2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog

Offered by Department of Physics and Physical Science
College of Natural and Social Sciences

PHYS Courses

PHYS 100GS - Physical Science - 3 hours
Prereq: Math ACT score of 17 or above OR completion of MATH 101* or above with a grade of "C" or better
Take concurrently with PHYS 100LGS. An introduction to the natural laws governing the physical world, with emphasis upon the development of these laws and their effect upon man. The course should instill a basic understanding of physical science; the scientific methods of physics, chemistry, geology, and astronomy. With this understanding, the student should be able to solve simple problems dealing in these areas. The student should realize how these areas are used in modern technology. Finally, the student should be able to make informed choices in their daily lives regarding issues of science and technology.
PHYS 100LGS - Physical Science Laboratory - 1 hour
Take concurrently with PHYS 100GS
A laboratory experience in physical science (mechanics, thermodynamics, chemistry, electricity, magnetism, optics, and astronomy) to accompany PHYS 100GS.
PHYS 107GS - Physical Science for Elementary Teachers - 4 hours
Prereq: a Math ACT score of 17 or above OR completion of MATH 101* (Intermediate Algebra) with a grade of "C" or better
An introduction to physics and chemistry designed for Elementary Education majors where basic concepts will be emphasized. The laboratory will focus on experiments that can be used to illustrate the essentials of the disciplines. Laboratory safety, scientific methodology, and problem-solving will also be emphasized.
PHYS 131HGS - Newton's Universe - 4 hours
Prereq: none
This course is designed to provide students with an understanding and appreciation of science as a human activity, its historical role in shaping our self and world views, its impact on the human condition, and its philosophical implications for their ultimate destiny. An associated laboratory, using inquiry-oriented activities, allows students to experience the process of science.
PHYS 132HGS - Einstein's Universe - 4 hours
Prereq: none
This course provides students with an understanding and appreciation of science as a human activity, its historical role in shaping culture, its impact on the human condition and its philosophical implications for human destiny. PHYS 131HGS traces the development of scientific thought from pre-history to the eighteenth century while PHYS 132HGS traces this development from the end of the Scientific Revolution to the twenty-first century. An associated laboratory, using inquiry-oriented activities, allows students to experience the process of science.
PHYS 155GS - Science of Sound and Music - 3 hours
Prereq: MATH 102GS* or higher
Take concurrently with PHYS 155LGS. This course will address the "how and why" aspects of sound and music. It is intended to be a journey from the starting point where a sound is produced in an instrument, to the overtones produced by the instrument, and ultimately through its reception and enjoyment in the mind. We will discuss the mathematical and physical basis for common musical scales and how musical instruments are designed to produce musical notes for these scales. This course is designed for students majoring in Music, Speech and Hearing, Audio Technology, and Telecommunications, as well as other students having a general interest in the physics of sound and music.
PHYS 155LGS - Science of Sound and Music Laboratory - 1 hour
Take concurrently with PHYS 155GS
A laboratory experience into the physical science of sound and music to accompany PHYS 155GS.
PHYS 188GS - General Studies Portal - 3 hours
Prereq: MATH 102GS* or Math ACT score of 20 or better AND ENG 101* or English ACT score of 15 or better AND freshman or sophomore standing
Students analyze critical issues confronting individuals and society in a global context as they pertain to the discipline in which the Portal course is taught. The Portal is intended to help students succeed in their university education by being mentored in process of thinking critically about important ideas and articulating their own conclusions. Students may take the Portal in any discipline, irrespective of their major or minor. Satisfies the General Studies Portal course requirement. Students may take their Portal course in any discipline. Students who transfer 24 or more hours of General Studies credit to UNK are exempt from taking a portal course.
PHYS 201GS - Earth Science - 4 hours
Prereq: none
Inquiry activities are used to teach basic concepts of meteorology, geology, and astronomy. Emphasis is placed on process and critical thinking skills as well as on environmental issues.
