Offered by Department of Physics and Physical Science
College of Natural and Social Sciences

ENGR Courses

ENGR 101 - Introduction to Engineering - 3 hours
Prereq: none
Students will examine relevant and practical industrial and commercial engineering applications to gain necessary engineering skills that will help them succeed as a student as well as a professional engineer. A variety of engineering disciplines will be highlighted and discussed, as well as topics in the underlying physical, chemical, and biological scientific principles and processes related to each topic. The class will use a specified focus area that involves real world applications to aid in the conceptualization and learning of the course material.
ENGR 130 - Computer Aided Drafting for Mechanical Engineering - 3 hours
Corequisite: ENGR 101
Principles and accepted practices of geometric design in mechanical engineering. Computer generation of 2D and 3D models for mechanical systems. Introduction to engineering design practices such as specifications, dimensioning, and tolerance.
ENGR 215 - Engineering Circuits I - 4 hours
Prereq: PHYS 276, Co-requiste MATH 202
Introduction to electrical engineering circuit theory. Kirchhoff's laws and circuit analysis theorems applied to steady state DC resistive circuits. Analysis of transient RLC and sinusoidal steady-state circuits. Lecture 3 hours, lab 1 hour.
ENGR 216 - Engineering Circuits II - 4 hours
Prereq: ENGR 215
Steady state power calculations for sinusoidal single-phase and balanced three-phase circuits. Analysis of circuits containing mutual inductance. Advanced analysis of active and passive circuits in both the time and frequency domain. Introduction to fundamentals of semiconductor theory and their application to p-n junction devices. Kirchhoff's laws and circuit analysis theorems applied to steady state diode and transistor circuits. Applications of operational amplifiers. Lecture 3 hours, lab 1 hour.
ENGR 223 - Engineering Statics - 3 hours
Prereq: ENGR 101 , PHYS 276, Co-requisite MATH 202
Analysis of forces, using vector algebra, acting on particles and rigid bodies in static equilibrium; equivalent systems of forces; friction; centroids and moments of inertia; introduction to energy methods.
ENGR 325 - Mechanics of Materials - 3 hours
Prereq: ENGR 223 , Co-requisite MATH 260
Stresses and strain in solids, uniaxial loading, linear elasticity, material behavior, stresses in beams, pressure vessels, Torsion of circular shafts, bending of beams of symmetrical section, column buckling and elastic instability.
ENGR 373 - Engineering Dynamics - 3 hours
Prereq: ENGR 223 , Co-requisite MATH 260
Basic theory of engineering mechanics, using calculus, involving the displacement, velocity, and acceleration of particles, rigid bodies, and systems of particles. Newton’s Laws, work and energy relationships, principles of impulse and momentum are applied to the solution of kinematic engineering problems.

2 Oct 2015