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Student Activities Council is an active organization that strives to make free time activity a cooperative part of study and education. The organization provides educational, cultural and social programming for all students at UNK.
Student program committees coordinate activities and events including: Expressive Arts, Mainstage, Exhibits, Hanging of the Greens, Bike Bowl, Homecoming festivities, Blue and Gold Welcome Week, and Parents' Day. Membership in Student Activities Council is open to all interested students. The S.A.C. office is located in the Nebraskan.
The University of Nebraska at Kearney is interested in the spiritual life of its students and, in order to help meet their needs, encourages participation by students in a variety of religious organizations. While not endorsing any one religious group or denomination, UNK encourages students to become involved in campus ministries and churches of their choice. Some of these organizations meet directly on campus while others have facilities less than a block away. In order to meet the spiritual needs of the University community, national organizations and churches throughout the state provide campus ministers, facilities and programs such as Sunday worship, Bible studies, fellowship groups, study seminars, service projects, weekday worship and counseling.
Baptist Student Union (So. Baptist)
2811 Ave. I
Campus Crusade for Christ, International
Campus Lutheran
2715 9th Avenue
Evangelical Lutheran Churches in America
Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod
Chi Alpha (Assemblies of God)
Christian Student Fellowship
2310 14th Avenue
Newman Center (Roman Catholic)
821 West 27th
Roger Williams Fellowship (American Baptist)
1616 w. 39th Street
St Luke's Episcopal Church/Canterbury House
2213 14th Avenue
United Campus Ministries in Higher Education (UMHE)
807 W. 28th (United Methodist, Presbyterian, United Church
of Christ, and Disciples of Christ)
Student Religious Organizations
Students who achieve high scholastic standing may be invited to become members of an honor society in their major field of study.
Alpha Mu Gamma: National foreign language honor society for modern language students and international students.
Alpha Psi Omega: National theatre honor society.
Delta Omicron: International music fraternity for students with a music major or minor.
Gamma Theta Upsilon: International honor society for geography students.
K-Club: Athletic honor society.
Kappa Delta Pi: Honors juniors and seniors enrolled in the teacher education program.
Kappa Mu Epsilon: Recognizes outstanding achievement in the field of mathematics.
Kappa Omicron Nu: Home Economics fraternity.
Kappa Pi: National art honor society.
Mortar Board, Xi Phi Chapter: Scholastic and leadership fraternity for juniors and seniors.
National Residence Halls Honor Society: Recognizes students demonstrating outstanding leadership within the residence hall system.
Nebraska Alpha Phi Theta Kappa: Transfer student fraternity open to all transfer students as associate members, or to those with a 3.5 GPA at a previous institution as full members.
Omicron Delta Epsilon: An international honor society for those who have completed at least 12 hours in economics and have a 3.0 or better overall grade point average and a 3.0 or better in economics courses.
Order of Omega: Recognizes those who attain a high standard of leadership in Greek activities.
Phi Alpha: A national honor society for social work students.
Phi Alpha Theta: Honors students achieving academic excellence in history.
Phi Eta Sigma: Freshman Honor Society open to those with a 3.75 GPA.
Psi Chi: National honor society in psychology.
Rho Lambda: Greek honor society for junior women who are full-time students.
Sigma Delta Pi: For juniors, seniors and graduate Spanish majors with a 3.5 average in Spanish and a 3.0 average overall. The chapter is the oldest chapter in Nebraska.
Sigma Tau Delta: For English majors with at least 12 hours of English and with a GPA of at least 3.0 in English.
Society for Collegiate Journalists: Journalism honor society for students who have worked on a student publication for two semesters.
Spurs: A national honor society for sophomores who are selected for scholarship and leadership participation.
UNK Leadership Development Council: Serves to recognize student leaders.
Airway Science: Enables students to cultivate an interest in aviation.
African Heritage Association: Encourages a deeper understanding of the African culture.
American Marketing Association: Open to all students interested in marketing.
Antelope: The student newspaper.
Association for Computer Machinery: For students interested in computer science.
Awareness Peer Educators Association: Presents educational programs for students.