PHYS 205GS - General Physics I - 4 hours
Prereq: MATH 102GS* or MATH 103GS* or MATH 115* or above OR Math ACT score of 20 or better
Take concurrently with PHYS 205LGS. Students will study the fundamental laws of mechanics, thermodynamics, and waves at a level suitable for those with knowledge of algebra. We will develop concepts and formalism in these areas. With this understanding, the student will be able to solve simple problems. Also, the student should realize how these areas are used in modern technology and connected to other disciplines. The primary audience for this class are those not specifically interested in advanced work in physics or chemistry.
PHYS 205LGS - Physics I Laboratory - 1 hour
Take concurrently with PHYS 205GS
A laboratory experience in mechanics, thermodynamics, and waves to accompany PHYS 205GS.
PHYS 206GS - General Physics II - 4 hours
Prereq: PHYS 205GS* and PHYS 205LGS
Take concurrently with PHYS 206LGS. A continuation of PHYS 205GS. The course will present an elementary understanding of electricity and magnetism, light and optics, relativistic physics and quantum physics. We will develop concepts and formalism in these areas. With this understanding, the student will be able to solve simple problems. Also, the student will realize how these areas are used in modern technology and connected to other disciplines. The primary audience for this class are those not specifically interested in advanced work in physics or chemistry.
PHYS 206LGS - Physics Laboratory II - 1 hour
Take concurrently with PHYS 206GS
A laboratory experience in electricity, magnetism, and optics to accompany PHYS 206GS.
PHYS 209GS - Meteorology - 3 hours
Prereq: MATH 102GS* or permission of instructor
Basic principles of the science associated with the atmosphere including atmospheric structure, dynamics, and processes. Topics include atmospheric energy balance, cloud and precipitation process, dynamical stability, local and global wind dynamics, weather forecasting, meteorological instruments, storm development, climate change, and applications of meteorology to agriculture, aviation, and environmental issues.
PHYS 210GS - Astronomy - 3 hours
Prereq: none
The goal of this course is to introduce students to the growth of knowledge about our universe. Topics include: the Earth, Moon, planets, Sun, stars, galaxies and cosmology. The course uses the resources of the UNK planetarium and observatory.
PHYS 210LGS - General Astronomy Laboratory - 1 hour
Prereq or Coreq: PHYS 210GS or PHYS 211GS or consent of instructor
Fundamentals of astronomical observation, the use of introductory astronomical instruments, and application of charts and almanacs to finding one's way about the night sky.
PHYS 211GS - Planetary Astronomy - 3 hours
Prereq: none
Examination of the Sun's family of nine planets, attendant satellites, and interplanetary debris; processes at work in the Solar System; search for planets elsewhere in the Galaxy. This course uses the resources of the UNK planetarium and observatory.
PHYS 213 - Electrical Circuits I - 3 hours
Prereq: MATH 202*
Introduction to electrical circuit theory and analysis techniques. DC circuits and transient circuit responses are studied with an emphasis on computer-aided simulation and analysis. Inductors, capacitors and transformers are studied within the context of transient circuit responses.
PHYS 213L - Introductory Electrical Laboratory I - 1 hour
Take concurrently with PHYS 213
PHYS 275GS - General Physics I (Calculus) - 4 hours
Prereq or Coreq: MATH 115* or above OR Math ACT score of 23 or better
Take concurrently with PHYS 275LGS. Students will study the fundamental laws of mechanics, thermodynamics, and waves at a level suitable for those with knowledge of calculus, and prepares the student for advanced courses in physics. The primary audience for this class consists of those planning advanced work in physics, engineering, or a related area. Lecture 4 hours.
PHYS 275LGS - General Physics I (Calculus) Laboratory - 1 hour
Take concurrently with PHYS 275GS
A laboratory experience in mechanics, thermodynamics, and waves to accompany PHYS 275GS.
