University of Nebraska at Kearney
College of Fine Arts and Humanities

1994-96 UNK Undergraduate Catalog

Department of Journalism and Mass Communication

Journalism & Mass Communications Major

Five major options are available:
I. Broadcasting Option-Bachelor of Arts Degree or
Broadcasting Option-Bachelor of Science Degree
Sales/Management Emphasis
Production Emphasis
II.Broadcasting Journalism Option-Bachelor of Arts Degree
Broadcasting Journalism Option-Bachelor of Science Degree
III. Journalism Option-Bachelor of Arts Degree or
Journalism Option-Bachelor of Science Degree
IV. Professional Journalism Comprehensive Option-Bachelor of Science Degree
Advertising Emphasis
News-Editorial Emphasis
Public Relations Emphasis
Journalism/Mass Communication Emphasis
V. Journalism Teaching Subject Endorsement Option-Bachelor of Arts in Education Degree

Minors in Broadcasting, Journalism, Public Relations, and Sports Communication are available. Students may not select both a Major and Minor in the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication.

Work in the Mass Media requires that writing be done on a typewriter or computer. Students are expected to be able to type at least 35 words per minute.

Minimum Grade in Required Courses
Students selecting a major in Journalism and Mass Communications must earn a minimum grade of "C" in all required departmental courses. Any Journalism and Mass Communication courses in which a "D" or "F" is recorded must be repeated until a "C" or better is earned.

Portfolio Requirements
Students selecting a major in Journalism and Mass Communication must compile evidence of achievement particular to their chosen career field. Students will present this portfolio and discuss its contents with a Faculty Portfolio Committee in the semester prior to their graduation.

I. Broadcasting Option-Production Emphasis
Bachelor of Arts
Broadcasting Option-Production Emphasis
Bachelor of Science

A. General Studies Program - 45 hours
B. Foreign Language for B.A. (two intermediate or upper-level courses required) - 5-14 hours
C. Courses in Statistics , Data Processing or Computer Science for B.S. - 9 hours
D. Complete the Major (courses listed below) - 36 hours
E. One minor or major - 24 hours

JMC 100 Mass Media In America - 3
JMC 226 Audio Production - 3
JMC 265 Video Production - 3
JMC 310 Communications Law - 3
JMC 318 Writing for the Media - 3
JMC 326 Electronic News Gathering - 3
JMC 327 Television Workshop - 3
JMC 336 Radio Workshop - 3
JMC 356 Announcing - 3
JMC 366 Television Direction - 3
JMC 415 Corporate Video - 3
JMC 460 Mass Media and Society - 3

Broadcasting Option-Sales/Management Emphasis
Bachelor of Arts Degree

Broadcasting Option-Sales/Management Emphasis
Bachelor of Science Degree

A. General Studies Program - 45 hours
B. Foreign Language for B.A. (two intermediate or upper-level courses) - 5-14 hours
C. Courses in Statistics , Data Processing or Computer Science for B.S. - 9 hours
D. Complete the Major (courses listed below) - 36 hours
E. One minor or major - 24 hours

JMC 100 Mass Media in America - 3
JMC 226 Audio Production - 3
JMC 229 Introduction to Advertising - 3
JMC 265 Video Production - 3
JMC 306 Broadcast Programming - 3
JMC 307 Advertising Copywriting - or
JMC 316 Broadcast Advertising - 3
JMC 310 Communications Law - 3
JMC 327 Television Workshop - 3
JMC 336 Radio Workshop - 3
JMC 376 Broadcast Management - 3
JMC 405 Broadcast Sales - 3
JMC 460 Mass Media and Society - 3

II. Broadcast Journalism Option- Bachelor of Arts Degree
Broadcast Journalism Option- Bachelor of Science Degree

A. General Studies Program - 45 hours
B. Foreign Language for B.A. (two intermediate or upper-level courses) - 5-14 hours
C. Courses in Statistics , Data Processing or Computer Science for B.S.9 hours
D. Complete the Major (courses listed below) - 36 hours
E. One minor or major - 24 hours