Biology Club: Membership is open to anyone interested in biology.
Campus Democrats: Stimulates interest in governmental affairs and fosters and perpetuates the ideals and principles of the Democratic Party.
College Republicans: Supports the Republican Party and works to involve young people in government.
Criminal Justice Club: Open to students majoring or minoring in criminal justice.
Dietetics Association, UNK Student Chapter: Open to all persons who are dietetics majors or to those interested in foods or nutrition.
Elementary Education Majors Club: Membership is open to all elementary education majors.
Geography Club (Friends of Geography): All students interested in geography are invited to become members.
Great Plains Model United Nations: Promotes social awareness of better standards of life and increased justice.
History Club: Open to any students who are interested in history.
Hispanic Student Association: Seeks to encourage awareness of the Hispanic heritage.
Industrial Technology Club: Open to UNK students with at least a 2.0 overall GPA who are interested in industrial technology, management and telecommunications.
Interfraternity Council: Governing body for fraternities.
International Association of Business Communications: Exposes students to a chosen field of business and provides opportunities for practical experience.
International Student Association: Encourages international student participation in social, cultural, and academic programs.
Intramural Council: Students who assist the intramural director in administering and adjudicating the intramural program.
Locke and Key Political Science Society: Open to all students interested in political science.
Marketing-UNK Collegiate Chapter of American Marketing: Offers experience and employment information in the field of marketing.
MENC (Music Educators National Conference): All music majors and minors are eligible for membership.
NAEA (National Art Education Association) UNK Student Chapter: Promotes interest in art and art education.
Native American Students Association: Members have an opportunity to gain an understanding of the cultural heritage of Native Americans.
Nebraska Home Economics Association, Student Members Section: Designed to acquaint students with the field and to develop leadership skills; members must be a family and consumer science major or minor.
Omicron Rho Chi: Promotes excellence in dance. All interested students are welcome.
Panhellenic Council: Governing body for sororities.
Pershing Rifles: University Honor Guard. Develops drill and Ceremonies. Membership includes Cannon Crew duties and honors for distinguished visitors.
Pharmacy Club: Provides its members with information on current trends and careers in the field of pharmacy.
Phi Beta Lambda: A national organization open to all UNK students interested in business and business education.
Phi Rho Epsilon: Students interested in French culture are encouraged to join.
Physical Education Majors and Minors: For students seeking an endorsement in coaching and/or teaching.
Pi Kappa Delta: Open to all students interested in debate, forensics, and a broader understanding of the human communication process.
Psychology Club: Welcomes all students who are interested in psychology.
Recreational Fitness Club: Advances interest in recreation, physical fitness, and management of leisure time.
Rodeo Club: Open to students interested in the sport of rodeo and intercollegiate rodeo competition.
Society For Human Resource Management (SHRM): Facilitates knowledge of new developments in the field of human resources. Open to all students interested in Human Resource Management.
Society for Physics Students: All students with an interest in physics are invited to join.
Sociology Club: Designed to exchange ideas, learn about career opportunities and to encourage student participation on campus and in the community.
Spanish Club: For students interested in Spanish culture and language.
Kearney Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association (KSSLHA): Promotes interest in and support for, the areas of speech, language and hearing as a profession. Any interested student may join.
Student Advocates - 49'ers: An organized student lobbyist group dedicated to representing the institution at the Nebraska Legislature. Membership is open to all students.
Student Conduct Board: A residence hall student peer board that deals with residence hall discipline cases.
Student Council for Exceptional Children (SCEC): Membership is open to students with a major or minor in special education.
Student Court: The judicial branch of student government. Members are appointed by the Student Senate president.
Student Education Association of Nebraska: S.E.A.N. provides information to students preparing for a career in education.
Student Nurses Association: Open to pre-nursing students and nursing students.
Student Senate: Acts as the legislative branch of the Associated Students of UNK.
Student Social Work Organization (SSWO): Enhances the quality of social work principles, ethical values, practices, and services.
Students Plus: Serves as a support group for UNK students who are 25 years of age or older. The group assists nontraditional students in achieving academic success and acts as a social facilitator.