PHYS 276GS - General Physics II (Calculus) - 4 hours
Prereq: PHYS 275GS* and PHYS 275LGS
Take concurrently with PHYS 276LGS. Students will study the fundamental laws of electrostatics, magnetism, optics, and relativity at a level suitable for those with knowledge of calculus, and prepares the student for advanced courses in physics. The primary audience for this class consists of those planning advanced work in physics, engineering, or a related area. Lecture 4 hours.
PHYS 276LGS - General Physics II (Calculus) Laboratory - 1 hour
Take concurrently with PHYS 276GS
A laboratory experience in electricity, magnetism, and optics to accompany PHYS 276GS.
PHYS 277 - Engineering Mechanics - Statics - 3 hours
Prereq: PHYS 275GS* and PHYS 275LGS
Prereq or Coreq: MATH 202*
The action of forces on static coplanar systems with application to engineering structures and machines. Vector resultants, moment of torque, couples, equivalent force systems and vector algebra, along with static equilibrium conditions and equations will be studied. Spring odd years.
PHYS 289 - Review in Physics - 2 hours
Prereq: successful (C or better) completion of PHYS 205GS* and PHYS 205LGS and PHYS 206GS* and PHYS 206LGS
The Review in Physics covers an overview of MCAT tests and test-taking strategies and physics content, with an emphasis on concepts application to the problem solving. Tested physics concepts include Newtonian mechanics, thermodynamics, magnetism, light and optics, nuclear physics, and atomic phenomena.
PHYS 299 - Freshman Seminar in Physics: History, State of the Art and Perspectives - 1 hour
Prereq: none
This seminar is a non-mathematical discussion of 21st century physics (potentially including topics such as relativity, chaos, elementary particles, etc.)
PHYS 301 - Advanced Physical Science - 4 hours
Prereq: none
Inquiry activities are used to teach concepts in the areas of mechanics, light, electricity, magnetism and microchemistry. The computer is used to aid in instruction in all of these areas. Emphasis is placed on the development of process and critical thinking skills.
PHYS 323 - Analog and Digital Electronics - 3 hours
Prereq: PHYS 276GS* and PHYS 276LGS OR permission
An introduction to the analysis and design of analog and digital electronic circuits. Laboratory activities include both computer analysis and hardware implementation of transistor, operational amplifier, digital, and microcontroller circuits. Lecture 1 hour, laboratory 2 hours. Fall only.
PHYS 346 - Modern Physics I - 4 hours
Prereq: PHYS 276GS* and PHYS 276LGS
An introduction to the theories of relativity, wave-particle duality, Bohr theory, quantum physics, and statistical physics. Fall only.
PHYS 347 - Modern Physics II - 4 hours
Prereq: PHYS 346*
A continuation of PHYS 346. Introductory concepts in quantum mechanics and quantum statistics will be treated. Other areas of emphasis will include atomic structure solid state and nuclear physics. Spring only, odd-numbered years.
PHYS 350 - Astrophysics I - 3 hours
Prereq: PHYS 346* or permission of instructor
This course addresses how the principles of physics can be used to understand a variety of astrophysical objects and phenomena. Topics include the physics of photon emission and absorption, stellar evolution of stars from birth to death including stellar end-states such as blackholes and supernovae, clusters of stars, and the structure of the Milky Way. Fall of odd numbered years.
PHYS 351 - Astrophysics II - 3 hours
Prereq: PHYS 350*
This course continues the study of astrophysical objects and phenomena. Topics include galactic astronomy, large scale structure of the Universe, and cosmology.
PHYS 360 - Astronomy Methods I - 3 hours
Prereq: PHYS 346* or permission of instructor
This course addresses the computational methods used in astronomy. Modern astronomy has moved beyond observations made locally at telescopes. Handling large datasets, using scripts to mine data, and computational modeling methods are all important tools for modern astronomers. Topics addressed in this course will include writing scripts in Linux and Python, modeling data, presentation of data, mining data from large surveys, and computational analysis methods. The lab will focus on the use of computational tools. Fall of even numbered years.