JMC 100 Mass Media in America - 3
JMC 115 Introduction to Reporting - 3
JMC 215 Newswriting - 3
JMC 226 Audio Production - 3
JMC 265 Video Production - 3
JMC 310 Communications Law - 3
JMC 326 Electronic News Gathering - 3
JMC 327/336 TV/Radio Workshop (news staff) - 4
JMC 350 Newspaper Production (news staff) - 2
JMC 356 Announcing - 3
JMC 386 Broadcast News - 3
JMC 460 Mass Media and Society - 3

III . Journalism Option-Bachelor of Arts Degree
Journalism Option-Bachelor of Science Degree

A. General Studies Program - 45 hours
B. Foreign Language for B.A. (Two intermediate or upper-level courses) - 5-14 hours
C. Courses in Statistics , Data Processing or Computer Science for B.S. - 9 hours
D. Journalism Major (courses listed below) - 34 hours
E. One major or minor - 24-36 hours

JMC 115 Introduction to Reporting - 3
JMC 215 Newswriting - 3
JMC 220 Photojournalism - 3
JMC 229 Introduction to Advertising - 3
JMC 305 Feature Writing - 3
JMC 310 Communications Law - 3
JMC 315 Advanced Reporting - 3
JMC 320 Newspaper Management - 3
JMC 325 Editing - 3
JMC 350 , 351 , 352 Antelope Newspaper Staffs - 4
JMC 460 Mass Media and Society - 3

Journalism majors are expected to take JMC 100 , Mass Media in America, as a General Studies course.

IV . Professional Journalism Comprehensive Option-Bachelor of Science Degree

Advertising Emphasis

A. General Studies Program - 45 hours
B. Advertising Major (courses listed below) - 51 hours
C. Electives to total - 125 hours

JMC 115 Introduction to Reporting - 3
JMC 215 Newswriting - 3
JMC 220 Photojournalism - 3
JMC 229 Introduction to Advertising - 3
JMC 307 Advertising Copywriting - 3
JMC 310 Communications Law - 3
JMC 316 Broadcast Advertising - 3
JMC 320 Newspaper Management - 3
JMC 329 Advertising Design and Production - 3
JMC 351 Antelope newspaper-Advertising Staff - 4
JMC 350, 351, 352 Antelope newspaper - 2
JMC 430 Community Journalism - 3
JMC 460 Mass Media and Society - 3
JMC 475 Internship in Mass Media - 3
BMKT 331 Principles of Selling - 3
BMKT 300 Marketing - 3
BMKT 440 Advertising Management- 3

Advertising majors are expected to take JMC 100 , Mass Media in America, as a General Studies course.

News Editorial Emphasis

A. General Studies Program - 45 hours
B. Complete the Major (courses listed below) - 52 hours
C. Electives to total - 125 hours

JMC 100 Mass Media in America - 3
JMC 115 Introduction to Reporting - 3
JMC 215 Newswriting - 3
JMC 220 Photojournalism - 3
JMC 229 Introduction to Advertising - 3
JMC 303 History of Press - or
JMC 416 Editorial & Interpretive Reporting - 3
JMC 305 Feature Writing - 3
JMC 310 Communications Law - 3
JMC 315 Advanced Reporting - 3
JMC 320 Newspaper Management - 3
JMC 325 Editing - 3
JMC 328 Communication Design - 3
JMC 350 Antelope newspaper (news staff) - 4
JMC 350, 351, 352 Antelope newspaper - 2
JMC 430 Community Journalism - 3
JMC 460 Mass Media and Society - 3
JMC 475 Internship - 1
PSCI Elective (200 or above) 3

Public Relations Emphasis

A. General Studies Program - 45 hours
B. Complete the Major (courses listed below) - 56 hours
C. Electives to total - 125 hours
JMC 115 Introduction to Reporting - 3
JMC 215 Newswriting - 3
JMC 220 Photojournalism - 3
JMC 229 Introduction to Advertising - 3
JMC 265 Video Production - 3
JMC 309 Public Relations Principles - 3
JMC 310 Communications Law - 3
JMC 318 Writing for the Media - 3
JMC 325 Editing - 3
JMC 326 Electronic News Gathering - 3
JMC 327 or 336 Television or Radio workshop - 1
JMC 328 Communication Design - 3
JMC 330 Publication Design - 3
JMC 350 Antelope newspaper (news staff) - 2
JMC 409 Public Relations Strategy - 3
JMC 440 Mass Media Research - 3
JMC 460 Mass Media and Society - 3
JMC 475 Internship - 2
SPCH 240 Business and Professional Communication - 3
SPCH 370 Small Group Communication - 3

Public Relations majors are expected to take JMC 100 , Mass Media in America, as a General Studies course.

