University of Nebraska at Kearney
College of Business and Technology

1994-96 UNK Undergraduate Catalog

Department of Business Administration/Education

Family and Consumer Sciences Major

Four major options are available:

I. Family and Consumer Sciences Comprehensive Option - Bachelor of Science Degree
II. Family and Consumer Sciences in Business Comprehensive Option
Apparel Marketing Emphasis
Food Service Management Emphasis
Geriatric Care Management Emphasis
Interior Design Merchandising Emphasis
Kitchen Design Emphasis
III. Human Development and Family Relationships Option - Bachelor of Science Degree
IV. Education Option - Teaching Field Endorsement in Vocational Consumer and Housemaking Education and Endorsement in Occupational Home Economics
Minors in Family and Consumer Sciences are:
1. Family and Consumer Sciences minor
2. Family and Consumer Sciences in Business minor
3. Housing and Multiresidence Management minor
4. Human Development and Family Relationships minor

I. Family and Consumer Sciences Comprehensive Option- Bachelor of Science Degree

A.Comprehensive Family and Consumer Sciences Option

1. General Studies Program : (45 Credit Hours total)

2. Core Courses: (7 Credit Hours total)
FCSC104 Family and Consumer Sciences Orientation - 1
FCSC 364Consumer in the Market - 3
FCSC 475 Internship - 3
3. Courses required in the option: (38 Credit Hours total)
ART 108 Design - 3
BIOL 215GS Human Physiology - 4
CHEM 150GS * Consumer Organic Chemistry - 4
*Course may be used to satisfy both the General Studies and Family and Consumer Sciences requirements. Only 6 hours of Family and Consumer Sciences courses may apply to General studies.
FCSC 100 Apparel Analysis: Theory and Practice - 3
FCSC 108GS * Space for Family Living - 3
*Course may be used to satisfy both the General Studies and Family and Consumer Sciences requirements. Only 6 hours of Family and Consumer Sciences courses may apply to General studies.
FCSC 150 Life Span Development - 3
FCSC 151GS * Human Sexual Behavior - 3
*Course may be used to satisfy both the General Studies and Family and Consumer Sciences requirements. Only 6 hours of Family and Consumer Sciences courses may apply to General studies.
FCSC 200 Textiles - 3
FCSC 253 Child Development - 3
FCSC 351GS * Marriage and Family Relationships - 3
*Course may be used to satisfy both the General Studies and Family and Consumer Sciences requirements. Only 6 hours of Family and Consumer Sciences courses may apply to General studies.
FCSC 402 Advanced Family Relations - 3
FCSC 450 Gerontology - 3

4. Specialization: (36 Credit Hours total)
Select 12 hours from each of the three areas of specialization.

Clothing and Textiles - 12 Credit Hours
FCSC 202 Fashion: Theory and Marketing - 3
FCSC 301 Apparel and Textiles Promotion - 3
FCSC 314 History of Costume - 3
FCSC 404 Psychology of Clothing - 3
FCSC 405 Critical Issues in Apparel and Merchandising - 3

Foods and Nutrition - 12 Credit Hours
FCSC 110GS Intro to Nutrition - 3
FCSC 220 Food Preparation - 3
FCSC 335 Nutrition Throughout the Life Cycle - 3
FCSC 412 Scientific Advancements in Food and Nutrition - 3
FCSC 420 Community Nutritions - 3

Housing - 12 Credit Hours
FCSC 207 Heritage of Interiors - 3
FCSC 305 Equipment: Selection, Use and Care - 3
FCSC 307 Home Furnishings - 3
FCSC 308 Housing and the Family - 3
FCSC 312 Housing for Special Needs Population - 2
FCSC 406 Contemporary Management: Theory and Practicum - 3

Total Hours in the option - 125 Credit Hours

II. Family and Consumer Science in Business
Comprehensive Option - Bachelor of Science Degree

1.General Studies Program : (45 Credit Hours total)

2. Core Courses: (7 Credit Hours total)
FCSC 104 Family and Consumer Sci. Orient. - 1
FCSC 364 Consumer in the Market - 3
FCSC 475 Internship - or
B&T 475 Internship - 3

3. Courses Required in all Business Emphasis Areas:(12 Credit Hours total)
BACC 250 Beginning Accounting I - 3
BACC 311 Business Law - 3
BMKT 335 Marketing - 3
FCSC 406 Contemporary Management: Theory and Practicum - or
BMGT 301 Principles of Management - 3

4. Emphasis areas - select one of the five areas listed below and complete all courses for that emphasis as indicated below.
Apparel Marketing Emphasis (65 Credit Hours total)
ART 108GS Basic Design and Color Theories - 3
CHEM 150GS Consumer Organic Chemistry - 4
FCSC 100 Apparel Analysis: Theory & Practice - 3
FCSC 108 Space for Family Living - 3
FCSC 200 Textiles - 3
FCSC 202 Fashion Theory and Marketing - 3
FCSC 301 Apparel and Textile Promotion - 3
FCSC 314 History of Costume - 3
FCSC 332 Visual Merchandising - 3
FCSC 404 Psychology of Clothing - 3
FCSC 405 Critical Issues in the Textile and Apparel Industries - 3
FCSC 475 Internship - or
B&T 475 Internship - 6
BMIS 281 Business Computer Systems - 4
BSAD 320 Business Communications - 3
BMKT 331 Principals of Selling - or
BMKT 438 Consumer Behavior - 3
BMKT 420 Retailing - 3
BMKT 430 International Marketing - 3
BMKT 440 Advertising Management - 3
BMGT 380 Human Resource Management - or
BMGT 493 Social Responsibilities of Business: Issues and Ethics - 3
BMGT 391 Principles of Management - 3

