: JAPN 100GS. Students completing this course will communicate orally on topics related to daily life and handle a limited number of task-oriented and social situations. Offered in Spring.

Courses (SPAN)

100GS Beginning Spanish I - 5 hours
Elementary course dealing with basic vocabulary, grammar and conversation and culture. (5 hours class/1 hour lab.)
101GS Beginning Spanish II - 5 hours
Prerequisite: SPAN 100GS or equivalent. Continuation of 100GS on a more advanced level. (5 hours class/1 hour lab.)
175-176 Spanish Study Abroad I - 3-6 hours
A beginning level study of Spanish language and culture taught in a Spanish-speaking country. Offered in Summer.
200GS Intermediate Spanish I - 3 hours
Prerequisite: SPAN 101GS or equivalent. Grammar review, reading for understanding, conversation practice, and composition practice.
201GS Intermediate Spanish II - 3 hours
Prerequisite: SPAN 200GS or equivalent. First exposure to literature, further practice with conversation and composition.
204GS Spanish Conversation - 2 hours
Prerequisite: SPAN 101GS or equivalent. Conversation on the intermediate level and simple composition. Offered in Spring.
275-276 Spanish Study Abroad II - 3-6 hours
An advanced beginning level study of Spanish language and culture taught in a Spanish-speaking country. Offered in Summer.
302 Spanish Phonetics/Phonology - 2 hours
Prerequisite: SPAN 200GS or equivalent. A theoretical and practical study of the Spanish sound system with the intention of improving the students' pronunciation. Offered in Spring.
303 Advanced Spanish Grammar - 3 hours
Prerequisite: SPAN 201GS or equivalent. Thorough grammar review, required for prospective teachers. Offered in Fall.
304 Advanced Conversation and Composition - 3 hours
Prerequisite: SPAN 201GS or equivalent. An advanced course in Spanish conversation designed to take the student beyond the functional ability gained in the lower level conversation course. Offered in Spring.
305 Spanish Civilization - 3 hours
Prerequisite: SPAN 201GS or equivalent. Life, customs and institutions of Spain primarily as a basis for advanced courses in literature. Offered in Fall of odd-numbered years.
306 Survey of Spanish Literature I - 3 hour
Prerequisite: SPAN 201GS or equivalent. Survey of representative works in Spanish literature to 1680. Offered in Fall of odd-numbered years.
307. Survey of Spanish Literature II - 3 hours
Prerequisite: SPAN 201GS or equivalent. Study of principal Spanish works from 1680 to the present. Offered in Spring of even-numbered years.
333 Commercial Spanish - 3 hours
Prerequisite: SPAN 200GS and 201GS. This course is for students who wish to master the essential vocabulary and style specific to Spanish business. (Formerly Spanish 203)
360 Latin American Civilization - 3 hours
Prerequisite: SPAN 201GS or equivalent. Life, customs and institutions of Latin America, primarily as a basis for advanced courses in literature. Offered in Fall of even-numbered years.
375-376 Spanish Study Abroad III - 3-6 hours
A high intermediate level study of Spanish language and culture taught in a Spanish-speaking country. Offered in Summer.
400/800P Golden Age Drama - 3 hours
Prerequisite: SPAN 201GS or equivalent. Study of dramatists of the Golden Age of Spanish Literature. Offered occasionally.
401 Modern Hispanic Drama - 3 hours
Prerequisite: SPAN 201GS or equivalent. Spanish and/or Latin American dramatists of the 19th and 20th centuries. Offered occasionally.
408/808P Comparative Grammar - 3 hours
Prerequisite: SPAN 303 or consent of the instructor. A comparative and contrastive study of the structures of Spanish and English. Offered every third semester.
419 Short Story - 3 hours
Prerequisite: SPAN 201GS or equivalent. Short story in Spanish and/or Latin American literature. Offered occasionally.
420 Spanish Novel - 3 hour
Prerequisite: SPAN 201GS or equivalent. The novels of Spain from the generation of Æ98 to present. Offered occasionally.
421 Latin American Novel - 3 hours
Prerequisite: SPAN 201GS or equivalent. Principal works by well-known Latin American novelists of the 20th century. Offered occasionally.
425/825P Modern Hispanic Poetry - 3 hours
Prerequisite: SPAN 201GS or equivalent. Contemporary poetry of Spain and/or Latin America. Offered occasionally.
430/830P Survey of Latin American Literature - 3 hours
Prerequisite: SPAN 201GS or equivalent. Survey of literary movements, outstanding authors, and representative prose and poetic works of Latin America from the Colonial period to the present day. Offered occasionally.
435/835P Cervantes - 3 hour
Prerequisite: SPAN 201GS or equivalent. The principal works of Cervantes with special emphasis on Don Quixote. Offered occasionally.
460/860P History of the Spanish Language - 3 hours
Prerequisite: SPAN 201GS or equivalent. The Spanish language from its beginnings to the present time. Offered occasionally.
470/870P Seminar in Spanish Literature - 3 hours
Prerequisite: SPAN 201GS or equivalent. Study of individual authors within one particular period of the literature of Spain or Latin America. As this course will deal with different authors every semester, and will not present the same topics during the literary studies of a particular student at UNK, it will be possible for the student to take it more than once. Topic to be announced in the schedule of courses. Offered occasionally.
475/476 Spanish Study Abroad IV - 3-6 hours
An advanced level study of the language and culture taught in a Spanish-speaking country. Offered in Summer.
499 Independent Studies in Spanish - 1-3 hours
Prerequisite: Approval by the department. Independent study under the direction of the department. Students are not to take this course when a class course is available.

Graduate Courses

804 Early Spanish Literature, 3 hrs.;
815 Seminar in Contemporary Spanish Thought, 3 hrs.;
816 Seminar in Contemporary Latin American Prose Writings, 3 hrs.;
818 Seminar in Contemporary Drama, 3 hrs.;
875-876 Studies in Spanish Culture;
899 Independent Study in Spanish, 1-3 hrs.

See Graduate Catalog for course descriptions.

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