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Galen D. Hadley
Dean of Business and Technology and Professor of Accounting/Finance; 1991; B.S., University of Nebraska-Lincoln; M.B.A., University of Colorado; Ph.D., University of Nebraska- Lincoln.
Marilyn Hadley
Chair and Professor of Professional Teacher Education; 1992; B.S., M.A., University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Ed.D., University of South Dakota.
Connie Hansen
Instructor in Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Leisure Studies; 1965; B.S., Fort Hays State University, M.A.Ed., Kearney State College.
Tom Hansen
Associate Professor of Elementary Education; 1989; B.A., Northern State College; M.S., South Dakota State University; Ed.D., University of South Dakota.
Anita Hart
Chair and Associate Professor of Modern Languages; 1996, B.A., Furman University; M.A.T., University of Florida; Ph.D., Florida State University.
Mark Hartman
Assistant Professor of Art-Art History; 1997, B.A., Hastings College; M.F.A., Texas Tech University.
Richard C. Hartung
Professor of Chemistry; 1994; B, S., University of Nebraska-Lincoln; M.S., University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Ph.D. University of Kentucky.
Randall Heckman
Chair and Professor of Mathematics and Statistics; 1971; B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Barbara A. Heller
Assistant Professor of Chemistry; 1995; B.S., Mary Washington College; Ph.D., Northwestern University.
Michael R. Herbison
Associate Professor, Library; 1993; B.A., M.A., University of Wyoming; M.L.S., University of Texas at Austin.
John F. Hertner
Professor of Biology; 1974; B.A., M.A., Adams State College, Alamosa, Colorado; D.A., University of Northern Colorado.
Charlene Hildebrand
Assistant Professor of Elementary/Early Childhood Education; 1992; B.S., Fort Hays State University; M.A.Ed., Kearney State College, Ed.D., University of Northern Colorado.
Brian Hill
Associate Professor of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Leisure Studies, Travel and Tourism Specialist; 1989; B.S., Brigham Young University; Ph.D., Clemson University.
George Hoagstrom
Lecturer in Industrial Technology; 1997; B.A., M.S.Ed., Kearney State College.
Kay Hodge
Associate Professor of Management/Marketing; 1984; B.A., M.S.Ed., Kearney State College; Ph.D., University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Syed A Hossain
Assistant Professor of Mathematics; 1994; ASA., SOC OF ACT; Ph.D. Old Dominion University.
Shirley Houston
Assistant Professor of Business Administration/Business Education; 1972; B.A., M.S.Ed., Kearney State College.
Carol Hudson
Lecturer in Special Education/Communication Disorders; 1991; B.A., M.A.Ed., University of Nebraska at Kearney.
Gerald A. Hueser
Assistant Professor of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Leisure Studies; 1967; B.A., Wayne State College; M.A., University of Wyoming.
James Hullinger
Associate Professor of Speech Communication and Theatre Arts; 1985; B.S., M.A., University of Nebraska-Omaha; Ph.D., University of Missouri.
Marianne Hunt
Lecturer in Professional Teacher Education; 1989; B.S., Nebraska Western College; M.A.Ed., Kearney State College.
Roy L. Hyatte
Assistant Professor of Journalism and Mass Communication; 1987; B.S., M.S., Butler University.

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