Total Hours in the option - 125

Food Service Management Emphasis(60 Credit Hours total)
FCSC 110GS Intro to Nutrition - 3
FCSC 220 Food Preparation and Lab - 3
FCSC 350 Careers in Foods and Nutrition - 2
FCSC 425 Food Management Systems - 3
FCSC 235 Sanitation and Safety - 3
FCSC 345 Catering - 3
FCSC 360 Quality Food Purchasing - 2
FCSC 373 Facilities Layout and Design - 3
FCSC 411 Quality Foods and Equipment/Lab - 3
BSED 205 Records Management - 3
BMGT 233 Business Statistics - 3
BACC 251 Beginning Accounting II - 3
BMIS 281 Business Computer Systems - 4
BMGT 380 Human Resource Management - 3
BMGT 301 Principles of Management - 3
BMGT 411 Labor Relations - 3
SFED 435 Occupational Safety Health - 3
CHEM 145GS General Chemistry/Lab - 4
BIOL 211GS Human Microbiology/Lab - 4
BIOL 215GS Physiology - 4

Total hours in option - 125

Geriatric Care Management Emphasis (61 Credit Hours total)
FCSC 312 Housing Interiors for Special Needs Populations - 2
(ITEC 120, FCSC 305 - prerequisites)
FCSC 351GS * Marriage & Family Relationships - 3
FCSC 361 Families During Adulthood & Middle-age - 3
FCSC 450 Gerontology - 3
FCSC 486 Families in Crisis - 3
PSY 192 Death and Dying - 1
SOWK 377 Aging Services - 3
SOWK 403 Medical Soc. Work - 3
BSED 205 Records Management - 3
BACC 251 Beginning Accounting II - 3
BFIN 316 Insurance - 3
BFIN 344 Real Estate Principles - 3
BSED 492 Office Administration - 3
BMGT 493 Social Responsibilities of Business: Issues and Ethics - 3
BMGT 494 Entrepreneurship - 3
BMIS 281 Business Computer Systems - 4
SFED 235GS General Safety - 3
Electives-selected by the student and approved by the department - 6

Total Hours in the option 125

Interior Design Merchandising Emphasis (61 Credit Hours total)
ART 108 Basic Design and Color Theories - 3
CHEM 150GS * Consumer Organic Chemistry - 4
FCSC 108GS Space for Family Living - 3
FCSC 200 Textiles - 3
FCSC 207 Heritage of Interiors - 3
FCSC 305 Equipment: Selection, Use and Care - 3
FCSC 306 Theory and Application of Lighting - 1
FCSC 307 Home Furnishings - 3
FCSC 308 Housing and Family - 3
FCSC 309 Home Furnishing Merchandising - 3
FCSC 312 Housing Interiors for Populations with Special Needs - or
FCSC 313 Ren and RES - 2
FCSC380 Natural Dsg Res. Interiors - 3
FCSC407 Interior Design - 3
FCSC446 Presentation Techniques and Client Relationships - 3
ART 217 Commercial Design - 3
BMGT 331 Principles of Selling - 3
BMGT 391 Principles of Management - 3
BMKT 420 Retailing Management - 3
ITEC 405 Auto CAD - 3
ITEC 120 Engineering Design Graphics - 3
BMIS 281 Bus Computers & Systems - 4
BMKT 440 Advertising Management - 3
BSAD 320 Business Communication - 3

Total Hours in the option 125

Kitchen Design Emphasis** (62 Credit Hours total)
**Kitchen Design Program is endorsed by the Council of Societies of Certified Kitchen and Bath Association. Completion of this program qualifies students to sit for the National Examination. Successful passage of examination plus two years qualified verifiable employment experience earns certification as Kitchen Designer and title of Certified Kitchen Designer.
ART 108 Basic Design and Color Theories - 3
ART 217 Intro to Commercial Design - 3
CHEM 150GS * Consumer Organic Chemistry - 4
*Course may be used to satisfy both the General Studies and Family and Consumer Sciences requirements. Only 6 hours of Family and Consumer Sciences courses may apply to General Studies.
FCSC 108GS Space for Family Living - 3
FCSC 200 Textiles - 3
FCSC 207 Heritage of Interiors - 3
FCSC 305 Equipment: Selection, Use and Care - 3
FCSC 306 Theory and Application of Lighting - 1
FCSC 307 Home Furnishings - 3
FCSC 308 Housing and Family - 3
FCSC 309 Home Furnishing Merchandising - 3
FCSC312 Housing Interiors for Populations with Special Needs or
FCSC 313 Ren and RES - 2
FCSC 380 Natural Design Res. Interiors - 3
FCSC 407 Interior Design - 3
FCSC 446 Presentation Techniques and Client Relationships - 3
FCSC 475 Internship - 7
BMGT 331 Principles of Selling - 3
ITEC 405 Auto CAD - 3
ITEC 120 Engineering Design Graphics - 3
ITEC 441 Electro Magnetic Systems - 3
BMIS 281 Bus Computers & Systems - 4
BMKT 440 Advertising Management - 3
BSAD 320 Business Communication - 3