PHYS 361 - Astronomy Methods II - 3 hours
Prereq: PHYS 360*
This course addresses the observational methods used in astronomy. Topics addressed will include photon statistics, imaging, photometry, spectroscopy, and telescope design. An emphasis will be placed on practical applications of these topics. The lab will focus on the use of the UNK telescope to make observations to measure stellar properties. Offered spring odd years.
PHYS 388GS - General Studies Capstone - 3 hours
Prereq: open to juniors and seniors or to students within 6 hours of completion of their General Studies program
An interdisciplinary experience where students apply the knowledge, cognitive abilities, and communication skills they have gained from General Studies in designing and completing an original project or paper. Students employ methods and interpretive means of two or more disciplines to integrate knowledge and synthesize their results. Satisfies the General Studies capstone course requirement. Students may take their Capstone course in any discipline.
PHYS 388LGS - General Studies Capstone Lab - 1 hour
Take concurrently with PHYS 388GS
When offered concurrently with a PHYS 388GS capstone of the same title, the laboratory PHYS 388LGS must be taken.
PHYS 399 - Internship - 1-4 hours
Prereq: none
This course emphasizes the professional development of the student in the area of the student's interest. Students should contact a department faculty member who would agree to supervise the work for the semester. A written work plan must be approved by the department chair. Grading is credit/non-credit.
PHYS 402 - Analytic Mechanics - 4 hours
Prereq: PHYS 410* and MATH 305* OR permission of instructor
General theory of three formulations of classical mechanics: Newtonian, Lagrangian, and Hamiltonian. Introduction to the calculus of variations. Applications include linear oscillations, non-linear oscillations, gravitation, central-force motion, dynamics of a system of particles, motion in noninertial reference frames, dynamics of rigid bodies, and coupled oscillations. Offered in the Fall of even-numbered years.
PHYS 407 - Electricity and Magnetism - 4 hours
Prereq: PHYS 410* and MATH 305* OR permission of instructor
Review of Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic fields, and vector calculus. Physical and mathematical properties of static electric and magnetic fields. Topics include electrostatics, electric potential, energy of the electrostatic field, conductors, Laplace's and Poisson's equations, boundary values problems, multipole expansions, dielectric media, magnetostatics, the vector potential, electromagnetic waves (in a vacuum, in infinite linear media, and in bounded regions), optical dispersion in material media, and electromagnetic radiation. Offered in the Fall of odd-numbered years.
PHYS 410 - Mathematical Techniques in Physics I - 3 hours
Prereq: MATH 260* or permission of instructor
A formal development of selected topics from infinite series, determinants and matrices, partial differentiation, vector analysis, Fourier series, functions of a complex variable, and coordinate transformations. Fall only.
PHYS 411 - Mathematical Techniques in Physics II - 3 hours
Prereq: PHYS 410*
A development of series solution of differential equations, partial differential equations, tensor analysis, asymptotic series, integral transforms, and operators. Spring only.
PHYS 419 - Quantum Mechanics - 4 hours
Prereq: PHYS 410*
A formal development of the principles of quantum mechanics. The mathematics of Hamiltonian Mechanics are presented as a bridge from Classical Physics to Quantum Physics. Topics include time-dependent quantum mechanics and spectroscopy, perturbation theory, two-level systems, light-matter interactions, relaxation in quantum systems, correlation functions and linear response theory, applications to atomic and molecular physics. Offered Spring of even-numbered years.
PHYS 420 - Advanced Physics Laboratory - 3 hours
Prereq: PHYS 323* and PHYS 410*
An application and investigation of advanced physical topics in the laboratory. Techniques of experimental physics, such as computerized instrumentation, vacuum technology, optics, and electron optics will be applied to investigate various areas of advanced physics. Proper data reduction and analysis will be used to yield meaningful measurements. Intended as laboratory course to prepare the student for more advanced, independent experimental lab work. Laboratory 3 hours. Offered Spring of even-numbered years.