Journalism/Mass Communication Emphasis

A. General Studies Program - 45 hours
B. Complete the Major (courses listed below) - 59 hours
C. Electives to total - 125 hours
JMC 100 Mass Media in America - 3
JMC 115 Introduction to Reporting - 3
JMC 215 Newswriting - 3
JMC 220 Photojournalism - 3
JMC 226 Audio Production - 3
JMC 229 Introduction to Advertising - 3
JMC 265 Video Production - 3
JMC 309 Public Relations - 3
JMC 310 Communications Law - 3
JMC 305 Feature Writing - or
JMC 315 Advanced Reporting - 3
JMC 318 Writing for the Media - 3
JMC 325 Editing - 3
JMC 327 /336 TV/Radio Workshop - 4
JMC 350/351/352 Newspaper Production - 4
JMC 460 Mass Media and Society - 3
Media Internship and Electives - 12

Electives may be selected from:
Journalism/Mass Communication, Foreign Languages,.Speech Communication,.History, Political Science, Geography, Psychology, and Sociology .
Electives must have approval of advisor.
Electives should be selected from courses numbered 300/400.

V. Journalism Teaching Subject Endorsement Option- Bachelor of Arts in Education Degree

A. General Studies Program - 45 hours
B. Professional Sequence in Education - 25-30 hours
C. Teaching Subject Endorsement in JMC - 34 hours
D. Second Subject Endorsement - 28-36 hours
E. Electives to Total - 125 hours

JMC 115 Introduction to Reporting - 3
JMC 215 Newswriting - 3
JMC 220 Photojournalism - 3
JMC 229 Introduction to Advertising - 3
JMC 265 Video Production - 3
JMC 310 Communications Law - 3
JMC 328 Communication Design - 3
JMC 330 Publication Design - 3
JMC 350, 351, 352 Antelope Newspaper staff - 2
JMC 410 Supervision of School Publications - 3
JMC 423 Teaching H.S. Journalism - 2
JMC 460 Mass Media and Society - 3

Broadcasting Minor - 24 hours

JMC 100 Mass Media in America - 3
JMC 226 Audio Production - 3
JMC 265 Video Production - 3
JMC 326 Electronic News Gathering - 3
JMC 327 /336 TV/Radio Workshop - 3
JMC 460 Mass Media and Society - 3
JMC Electives - 6

Journalism Minor - 24 hours

JMC 100 Mass Media in America - 3
JMC 115 Introduction to Reporting - 3
JMC 229 Introduction to Advertising - 3
JMC 310 Communications Law - 3
JMC 325 Editing - 3
JMC 350, 351, 352 Antelope Newspaper staff - 2
JMC Electives - 7

Public Relations Minor - 24 hours

JMC 100 Mass Media in America - 3
JMC 115 Introduction to Reporting - 3
JMC 215 Newswriting - 3
JMC 229 Introduction to Advertising - 3
JMC 309 Public Relations - 3
JMC 350, 351, 352 Antelope Newspaper staff - 2
JMC 409 Public Relations Techniques - 3
JMC Electives - 4

Sports Communication Minor - 25 hours

JMC 215 Newswriting - 3
JMC 315 Advanced Reporting - 3
JMC 220 Photojournalism - 3
JMC 350, 351, or 352 Antelope Newspaper staff - 2
JMC 310 Communications Law - 3
JMC 325 Editing - 3
PE 230 Sports Officiating - 2
PE 401 Athlete in Contemporary Society - 3
JMC 356 Broadcast Announcing - 3

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