Total Credit Hours in the option - 126

III. Human Development and Family Relationships Option -
Bachelor of Science Degree

1. General Studies Program : (45 Credit Hours total)

2. Core Courses: (7 Credit Hours total)
FCSC 104 Family and Consumer Sciences Orientation - 1
FCSC 364 Consumer in the Market - 3
FCSC 475 Internship - 3

3. Courses required in the option: (30 Credit Hours total)
FSCS150 Lifespan Human Development in the Family - 3
FCSC 151GS * Human Sexual Behavior - 3
*Course may be used to satisfy both the General Studies and Family and Consumer Sciences requirements. Only 6 hours of Family and Consumer Sciences courses may apply to General Studies.
FCSC 250 Infant Development & Behavior - 3
FCSC 253 Child Development - 3
FCSC 351GS * Marriage & Family Relationships - 3
*Course may be used to satisfy both the General Studies and Family and Consumer Sciences requirements. Only 6 hours of Family and Consumer Sciences courses may apply to General Studies.
FCSC 361 Families During Adulthood and Middle Age - 3
FCSC 371 Parent Education - 3
FCSC 402 Selected Readings in Human Relationships - 3
FCSC 450 Gerontology - or
FCSC 486 Families in Crisis - 3
FCSC 480 Field Experiences - 3
FCSC 480 B Didactic course component, FCSC Parent Education - 1
FCSC 480 C Human Services Experience - 2

4. Supporting Courses: (11 Credit Hours total)
BIOL 225 Anatomy/Physiology - 4
BIOL 226 Anatomy/Physiology - 4
PSY 455 Adolescent Psychology - 3

5. Minor-selected by the student approved by the department (24 Credit Hours total) OR major in another department(36 Credit Hours total)

Total Credit Hours in the option - 127

IV. Education Option-
Teaching Field Endorsement in Vocational Consumer
and Homemaking Education
and Endorsement in Occupational Home Economics -
Bachelor of Science in Education Degree

Plan I
Teaching Field Endorsement in Vocational Consumer and Homemaking Education

1. General Studies Program (45 Credit Hours total)

2. Core Courses (7 Credit Hours total)
FCSC 104 Family and Consumer Sciences Orientation - 1
FCSC 364 Consumer in the Market - 3
PTE 400 Student Teaching

3. Courses Required in the Education Option (40 Credit Hours total)
ART 108 Basic Design and Color Theories - 3
BIOL 215GS * Human Physiology - 4
CHEM 150GS * Consumer Organic Chemistry - 4
*Course may be used to satisfy both the General Studies and Family and Consumer Sciences requirements. Only 6 hours of Family and Consumer Sciences courses may apply to General Studies.
FCSC 100 Apparel Analysis: Theory and Practice - 3
FCSC 110 * Introduction to Nutrition - 3
*Course may be used to satisfy both the General Studies and Family and Consumer Sciences requirements. Only 6 hours of Family and Consumer Sciences courses may apply to General Studies.
FCSC 200 Textiles - 3
FCSC 220 Food Preparation - 3
FCSC 253 Child Development - 3
FCSC 307 Home Furnishings - 3
FCSC 308 Housing and Family - 3
FCSC 351GS * Marriage & Family Relationships - 3
*Course may be used to satisfy both the General Studies and Family and Consumer Sciences requirements. Only 6 hours of Family and Consumer Sciences courses may apply to General Studies.
FCSC 406 Contemporary Mgt: Theory & Practicum - 3

4. Specialized Professional Education Sequence: (16 Credit Hours)
FCSC 330 Organization of Home Economics Program - 3
FCSC 430 Teaching of Consumer and Homemaking Education - 4
VOED 431 Coordinating Techniques - 3
VOED 432 Found/Contemp Issues in Voc Ed - 3
VOED 434 Into to Students with Special Needs - 3

5. Professional Sequence in Education : (24 Credit Hours total)
See Dr. Josee Forell Department of Family Consumer Sciences.
Students teaching experience is provided with cooperating high schools which have a qualified teacher of Vocational Home Economics and a department approved jointly by the College Vocational Home Economics Director and the Division of Vocational Education in the State Department of Education.

Plan II
Endorsement in Occupational Home Economics

Students may elect to receive this additional endorsement by complying with the requirements for PLAN I plus the completion of the requirements set forth in The Nebraska State Plan for Vocational Technical Education. This will include 1000 verified hours of paid work experience in any combination of Home Economics related occupational area (exclusive of teaching). Hours must be verified and approved by the Director of the Center for Vocational Education. For more information contact: Director of Center for Vocational Education.
Total Hours Required in Degree Program (129 hours)

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