PHYS 423 - Electronics - 4 hours
Prereq: PHYS 323* or equivalent
A continuation of PHYS 323 covering feedback, noise reduction, high frequency circuits and electro-optical devices. Prior completion of ITEC 482* is recommended.
PHYS 430 - Optics - 3 hours
Prereq: PHYS 276GS* and PHYS 276LGS and PHYS 410*
Geometric and wave optics including optical instruments. Prior completion of MATH 305 is recommended. 3 hours lecture. Fall of odd numbered years.
PHYS 435 - Solid State Physics - 3 hours
Prereq: PHYS 410*
An introduction to the physics governing the crystalline state of matter. Modern theories describing lattice vibrations, energy bands, crystal binding, and optical properties are presented. These ideas are then applied to the understanding of technologically important areas such as superconductivity, doped semiconductors, ferroelectric materials, and photorefractivity.
PHYS 440 - Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics - 3 hours
Prereq or Coreq: PHYS 410*
Thermodynamic systems, heat, work, laws of thermodynamics, formal mathematical relations, cycles, phase equilibrium, and multicomponent systems. Elementary kinetic theory. Integrated treatment of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics; statistical treatment of entropy, review of elementary probability theory, canonical distribution, partition function, free energy, phase equilibrium, introduction to ideal quantum gases. Spring only, odd-numbered years.
PHYS 446 - Modern Physics for High School Teachers - 4 hours
Prereq: either PHYS 205GS* and PHYS 205LGS and PHYS 206GS* and PHYS 206LGS OR PHYS 275GS* and PHYS 275LGS and PHYS 276GS* and PHYS 276LGS
An advanced study of selected topics in electricity and modern physics including introductory concepts in atomic and nuclear physics. Research or design of educational projects will be used to aid in explaining these areas.
PHYS 456 - Regional Field Study - 1-4 hours
Prereq: none
Includes visits to specialized research or scientific centers, or expeditions to observe or study special events such as solar eclipses.
PHYS 471 - Methods in Secondary Science Teaching - 3 hours
Prereq: admission to Teacher Education
This course focuses on the latest trends in science teaching. Emphasis is placed on designing demonstrations, laboratory investigations, test items and other components that promote process and critical thinking skills. Computers are utilized extensively in these activities.
PHYS 472 - Science Curricula - 1-3 hours
Prereq: none
History of science curricula, introduction to the specifics of selected science curricula, experience working with science curricula materials in junior high or senior high school as well as exposure to several teaching strategies.
PHYS 490 - Special Topics - 1-4 hours
Prereq: permission of instructor
Topics are studied which are not covered in other courses offered by the department. The format will vary depending upon the nature of the topic and the instructor but will typically be a lecture/demonstration format with laboratory work included as appropriate.
PHYS 495 - Research in Physics - 1-3 hours
Prereq: permission of instructor
Students work on an undergraduate research project under the guidance of a faculty member.
PHYS 496 - Practicum in Physics Education - 1-3 hours
Prereq: PHYS 205GS* and PHYS 205LGS and PHYS 206GS* and PHYS 206LGS and PHYS 275GS* and PHYS 275LGS and PHYS 276GS* and PHYS 276LGS OR permission of instructor
For each credit hour the student will spend approximately three hours per week working as a classroom assistant in an activity-based class and/or doing physics education research.
PHYS 498 - Senior Seminar in Physics - 3 hours
Prereq: minimum of three hours of PHYS 495
A senior capstone class for physics majors, completing research started in previous semesters of PHYS 495. Students will write a senior paper and make a presentation at the end of the semester based on their undergraduate research experiences.
PHYS 499 - Problems in Physical Science - 1-3 hours
Prereq: elementary courses necessary for the problem to be undertaken and permission of instructor
Independent investigation of physical science problems. Three hours of laboratory work each week for each hour of credit.

* This course is the immediate prerequisite. Other preparation is required prior to this immediate prerequisite.

25 Feb 2013