Travel and Tourism Club: This club is open to all students who are interested in learning about tourism on a regional, state, national, and international level.
United Minority Students Association (UMSA): The UMSA promotes understanding of and among various minority groups affiliated with UNK. UMSA seeks to promote the importance and value of cultural diversity.
Wildlife Society: Aims to enlarge and develop a better interest and understanding in wildlife science and fishery science.
Youth Association for Retarded Citizens (YARC): Members serve as friends to mentally retarded persons, to help them learn to live in, work in, and attempt to better their world.
Ambassadors: Promoters of UNK, these students assist the chancellor, the UNK Foundation and other areas designated by their advisory board.
Ecology Now: Members seek to generate information for a greater awareness and appreciation of the earth's environment.
Promoting Alcohol Responsibility Through You (P.A.R.T.Y.): Open to students wanting to help educate young adults about the risks of drinking and driving.
Residence Hall Association: RHA is the governing body of the residence halls and serves as a representative voice for the students.
Spirit Squad: Spirit Squad actively promotes spirit at athletic events.
Student Activities Council (SAC): Provides cultural, social, educational and recreational programs for all students. Interested students are encouraged to join.
Student Alumni Board: Serves as a liaison between the University of Nebraska at Kearney Alumni Association and the student body.
The Panhellenic Council is the governing board for the national affiliated sororities for women. The University of Nebraska at Kearney Panhellenic Council functions through delegates from each sorority and cooperates with UNK authorities in their effort to maintain high social and scholastic standards. UNK sororities include: Alpha Omicron Pi, Alpha Phi, Chi Omega and Gamma Phi Beta.
Each social fraternity selects representatives to the Interfraternity Council. The council functions as a coordinating agency for the many activities of the member fraternities.
Currently there are eight national social fraternities on campus: Alpha Tau Omega, Delta Tau Delta, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Kappa Tau, Pi Kappa Alpha, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Sigma Tau Gamma and Theta Xi.
The Carillon: This is an undergraduate publication jointly sponsored by Sigma Tau Delta, the National English Honor Society, and Phi Eta Sigma, the National Freshman Scholastic Honor Society. The purpose of this journal is to encourage quality undergraduate writing at the University of Nebraska at Kearney. All students are encouraged to submit manuscripts.
The Platte Valley Review: This journal of scholarly and creative writing is published twice a year by the UNK Press. It includes writing by UNK faculty members and invited outside authors.
Studies in Contemporary Satire: The nation's oldest satire journal, this publication includes both creative and critical works. With the assistance of an international Advisory Board and support from the College of Fine Arts and Humanities, the Department of English publishes the journal annually. It includes the work of outstanding satirists from around the globe.
The UNK radio/television complex is located in the Mitchell Center which is a wing of the C. T. Ryan Library. KSCV-FM currently broadcasts at the power of 1000 watts serving Kearney and the surrounding area with information, sports and music programming. Participation is open to all qualified students. Television experience may be gained by qualified students interested in production of programs which are fed to Kearney's Channel 8. Programs are produced in a well-equipped, full-color television facility featuring advanced special effects capabilities and sophisticated post production editing areas. Courses offered lead to a B.A. or B.S. degree with a choice of three areas of emphasis or a minor in broadcasting.
UNK has traditionally supported a strong forensics program. Students have won numerous national, regional and state awards in debate and individual events.
The program is available to all interested students, providing them opportunities to refine speaking and leadership skills along with the opportunity to travel and meet students from other states.
The University theatre program combines a solid academic curriculum with a vigorous co-curricular production schedule. Several major productions, as well as a season of experimental works, are presented each year. In addition, the department presents the Great Platte River Playwrights' Festival each summer, which focuses on the development of original scripts.
The theatre program is designed with a threefold purpose: (1) to prepare students for graduate study in the theatre arts, (2) to educate high school teachers, and (3) to provide intensive preparation for the professional theatre.
The Music program offers a minor in dance with pre-professional emphasis. Students may perform in the annual musical, dance concert, dance workshops and lecture-demonstrations.