University of Nebraska at Kearney

1996-98 UNK Undergraduate Catalog

College of Fine Arts and Humanities

Department of

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Robert Luscher, Chair
Professors: Anderson, K. Benzel, M. Benzel, Jussel, V. Plambeck, Welch
Associate Professors: George, Luscher, Peck, Peek, R. Umland, S. Umland
Assistant Professors: Emrys, Grandone, Horner, Petruzzi, Schneider, Sinclair
Lecturers: Bosshardt, Canfield, Christensen, Flood, Francis, Hansen, Jensen, Kingsley, Kruse, Liss, Lowenberg, Miles, Norton, Olsen, M. Plambeck, Raymond, Sanks, Weber, Whitaker, Wood

Department Objectives

(Upon request, the Department provides prospective students with a more detailed list of objectives.)


Two options are available in this major:

I. English Option - Bachelor of Arts Degree
II. English Teaching Subject Endorsement Option - Bachelor of Arts in Education Degree

The minor in English is available for students pursuing majors in other disciplines. The Elementary Education major has a specially defined minor in English.

Courses with the prefix ENG are offered by the department.

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1996-1998 UNK Undergraduate Catalog (8-7-95)